'ID', 'Code' => '单据编号', 'Supplier_id' => '供应商ID', 'Supplier' => '供应商', 'Contact' => '联系人', 'Phone' => '联系电话', 'Delivery_time' => '交货日期', 'Type' => '交货方式', 'Purman_id' => '采购审核人', 'Billing_time' => '制单日期', 'City' => '所属区域', 'Address' => '详细地址', 'Rate' => '税率(%)', 'Money' => '税前金额', 'Totalmoney' => '应付金额', 'Status' => '订单状态', 'Storage' => '是否入库', 'Firmid' => '企业id', 'Remark' => '备注', 'Admin_id' => '数据添加ID', 'Stoman_id' => '入库操作人', 'Createtime' => '创建时间', 'Updatetime' => '更新时间', 'Deletetime' => '删除时间', 'Supplier.name' => '供应商名称', 'Status 0' => "未审核", 'Status 1' => "审核失败", 'Status 2' => "待入库", 'Status 3' => "已完成", 'Storage 0' => " ", 'Storage 1' => "待入库", 'Storage 2' => "已入库", "Type 0" => "买家自提", "Type 1" => "卖方发货", "Type 2" => "代发", "Serial number" => "序号", "Sku" => "Sku", "Commodity" => "商品", "Specification" => "规格", "Attributes" => "属性", "Quantity" => "数量", "Unit" => "单位", "unit price" => "单价", "Subtotal" => "小计", "Remarks" => "备注", "Prop" => "属性", "BefMoney" => "税前金额", 'Delivery' => "交货日期", "Billing" => "制单日期", "Adress" => "供应商地址", 'Info' => '信息', "Product cannot be empty" => "产品不能为空", "Data does not exist" => "数据不存在", "not editable" => "不可编辑", "Selected" => "选取", "Select product" => "选择产品", "Warehouse" => "入库仓库", "Amounts payable $" => "应付金额¥", "Total" => "合计", "Approved yes" => "通过审核", "Approved no" => "未通过审核", "Existing inbound order generation, not reverse audit" => "已有入库单生成,不可反审核", "operate fail" => "操作失败", "Anti" => "反审核", "Reason cannot be empty" => "原因不能为空", "Please fill in the reason" => "请填写原因", "look" => "详情", "look" => "详情", "Retire" => "退货单", "Print" => "打印", "Approved no" => "未通过审核", "Approved yes" => "通过审核", "Confirm storage" => "确认入库", "Anti audit" => "反审核", "Reason for failure" => "审核失败原因", "Please fill in the reason" => "请填写原因", "system" => "系统管理", "Please select a warehouse" => "请选择仓库", "output" => "数据导出", "delete fail" => "删除失败", "Getsalesman" => "业务员列表", "Getsalesman2" => "仓库列表", "UpdateStatus" => "更新状态", "look" => "详情", "totalNums" => '产品总数', "wait_nums" => "未生成录库单数", "storageNums" => "已入库数", "Select supplier" => "选择供应商", "Description" => "说明", "Generate inbound" => "生成入库单", "No product results found" => "该单据没有产品记录", "Please select the warehouse area"=>"请选择库区" ];