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1 year ago
namespace think\tests;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use think\Config;
class ConfigTest extends TestCase
public function testLoad()
$root = vfsStream::setup();
$file = vfsStream::newFile('test.php')->setContent("<?php return ['key1'=> 'value1','key2'=>'value2'];");
$config = new Config();
$config->load($file->url(), 'test');
$this->assertEquals('value1', $config->get('test.key1'));
$this->assertEquals('value2', $config->get('test.key2'));
$this->assertSame(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2'], $config->get('test'));
public function testSetAndGet()
$config = new Config();
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => [
'key3' => 'value3',
], 'test');
$this->assertEquals('value1', $config->get('test.key1'));
$this->assertEquals('value3', $config->get('test.key2.key3'));
$this->assertEquals(['key3' => 'value3'], $config->get('test.key2'));
$this->assertEquals('none', $config->get('test.key3', 'none'));