You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

760 lines
31 KiB

1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2022 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace crmeb\services;
use app\common\repositories\store\order\StoreImportDeliveryRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\order\StoreOrderProfitsharingRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\order\StoreOrderRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\ExcelRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\order\StoreRefundOrderRepository;
use app\common\repositories\system\financial\FinancialRepository;
use app\common\repositories\system\merchant\FinancialRecordRepository;
use app\common\repositories\system\merchant\MerchantIntentionRepository;
use app\common\repositories\user\UserBillRepository;
use app\common\repositories\user\UserExtractRepository;
use app\common\repositories\user\UserVisitRepository;
use think\Exception;
use think\facade\Db;
class ExcelService
public function getAll($data)
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
$this->{$data['type']}($data['where'], $data['excel_id']);
* TODO 导出操作
* @param $id
* @param $path
* @param $header
* @param $title
* @param array $export
* @param string $filename
* @param array $end
* @param string $suffix
* @author Qinii
* @day 3/17/21
public function export($id, $path, $header, $title, $export = [], $filename = '',$end = [],$suffix = 'xlsx')
$_path = SpreadsheetExcelService::instance()
->setExcelHeader($header,count($title['mark']) + 2)
->excelSave($filename, $suffix, $path);
'name' => $filename.'.'.$suffix,
'status' => 1,
'path' => '/'.$_path
}catch (Exception $exception){
'name' => $filename.'.'.$suffix,
'status' => 2,
'message' => $exception->getMessage()
* TODO 搜索记录导出
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author xaboy
* @day 6/10/21
public function searchLog(array $where, int $id)
$header = ['序号', '用户ID', '用户昵称', '用户类型', '搜索词', '搜索时间', '首次访问时间'];
$user_type = [
'h5' => 'H5',
'wechat' => '公众号',
'routine' => '小程序',
$export = [];
$title = [];
$query = app()->make(UserVisitRepository::class)->search($where)->with(['user' => function ($query) {
}])->order('create_time DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$logs = $query->select();
foreach ($logs as $log) {
$export[] = [
$log['user'] ? $log['user']['uid'] : '未登录',
$log['user'] ? $log['user']['nickname'] : '未知',
$log['user'] ? ($user_type[$log['user']['user_type']] ?? $log['user']['user_type']) : '未知',
$log['user'] ? $log['user']['create_time'] : '未知',
$filename = '搜索记录_' . date('YmdHis');
$foot = [];
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 导出订单
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 2020-08-10
public function order(array $where, int $page, int $limit )
$paytype = [0 => '余额', 1 => '微信', 2 => '小程序', 3 => 'H5', 4 => '支付宝', 5 => '支付宝扫码', 6 => '微信扫码',];
$make = app()->make(StoreOrderRepository::class);
$status = $where['status'];
$del = $where['mer_id'] > 0 ? 0 : null;
$query = $make->search($where, $del)->where($make->getOrderType($status))->with([
'merchant' => function ($query) {return $query->field('mer_id,mer_name');},
])->order('order_id ASC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->select()->append(['refund_price']);
$export = [];
foreach ($list as $item) {
$product = [];
foreach ($item['orderProduct'] as $value) {
$product[] = [
$value['cart_info']['productAttr']['sku'] ?: '无',
$value['product_num'].' '. $value['unit_name'],
$one = [
$item['order_type'] ? '核销订单':'普通订单',
$item['spread']['nickname'] ?? '无',
$item['user']['nickname'] ?? $item['uid'],
$item['coupon_price'] ,
$item['user_address'] ?: '',
$item['delivery_id'] ?: '',
$item['paid'] ? '已支付':'未支付',
$item['remark'] ?: '',
$export[] = $one;
$header = ['商户名称','订单编号','订单类型','推广人','用户信息', '商品名称','商品规格','商品数量','商品价格','优惠','实付邮费(元)','实付金额(元)','已退款金额(元)', '收货人','收货人电话','收货地址','物流/电话','下单时间','支付方式','支付状态','商家备注'];
$filename = '订单列表_'.date('YmdHis');
$title = ['订单列表','导出时间:'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())];
$foot = '';
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 流水记录导出
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 2020-08-10
public function financial(array $where,int $page,int $limit)
$_key = [
'mer_accoubts' => '财务对账',
'sys_accoubts' => '财务对账',
'refund_order' => '退款订单',
'brokerage_one' => '一级分佣',
'brokerage_two' => '二级分佣',
'refund_brokerage_one' => '返还一级分佣',
'refund_brokerage_two' => '返还二级分佣',
'order' => '订单支付',
'order_platform_coupon' => '平台优惠券补贴',
'refund_platform_coupon' => '退回平台优惠券',
'order_svip_coupon' => '付费会员卷',
'refund_svip_coupon' => '退回付费会员卷',
$make = app()->make(FinancialRecordRepository::class);
$query = $make->search($where)->with([
$header = ['商户名称','交易流水单号','类型','总订单号','订单号/退款单号','用户名','用户ID','交易类型','收入/支出','金额','创建时间'];
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$export = [];
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page,$limit)->select();
foreach ($list as $v) {
$wx = (substr($v['order_sn'],0,2) === 'wx');
$export[] = [
$wx ? '订单' : '退款单',
$wx ? $v['orderInfo']['groupOrder']['group_order_sn'] : '' ,
$wx ? $v['order_sn'] : $v['refundOrder']['refund_order_sn'] ,
$v['financial_pm'] ? '收入' : '支出',
($v['financial_pm'] ? '+ ' : '- ') . $v['number'],
$filename = '流水列表_'.date('YmdHis');
$foot =[];
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 获取待发货订单 发货信息
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 3/13/21
public function delivery(array $where,int $page, int $limit)
$make = app()->make(StoreOrderRepository::class);
$where['order_type'] = 0;
$query = $make->search($where)->with(['orderProduct'])->order('order_id ASC');
$header = ['订单编号','物流公司','物流编码','物流单号', '发货地址','用户信息','手机号','商品信息','支付时间'];
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()),
$filename = '批量发货单_'.date('YmdHis');
$export = [];
$count = $query->count();
$data = $query->page($page,$limit)->select();
foreach ($data as $item){
$product = '';
foreach ($item['orderProduct'] as $value){
$product = $product.$value['cart_info']['product']['store_name'].'【'. $value['cart_info']['productAttr']['sku'] .'】【' . $value['product_num'].'】'.PHP_EOL;
$export[] = [
$item['order_sn'] ?? '',
$item['real_name'] ?? '',
$item['user_phone'] ?? '',
$item['pay_time'] ?? '',
$foot = [];
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 导出 发货导入记录
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 3/17/21
public function importDelivery(array $where,int $page,int $limit)
$make = app()->make(StoreImportDeliveryRepository::class);
$query = $make->getSearch($where)->order('create_time ASC');
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$header = ['订单编号','物流公司','物流单号', '发货状态','备注'];
$filename = '发货单记录_'.date('YmdHis');
$export = [];
$count = $query->count();
$data = $query->page($page,$limit)->select();
foreach ($data as $item){
$export[] = [
$foot = [];
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 平台/商户 导出日月账单信息
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 3/25/21
public function exportFinancial(array $where,int $page, int $limit)
order 收入 公共 新订单
brokerage_one 支出 公共 一级佣金
brokerage_two 支出 公共 二级佣金
order_charge 支出 商户 手续费
order_true 支出 平台 商户入账
refund_order 支出 公共 退款
refund_brokerage_one 收入 公共 返还一级佣金
refund_brokerage_two 收入 公共 返还二级佣金
refund_charge 收入 商户 返还手续费
refund_true 收入 平台 商户返还入账
presell 收入 公共 新订单
presell_charge 支出 商户 手续费
presell_true 支出 平台 商户入账
$financialType = [
'order' => '订单支付',
'presell' => '预售订单(尾款)',
'brokerage_one' => '一级佣金',
'brokerage_two' => '二级佣金',
'order_charge' => '手续费',
'order_true' => '商户入账',
'refund_order' => '退款',
'refund_charge' => '返还手续费',
'refund_true' => '商户返还入账',
'presell_charge'=> '预售订单(手续费)',
'presell_true' => '商户入账',
'refund_brokerage_one' => '返还一级佣金',
'refund_brokerage_two' => '返还二级佣金',
'mer_presell' => '预售订单(总额)',
'order_presell' => '预售订单(定金)',
'refund_platform_coupon' => '退回优惠券补贴',
'order_platform_coupon' => '优惠券补贴',
$sys_pm_1 = ['order','presell','order_charge','order_presell','presell_charge','refund_brokerage_one','refund_brokerage_two'];
$mer_pm_1 = ['order','presell','refund_charge','refund_brokerage_one','refund_brokerage_two','mer_presell','order_platform_coupon'];
$date_ = $where['date'];unset($where['date']);
$make = app()->make(FinancialRecordRepository::class);
$query = $make->search($where)->with(['orderInfo','refundOrder','merchant.merchantCategory']);
if($where['type'] == 1){
$title_ = '日账单';
$start_date = $date_.' 00:00:00';
$end_date = $date_.' 23:59:59';
$title_ = '月账单';
$start_date = (date('Y-m-01', strtotime($date_)));
$end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$start_date +1 month -1 day"));
$income = $make->countIncome($where['type'],$where,$date_);
$expend = $make->countExpend($where['type'],$where,$date_);
$refund = $make->countRefund($where['type'],$where,$date_);
$charge = bcsub($income['number'],$expend['number'],2);
$filename = $title_.'('.$date_.')'.time();
$export = [];
$limit = 20;
$count = $query->count();
$i = 1;
$order_make = app()->make(StoreOrderRepository::class);
$header = ['商户类别','商户分类','商户名称','总订单号','订单编号','交易流水号','交易时间', '对方信息','交易类型','收支金额','备注'];
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->order('create_time DESC')->select();
foreach ($list as $value) {
$order = $order_make->get($value['order_id']);
$export[] = [
$value['merchant']['is_trader'] ? '自营' : '非自营',
$value['merchant']['merchantCategory']['category_name'] ?? '平台',
$value['merchant']['mer_name'] ?? '平台',
$order['groupOrder']['group_order_sn'] ?? '无数据',
(in_array($value['financial_type'], $sys_pm_1) ? '+' : '-') . $value['number'],
$foot = [
'合计:平台应入账手续费 '.$charge,
'收入合计: '.'订单支付'.$income['count'].'笔,'.'实际支付金额共:'.$income['number'].'元;',
'支出合计: '.'佣金支出'.$expend['count_brokerage'].'笔,支出金额:'.$expend['number_brokerage'].'元;商户入账支出'.$expend['count_order'].'笔,支出金额:'.$expend['number_order'].'元;退款手续费'.$expend['count_charge'].'笔,支出金额'.$expend['number_charge'].'元;合计支出'.$expend['number'],
$header = ['序号','总订单号','子订单编号','交易流水号','交易时间', '对方信息','交易类型','收支金额','备注'];
$mer_name = '';
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->order('create_time DESC')->select();
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$order = $order_make->get($value['order_id']);
$export[] = [
$order['groupOrder']['group_order_sn'] ?? '无数据',
(in_array($value['financial_type'], $mer_pm_1) ? '+' : '-') . $value['number'],
$mer_name = $mer_name ? $mer_name : ($value['merchant']['mer_name'] ?? '');
$count_brokeage = $expend['count_brokerage'] + $expend['count_refund_brokerage'];
$number_brokeage = bcsub($expend['number_brokerage'],$expend['number_refund_brokerage'],2);
$count_charge = $expend['count_charge']+$expend['count_order_charge'];
$number_charge = bcsub($expend['number_order_charge'],$expend['number_charge'],2);
$foot = [
'合计:商户应入金额 '.$charge,
'收入合计: '.'订单支付'.$income['count'].'笔,'.'实际支付金额共:'.$income['number'].'元;',
'支出合计: '.'佣金支出'.$count_brokeage.'笔,支出金额:'.$number_brokeage.'元;退款'.$expend['count_refund'].'笔,支出金额:'.$expend['number_refund'].'元;平台手续费'.$count_charge.'笔,支出金额:'.$number_charge.'元;合计支出金额:'.$expend['number'].'元;',
//'商户应入金额 '.$charge,
$mer_name = '商户名称:'.$mer_name;
$title = [
$mer_name ?? '平台',
'结算账期:【' .$start_date.'】至【'.$end_date.'】',
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 退款单导出
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 6/10/21
public function refundOrder(array $where,int $page, int $limit)
$query = app()->make(StoreRefundOrderRepository::class)->search($where)
->where('is_system_del', 0)->with([
'order' => function ($query) {
'user' => function ($query) {
'merchant' => function ($query) {
])->order('StoreRefundOrder.create_time DESC');
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$header = ['商户名称','退款单号','申请时间','最新更新时间', '退款金额','退货件量','退货商品信息','退款类型','订单状态','拒绝理由','退货人','退货地址','相关订单号','退货物流公司','退货物流单号','备注'];
$filename = '退款订单'.time();
$status = [
0 => '待审核',
1 => '待退货',
2 => '待收货',
3 => '已退款',
-1=> '审核未通过',
$count= $query->count();
$data = $query->page($page,$limit)->select()->toArray();
foreach ($data as $datum){
$product = '';
foreach ($datum['refundProduct'] as $value){
$product .= '【'.$value['product']['cart_info']['product']['product_id'].'】'.$value['product']['cart_info']['product']['store_name'].'*'.$value['refund_num'].$value['product']['cart_info']['product']['unit_name'].PHP_EOL;
$export[] = [
$datum['status_time'] ?? ' ',
($datum['refund_type'] == 1 ) ? '仅退款' : '退款退货',
$foot = '';
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 积分日志导出
* @param $where
* @param $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 6/10/21
public function integralLog($where,int $page, int $limit)
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$header = ['用户ID','用户昵称','积分标题','变动积分', '当前积分余额','备注','时间'];
$filename = '积分日志'.time();
$export = [];
$query = app()->make(UserBillRepository::class)->searchJoin($where)->order('a.create_time DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page,$limit)->select();
foreach ($list as $item) {
$export[] = [
$foot = '';
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
public function intention($where,int $page, int $limit)
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$header = ['商户姓名','联系方式','备注','店铺名称','店铺分类','时间'];
$filename = '申请列表'.time();
$export = [];
$query = app()->make(MerchantIntentionRepository::class)->search($where)->with(['merchantCategory', 'merchantType'])->order('a.create_time DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->select();
foreach ($list as $item) {
$export[] = [
$foot = '';
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 转账记录
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 9/28/21
public function financialLog(array $where, int $page, int $limit)
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$header = ['商户名称','申请时间','转账金额','到账状态','审核状态','拒绝理由','商户余额','转账信息'];
$filename = '转账记录_'.time();
$export = [];
$query = app()->make(FinancialRepository::class)->search($where)->with('merchant');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->select();
foreach ($list as $item) {
if ($item->financial_type == 1) {
$acount = '姓名:'.$item->financial_account->name.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '银行名称:'.$item->financial_account->bank.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '银行卡号:'.$item->financial_account->bank_code;
if ($item->financial_type == 2) {
$acount = '姓名:'.$item->financial_account->name.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '微信号:'.$item->financial_account->wechat.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '收款二维码地址:'.$item->financial_account->wechat_code;
if ($item->financial_type == 3) {
$acount = '姓名:'.$item->financial_account->name.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '支付宝号:'.$item->financial_account->alipay.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '收款二维码地址:'.$item->financial_account->alipay_code;
$export[] = [
$item->financial_status == 1 ? '已转账' : '未转账',
$item->status == 1 ? '通过' : ($item->status == 0 ? '待审核' : '拒绝'),
$foot = '';
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 用户提现申请
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 9/28/21
public function extract(array $where, int $page, int $limit)
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$type = [
$header = ['用户名','用户UID','提现金额','余额','审核状态','拒绝理由','提现方式','转账信息'];
$filename = '提现申请_'.time();
$path = 'extract';
$export = [];
$query = app()->make(UserExtractRepository::class)->search($where)->order('create_time DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->select();
foreach ($list as $item) {
$acount = '';
if ($item->extract_type == 0) {
$acount .= '银行地址:'.$item->bank_address.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '银行卡号:'.$item->bank_code;
if ($item->extract_type == 2) {
$acount .= '微信号:'.$item->wechat.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '收款二维码地址:'.$item->extract_pic;
if ($item->extract_type == 1) {
$acount .= '支付宝号:'.$item->alipay.PHP_EOL;
$acount .= '收款二维码地址:'.$item->extract_pic;
$export[] = [
$item->status == 1 ? '通过' : ($item->status == 0 ? '待审核' : '拒绝'),
$foot = '';
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 分账管理
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 9/28/21
public function profitsharing(array $where, int $page, int $limit)
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$header = ['订单编号','商户名称','订单类型','状态','分账时间','订单金额'];
$filename = '分账明细_'.time();
$export = [];
$query = app()->make(StoreOrderProfitsharingRepository::class)->search($where)->with('order','merchant')->order('create_time DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->select();
foreach ($list as $item) {
$info = '分账金额:'. $item->profitsharing_price.PHP_EOL;
if(isset($item->profitsharing_price) && $item->profitsharing_price > 0) $info .= '退款金额:'. $item->profitsharing_refund.PHP_EOL;
$info .= '分账给商户金额:'. $item->profitsharing_mer_price;
$export[] = [
$item->order->order_sn ?? '',
$foot = '';
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');
* TODO 资金记录
* @param array $where
* @param int $id
* @author Qinii
* @day 9/28/21
public function bill(array $where, int $page, int $limit)
$title = [
'生成时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())
$header = ['用户ID','昵称','金额','明细类型','备注','时间'];
$filename = '资金记录_'.time();
$export = [];
$query = app()->make(UserBillRepository::class)
->searchJoin($where)->order('a.create_time DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->select();
foreach ($list as $item) {
$export[] = [
$export = array_reverse($export);
$foot = '';
return compact('count','header','title','export','foot','filename');