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1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2022 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace crmeb\services;
use crmeb\services\alipay\AlipayNotify;
use Payment\Client;
use Payment\Proxies\AlipayProxy;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Route;
class AlipayService
* @var Client
protected $application;
* @var array
protected $config;
public function __construct(array $config)
$this->config = $config;
$this->application = new Client(Client::ALIPAY, $config);
public static function create($type = '')
return new self(self::getConfig($type));
public static function getConfig($type = '')
$config = systemConfig(['site_url', 'alipay_app_id', 'alipay_public_key', 'alipay_private_key', 'alipay_open']);
if (!$config['alipay_open']) throw new ValidateException('支付宝支付未开启');
$siteUrl = $config['site_url'];
return [
'app_id' => $config['alipay_app_id'],
'sign_type' => 'RSA2', // RSA RSA2
'limit_pay' => [
// 'balance',// 余额
// 'moneyFund',// 余额宝
// 'debitCardExpress',// 借记卡快捷
//'creditCardExpress',// 信用卡快捷
//'credit_group',// 信用支付类型(包含信用卡卡通、信用卡快捷、花呗、花呗分期)
], // 用户不可用指定渠道支付当有多个渠道时用“,”分隔
// 支付宝公钥字符串
'ali_public_key' => $config['alipay_public_key'],
// 自己生成的密钥字符串
'rsa_private_key' => $config['alipay_private_key'],
'notify_url' => rtrim($siteUrl, '/') . Route::buildUrl('alipayNotify', ['type' => $type])->build(),
'return_url' => $siteUrl,
public function qrPaymentPrepare($out_trade_no, $total_fee, $body, $detail = '')
$data = [
'body' => $detail ?: $body,
'subject' => $body,
'trade_no' => $out_trade_no,
'amount' => floatval($total_fee),
'time_expire' => time() + (15 * 60),
'return_params' => $out_trade_no,
try {
$res = $this->application->pay(Client::ALI_CHANNEL_QR, $data);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new ValidateException('支付宝支付错误返回:' . $e->getMessage());
return $res['qr_code'];
public function appPaymentPrepare($out_trade_no, $total_fee, $body, $detail = '')
$data = [
'body' => $detail ?: $body,
'subject' => $body,
'trade_no' => $out_trade_no,
'amount' => floatval($total_fee),
'time_expire' => time() + (15 * 60),
'goods_type' => 1,
'return_params' => $out_trade_no,
try {
$res = $this->application->pay(Client::ALI_CHANNEL_APP, $data);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new ValidateException('支付宝支付错误返回:' . $e->getMessage());
return $res;
public function wapPaymentPrepare($out_trade_no, $total_fee, $body, $return_url = '', $detail = '')
$data = [
'body' => $detail ?: $body,
'subject' => $body,
'trade_no' => $out_trade_no,
'amount' => floatval($total_fee),
'time_expire' => time() + (15 * 60),
'goods_type' => 1,
'return_params' => $out_trade_no,
$config = AlipayProxy::$config;
if ($return_url)
$config->offsetSet('return_url', $return_url);
$data['quit_url'] = $config->get('return_url');
try {
$res = $this->application->pay(Client::ALI_CHANNEL_WAP, $data);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new ValidateException('支付宝支付错误返回:' . $e->getMessage());
return $res;
public function payOrderRefund($trade_sn, array $data)
$data = [
'trade_no' => $trade_sn,
'refund_fee' => floatval($data['refund_price']),
'reason' => $data['refund_id'],
'refund_no' => $data['refund_id'],
return $this->application->refund($data);
public function notify($type)
$this->application->notify(new AlipayNotify($type));