You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1 year ago
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// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\validate\merchant;
use think\Validate;
class BroadcastRoomValidate extends Validate
protected $failException = true;
protected $rule = [
'name|直播间名字' => 'require|min:3|max:17',
'cover_img|背景图' => 'require',
'share_img|分享图' => 'require',
'anchor_name|主播昵称' => 'require|min:4|max:15',
'anchor_wechat|主播微信号' => 'require',
'phone|联系电话' => 'require|mobile',
'start_time|直播时间' => 'require|array|length:2|checkTime',
'type|直播间类型' => 'require|in:0,1',
'screen_type|显示样式' => 'require|in:0,1',
'close_like|是否开启点赞' => 'require|in:0,1',
'close_goods|是否开启货架' => 'require|in:0,1',
'close_comment|是否开启评论' => 'require|in:0,1',
'replay_status|是否开启回放' => 'require|in:0,1',
'close_share|是否开启分享' => 'require|in:0,1',
'close_kf|是否开启客服' => 'require|in:0,1',
protected function checkTime($value)
$start = strtotime($value[0]);
$end = strtotime($value[1]);
if ($end < $start) return '请选择正确的直播时间';
if ($start < strtotime('+ 15 minutes')) return '开播时间必须大于当前时间15分钟';
if ($start >= strtotime('+ 6 month')) return '开播时间不能在6个月后';
if (($end - $start) < (60 * 30)) return '直播时间不得小于30分钟';
if (($end - $start) > (60 * 60 * 24)) return '直播时间不得超过24小时';
return true;