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710 B

1 year ago
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Gregwar\Captcha\CaptchaBuilder;
* Generates 1000 captchas and try to read their code with the
* ocrad OCR
$tests = 10000;
$passed = 0;
shell_exec('rm passed*.jpg');
for ($i=0; $i<$tests; $i++) {
echo "Captcha $i/$tests... ";
$captcha = new CaptchaBuilder;
if ($captcha->isOCRReadable()) {
echo "passed at ocr... ";
} else {
echo "failed... ";
echo "pass rate: ".round(100*$passed/($i+1),2)."%\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Over, $passed/$tests readed with OCR\n";