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1 year ago
namespace ZipStreamTest;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use ZipStream\File;
use ZipStream\Option\Archive as ArchiveOptions;
use ZipStream\Option\File as FileOptions;
use ZipStream\Option\Method;
use ZipStream\ZipStream;
* Test Class for the Main ZipStream CLass
class ZipStreamTest extends TestCase
'/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Archive Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/Archive Utility';
public function testFileNotFoundException(): void
// Get ZipStream Object
$zip = new ZipStream();
// Trigger error by adding a file which doesn't exist
$zip->addFileFromPath('foobar.php', '/foo/bar/foobar.php');
public function testFileNotReadableException(): void
// create new virtual filesystem
$root = vfsStream::setup('vfs');
// create a virtual file with no permissions
$file = vfsStream::newFile('foo.txt', 0000)->at($root)->setContent('bar');
$zip = new ZipStream();
$zip->addFileFromPath('foo.txt', $file->url());
public function testDostime(): void
// Allows testing of protected method
$class = new \ReflectionClass(File::class);
$method = $class->getMethod('dostime');
$this->assertSame($method->invoke(null, 1416246368), 1165069764);
// January 1 1980 - DOS Epoch.
$this->assertSame($method->invoke(null, 315532800), 2162688);
// January 1 1970 -> January 1 1980 due to minimum DOS Epoch. @todo Throw Exception?
$this->assertSame($method->invoke(null, 0), 2162688);
public function testAddFile(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$zip->addFile('sample.txt', 'Sample String Data');
$zip->addFile('test/sample.txt', 'More Simple Sample Data');
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$files = $this->getRecursiveFileList($tmpDir);
$this->assertEquals(['sample.txt', 'test/sample.txt'], $files);
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/sample.txt', 'Sample String Data');
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/test/sample.txt', 'More Simple Sample Data');
* @return array
protected function getTmpFileStream(): array
$tmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'zipstreamtest');
$stream = fopen($tmp, 'wb+');
return array($tmp, $stream);
* @param string $tmp
* @return string
protected function validateAndExtractZip($tmp): string
$tmpDir = $this->getTmpDir();
$zipArch = new \ZipArchive;
$res = $zipArch->open($tmp);
if ($res !== true) {
$this->fail("Failed to open {$tmp}. Code: $res");
return $tmpDir;
$this->assertEquals(0, $zipArch->status);
$this->assertEquals(0, $zipArch->statusSys);
return $tmpDir;
protected function getTmpDir(): string
$tmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'zipstreamtest');
mkdir($tmp) or $this->fail('Failed to make directory');
return $tmp;
* @param string $path
* @return string[]
protected function getRecursiveFileList(string $path): array
$data = array();
$path = (string)realpath($path);
$files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
$pathLen = strlen($path);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$filePath = $file->getRealPath();
if (!is_dir($filePath)) {
$data[] = substr($filePath, $pathLen + 1);
return $data;
public function testAddFileUtf8NameComment(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$name = 'árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép.txt';
$content = 'Sample String Data';
$comment =
'Filename has every special characters ' .
'from Hungarian language in lowercase. ' .
'In uppercase: ÁÍŰŐÜÖÚÓÉ';
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
$zip->addFile($name, $content, $fileOptions);
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$files = $this->getRecursiveFileList($tmpDir);
$this->assertEquals(array($name), $files);
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/' . $name, $content);
$zipArch = new \ZipArchive();
$this->assertEquals($comment, $zipArch->getCommentName($name));
public function testAddFileUtf8NameNonUtfComment(): void
$stream = $this->getTmpFileStream()[1];
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$name = 'á.txt';
$content = 'any';
$comment = 'á';
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
$fileOptions->setComment(mb_convert_encoding($comment, 'ISO-8859-2', 'UTF-8'));
$zip->addFile($name, $content, $fileOptions);
public function testAddFileNonUtf8NameUtfComment(): void
$stream = $this->getTmpFileStream()[1];
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$name = 'á.txt';
$content = 'any';
$comment = 'á';
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
$zip->addFile(mb_convert_encoding($name, 'ISO-8859-2', 'UTF-8'), $content, $fileOptions);
public function testAddFileWithStorageMethod(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
$zip->addFile('sample.txt', 'Sample String Data', $fileOptions);
$zip->addFile('test/sample.txt', 'More Simple Sample Data');
$zipArch = new \ZipArchive();
$sample1 = $zipArch->statName('sample.txt');
$sample12 = $zipArch->statName('test/sample.txt');
$this->assertEquals($sample1['comp_method'], Method::STORE);
$this->assertEquals($sample12['comp_method'], Method::DEFLATE);
public function testDecompressFileWithMacUnarchiver(): void
if (!file_exists(self::OSX_ARCHIVE_UTILITY)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The Mac OSX Archive Utility is not available.');
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$folder = uniqid('', true);
$zip->addFile($folder . '/sample.txt', 'Sample Data');
exec(escapeshellarg(self::OSX_ARCHIVE_UTILITY) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($tmp), $output, $returnStatus);
$this->assertEquals(0, $returnStatus);
$this->assertCount(0, $output);
$this->assertFileExists(dirname($tmp) . '/' . $folder . '/sample.txt');
$this->assertStringEqualsFile(dirname($tmp) . '/' . $folder . '/sample.txt', 'Sample Data');
public function testAddFileFromPath(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
[$tmpExample, $streamExample] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
fwrite($streamExample, 'Sample String Data');
$zip->addFileFromPath('sample.txt', $tmpExample);
[$tmpExample, $streamExample] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
fwrite($streamExample, 'More Simple Sample Data');
$zip->addFileFromPath('test/sample.txt', $tmpExample);
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$files = $this->getRecursiveFileList($tmpDir);
$this->assertEquals(array('sample.txt', 'test/sample.txt'), $files);
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/sample.txt', 'Sample String Data');
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/test/sample.txt', 'More Simple Sample Data');
public function testAddFileFromPathWithStorageMethod(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
[$tmpExample, $streamExample] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
fwrite($streamExample, 'Sample String Data');
$zip->addFileFromPath('sample.txt', $tmpExample, $fileOptions);
[$tmpExample, $streamExample] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
fwrite($streamExample, 'More Simple Sample Data');
$zip->addFileFromPath('test/sample.txt', $tmpExample);
$zipArch = new \ZipArchive();
$sample1 = $zipArch->statName('sample.txt');
$this->assertEquals(Method::STORE, $sample1['comp_method']);
$sample2 = $zipArch->statName('test/sample.txt');
$this->assertEquals(Method::DEFLATE, $sample2['comp_method']);
public function testAddLargeFileFromPath(): void
$methods = [Method::DEFLATE(), Method::STORE()];
$falseTrue = [false, true];
foreach ($methods as $method) {
foreach ($falseTrue as $zeroHeader) {
foreach ($falseTrue as $zip64) {
if ($zeroHeader && $method->equals(Method::DEFLATE())) {
$this->addLargeFileFileFromPath($method, $zeroHeader, $zip64);
protected function addLargeFileFileFromPath($method, $zeroHeader, $zip64): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
[$tmpExample, $streamExample] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10000; $i++) {
fwrite($streamExample, sha1((string)$i));
if ($i % 100 === 0) {
fwrite($streamExample, "\n");
$shaExample = sha1_file($tmpExample);
$zip->addFileFromPath('sample.txt', $tmpExample);
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$files = $this->getRecursiveFileList($tmpDir);
$this->assertEquals(array('sample.txt'), $files);
$this->assertEquals(sha1_file($tmpDir . '/sample.txt'), $shaExample, "SHA-1 Mismatch Method: {$method}");
public function testAddFileFromStream(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
// In this test we can't use temporary stream to feed data
// because zlib.deflate filter gives empty string before PHP 7
// it works fine with file stream
$streamExample = fopen(__FILE__, 'rb');
$zip->addFileFromStream('sample.txt', $streamExample);
// fclose($streamExample);
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
$streamExample2 = fopen('php://temp', 'wb+');
fwrite($streamExample2, 'More Simple Sample Data');
rewind($streamExample2); // move the pointer back to the beginning of file.
$zip->addFileFromStream('test/sample.txt', $streamExample2, $fileOptions);
// fclose($streamExample2);
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$files = $this->getRecursiveFileList($tmpDir);
$this->assertEquals(array('sample.txt', 'test/sample.txt'), $files);
$this->assertStringEqualsFile(__FILE__, file_get_contents($tmpDir . '/sample.txt'));
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/test/sample.txt', 'More Simple Sample Data');
public function testAddFileFromStreamWithStorageMethod(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
$streamExample = fopen('php://temp', 'wb+');
fwrite($streamExample, 'Sample String Data');
rewind($streamExample); // move the pointer back to the beginning of file.
$zip->addFileFromStream('sample.txt', $streamExample, $fileOptions);
// fclose($streamExample);
$streamExample2 = fopen('php://temp', 'bw+');
fwrite($streamExample2, 'More Simple Sample Data');
rewind($streamExample2); // move the pointer back to the beginning of file.
$zip->addFileFromStream('test/sample.txt', $streamExample2);
// fclose($streamExample2);
$zipArch = new \ZipArchive();
$sample1 = $zipArch->statName('sample.txt');
$this->assertEquals(Method::STORE, $sample1['comp_method']);
$sample2 = $zipArch->statName('test/sample.txt');
$this->assertEquals(Method::DEFLATE, $sample2['comp_method']);
public function testAddFileFromPsr7Stream(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$body = 'Sample String Data';
$response = new Response(200, [], $body);
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
$zip->addFileFromPsr7Stream('sample.json', $response->getBody(), $fileOptions);
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$files = $this->getRecursiveFileList($tmpDir);
$this->assertEquals(array('sample.json'), $files);
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/sample.json', $body);
public function testAddFileFromPsr7StreamWithFileSizeSet(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$body = 'Sample String Data';
$fileSize = strlen($body);
// Add fake padding
$fakePadding = "\0\0\0\0\0\0";
$response = new Response(200, [], $body . $fakePadding);
$fileOptions = new FileOptions();
$zip->addFileFromPsr7Stream('sample.json', $response->getBody(), $fileOptions);
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$files = $this->getRecursiveFileList($tmpDir);
$this->assertEquals(array('sample.json'), $files);
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/sample.json', $body);
public function testCreateArchiveWithFlushOptionSet(): void
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$zip->addFile('sample.txt', 'Sample String Data');
$zip->addFile('test/sample.txt', 'More Simple Sample Data');
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$files = $this->getRecursiveFileList($tmpDir);
$this->assertEquals(['sample.txt', 'test/sample.txt'], $files);
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/sample.txt', 'Sample String Data');
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/test/sample.txt', 'More Simple Sample Data');
public function testCreateArchiveWithOutputBufferingOffAndFlushOptionSet(): void
// WORKAROUND (1/2): remove phpunit's output buffer in order to run test without any buffering
$this->assertEquals(0, ob_get_level());
[$tmp, $stream] = $this->getTmpFileStream();
$options = new ArchiveOptions();
$zip = new ZipStream(null, $options);
$zip->addFile('sample.txt', 'Sample String Data');
$tmpDir = $this->validateAndExtractZip($tmp);
$this->assertStringEqualsFile($tmpDir . '/sample.txt', 'Sample String Data');
// WORKAROUND (2/2): add back output buffering so that PHPUnit doesn't complain that it is missing