You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

343 lines
12 KiB

12 months ago
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2022 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
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// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\common\dao\store\coupon;
use app\common\dao\BaseDao;
use app\common\model\BaseModel;
use app\common\model\store\coupon\StoreCoupon;
use app\common\model\store\coupon\StoreCouponUser;
use app\common\repositories\store\coupon\StoreCouponRepository;
use app\common\repositories\system\merchant\MerchantRepository;
use think\Collection;
use think\db\BaseQuery;
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
use think\Model;
* Class StoreCouponIssueDao
* @package app\common\dao\store\coupon
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-14
class StoreCouponDao extends BaseDao
* @return BaseModel
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-03-30
protected function getModel(): string
return StoreCoupon::class;
* @param int $merId
* @param array $where
* @return BaseQuery
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-14
public function search(?int $merId, array $where)
if(isset($where['is_trader']) && $where['is_trader'] !== ''){
$query = StoreCoupon::hasWhere('merchant',function($query)use($where){
$query = StoreCoupon::getDB()->alias('StoreCoupon');
$query->when(isset($where['status']) && $where['status'] !== '', function ($query) use ($where) {
$query->where('StoreCoupon.status', (int)$where['status']);
})->when(isset($where['coupon_name']) && $where['coupon_name'] !== '', function ($query) use ($where) {
$query->whereLike('title', "%{$where['coupon_name']}%");
})->when(isset($where['coupon_id']) && $where['coupon_id'] !== '', function ($query) use ($where) {
$query->where('coupon_id', (int)$where['coupon_id']);
})->when(isset($where['send_type']) && $where['send_type'] !== '', function ($query) use ($where) {
$query->where('send_type', (int)$where['send_type']);
})->when(isset($where['type']) && $where['type'] !== '', function ($query) use ($where) {
$query->where('type', (int)$where['type']);
})->when($merId !== null, function ($query) use ($merId) {
$query->where('StoreCoupon.mer_id', $merId);
})->when(isset($where['is_mer']) && $where['is_mer'] !== '', function ($query) use ($merId) {
$query->where('type', '<', 10);
return $query->where('StoreCoupon.is_del', 0)->order(($merId ? 'StoreCoupon.sort DESC,' : '') . 'coupon_id DESC');
* @param int|null $type
* @param int $send_type
* @return BaseQuery
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/18
public function validCouponQuery($type = null, $send_type = 0)
$query = StoreCoupon::getDB()
->where('status', 1)
->where('send_type', $send_type)
->where('is_del', 0)
->order('sort DESC,coupon_id DESC')
->when(!is_null($type), function ($query) use ($type) {
$query->where('type', $type);
$query->where(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('is_limited', 0)->whereOr(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('is_limited', 1)->where('remain_count', '>', 0);
->where(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('is_timeout', 0)->whereOr(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$query->where('is_timeout', 1)->where('start_time', '<', $time)->where('end_time', '>', $time);
->where(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('coupon_type', 0)->whereOr(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('coupon_type', 1)->where('use_end_time', '>', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
return $query;
public function validCouponQueryWithMerchant($where,$uid = null)
$query = StoreCoupon::alias('C')->leftJoin('Merchant M','C.mer_id = M.mer_id')
->where('C.status', 1)
->where('C.is_del', 0)
->when(isset($where['type']) && !is_null($where['type']), function ($query) use ($where) {
if ($where['type'] == '') {
$query->where('C.type', 'in', [0,10,11,12]);
} else {
$query->where('C.type', $where['type']);
->when(isset($where['send_type']) && $where['send_type'] !== '', function($query) use($where){
$query->where('C.send_type', $where['send_type']);
->when(isset($where['not_svip']) && $where['not_svip'] !== '', function($query) use($where){
$query->where('C.send_type', '<>',StoreCouponRepository::GET_COUPON_TYPE_SVIP);
->when($uid, function($query) use($uid){
$couponId = StoreCouponUser::where('uid',$uid)->whereIn('status',[1,2])->column('coupon_id');
$query->whereNotIn('C.coupon_id', $couponId);
->when(isset($where['mer_id']) && $where['mer_id'] !== '', function($query) use($where){
$query->where('C.mer_id', $where['mer_id']);
->where(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('is_limited', 0)->whereOr(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('is_limited', 1)->where('remain_count', '>', 0);
->where(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('is_timeout', 0)->whereOr(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$query->where('is_timeout', 1)->where('start_time', '<', $time)->where('end_time', '>', $time);
->where(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('C.mer_id', 0)->whereOr(function (BaseQuery $query) {
->where(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('coupon_type', 0)->whereOr(function (BaseQuery $query) {
$query->where('coupon_type', 1)->where('use_end_time', '>', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
return $query->order('C.sort DESC,C.create_time DESC');
* @param $id
* @param $uid
* @return array|Model|null
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/19
public function validCoupon($id, $uid)
return $this->validCouponQuery()->when($uid, function (BaseQuery $query, $uid) {
$query->with(['issue' => function (BaseQuery $query) use ($uid) {
$query->where('uid', $uid);
})->where('coupon_id', $id)->find();
public function validSvipCoupon($id, $uid)
return $this->validCouponQuery(null,StoreCouponRepository::GET_COUPON_TYPE_SVIP)->when($uid, function (BaseQuery $query, $uid) {
$query->with(['svipIssue' => function (BaseQuery $query) use ($uid) {
$query->where('uid', $uid);
})->where('coupon_id', $id)->find();
* @param $merId
* @param null $uid
* @return Collection
* @throws DbException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/1
public function validMerCoupon($merId, $uid = null, $type = 0)
return $this->validCouponQuery($type)->when($uid, function (BaseQuery $query, $uid) {
$query->with(['issue' => function (BaseQuery $query) use ($uid) {
$query->where('uid', $uid);
})->where('mer_id', $merId)->select();
* @param $merId
* @param null $uid
* @return int
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/19
public function validMerCouponExists($merId, $uid = null)
return $this->validCouponQuery(0)->when($uid, function (BaseQuery $query, $uid) {
$query->with(['issue' => function (BaseQuery $query) use ($uid) {
$query->where('uid', $uid);
})->where('mer_id', $merId)->count();
* @param array $couponIds
* @param null $uid
* @return Collection
* @throws DbException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/1
public function validProductCoupon(array $couponIds, $uid = null)
return $this->validCouponQuery(1)->when($uid, function (BaseQuery $query, $uid) {
$query->with(['issue' => function (BaseQuery $query) use ($uid) {
$query->where('uid', $uid);
})->whereIn('coupon_id', $couponIds)->select();
* @param array $couponIds
* @param null $uid
* @return int
* @author Qinii
public function validProductCouponExists(array $couponIds, $uid = null)
return $this->validCouponQuery(1)->when($uid, function (BaseQuery $query, $uid) {
$query->with(['issue' => function (BaseQuery $query) use ($uid) {
$query->where('uid', $uid);
})->whereIn('coupon_id', $couponIds)->count();
* @param int $id
* @return int
* @throws DbException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-13
public function delete(int $id)
return StoreCoupon::getDB()->where($this->getPk(), $id)->update(['is_del' => 1]);
* @param int $id
* @return bool
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-13
public function exists(int $id)
return StoreCoupon::getDB()->where($this->getPk(), $id)->where('is_del', 0)->count($this->getPk()) > 0;
* @param int $merId
* @param int $id
* @return int
* @throws DbException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-13
public function merDelete(int $merId, int $id)
return StoreCoupon::getDB()->where($this->getPk(), $id)->where('mer_id', $merId)->update(['is_del' => 1]);
* @param int $merId
* @param int $id
* @return bool
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-13
public function merExists(int $merId, int $id)
return StoreCoupon::getDB()->where($this->getPk(), $id)->where('mer_id', $merId)->where('is_del', 0)->count($this->getPk()) > 0;
* @return Collection
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/18
public function newPeopleCoupon()
return $this->validCouponQuery(null, 2)->select();
* @param array|null $ids
* @return Collection
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/19
public function getGiveCoupon(array $ids = null)
return $this->validCouponQuery(null, 3)->when($ids, function ($query, $ids) {
$query->whereIn('coupon_id', $ids);