You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
97 lines
2.7 KiB
97 lines
2.7 KiB
12 months ago
<su-popup :show="show" type="bottom" round="20" @close="emits('close')" showClose>
<view class="model-box">
<view class="title ss-m-t-16 ss-m-l-20 ss-flex">营销活动</view>
class="model-content ss-m-t-50"
<view v-for="item in state.activityInfo" :key="">
<!-- <uni-list :border="false">
<uni-list-item showArrow clickable @tap="sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/list')">
<template v-slot:header>
<view class="model-content-tag ss-flex ss-row-center">{{ item.type_text }}</view>
<template v-slot:body>
<view class="ss-m-l-20 model-content-title">
<view class="ss-m-b-24" v-for="text in item.texts" :key="text">
{{ text }}
</uni-list> -->
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-top ss-m-b-40" @tap="onGoodsList(item)">
<view class="model-content-tag ss-flex ss-row-center">{{ item.type_text }}</view>
<view class="ss-m-l-20 model-content-title ss-flex-1">
<view class="ss-m-b-24" v-for="text in item.texts" :key="text">
{{ text }}
<text class="cicon-forward"></text>
<script setup>
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import { computed, reactive } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
modelValue: {
type: Object,
default() {},
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
const emits = defineEmits(['close']);
const state = reactive({
activityInfo: computed(() => props.modelValue),
function onGoodsList(e) {
sheep.$router.go('/pages/activity/index', {
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font-weight: bold;
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box-sizing: border-box;
.model-content-tag {
background: rgba(#ff6911, 0.1);
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 500;
color: #ff6911;
line-height: 42rpx;
width: 68rpx;
height: 32rpx;
border-radius: 5rpx;
.model-content-title {
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