model = new CouponModel; } /** * 优惠券列表 * * @return \think\Response */ public function index() { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $coupons = $this->model->sheepFilter()->paginate($this->request->param('list_rows', 10))->each(function ($coupon) { // 优惠券领取和使用数量 $coupon->get_num = $coupon->get_num; $coupon->use_num = $coupon->use_num; }); $result = [ 'coupons' => $coupons, ]; $result['total_num'] = UserCouponModel::count(); $result['expire_num'] = UserCouponModel::expired()->count(); $result['use_num'] = UserCouponModel::used()->count(); $result['use_percent'] = 0 . '%'; if ($result['total_num']) { $result['use_percent'] = bcdiv(bcmul((string)$result['use_num'], '100'), (string)$result['total_num'], 1) . '%'; } $this->success('获取成功', null, $result); } /** * 添加优惠券 * * @return \think\Response */ public function add() { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $params = $this->request->only([ 'name', 'type', 'use_scope', 'items', 'amount', 'max_amount', 'enough', 'stock', 'limit_num', 'get_time', 'use_time_type', 'use_time', 'start_days', 'days', 'is_double_discount', 'description', 'status' ]); // $this->svalidate($params, ".add"); // 时间转换 $getTime = explode(' - ', $params['get_time']); $useTime = explode(' - ', $params['use_time']); unset($params['get_time'], $params['use_time']); $params['get_start_time'] = $getTime[0] ?? 0; $params['get_end_time'] = $getTime[1] ?? 0; $params['use_start_time'] = $useTime[0] ?? 0; $params['use_end_time'] = $useTime[1] ?? 0; $params = $this->initCouponData($params); // dd($params); if (empty($params['items'])) { $this->error('请绑定商品!'); } $this->model->save($params); $this->success('保存成功'); } /** * 优惠券详情 * * @param $id * @return \think\Response */ public function detail($id) { $coupon = $this->model->where('id', $id)->find(); if (!$coupon) { $this->error(__('No Results were found')); } $coupon->items_value = $coupon->items_value; // 可用范围值 $this->success('获取成功', null, $coupon); } /** * 修改优惠券 * * @return \think\Response */ public function edit($id = null) { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch('add'); } $params = $this->request->only([ 'name', 'use_scope', 'items', 'amount', 'max_amount', 'enough', 'stock', 'limit_num', 'get_time', 'use_time_type', 'use_time', 'start_days', 'days', 'is_double_discount', 'description', 'status' ]); // $this->svalidate($params); // 时间转换 if (isset($params['get_time'])) { $getTime = explode(' - ', $params['get_time']); $params['get_start_time'] = $getTime[0] ?? 0; $params['get_end_time'] = $getTime[1] ?? 0; unset($params['get_time']); } if (isset($params['use_time'])) { $useTime = explode(' - ', $params['use_time']); $params['use_start_time'] = $useTime[0] ?? 0; $params['use_end_time'] = $useTime[1] ?? 0; unset($params['use_time']); } $coupon = $this->model->where('id', $id)->find(); if (!$coupon) { $this->error(__('No Results were found')); } if (empty($params['items'])) { $this->error('请绑定商品!'); } $params = $this->initCouponData($params); $coupon->save($params); $this->success('更新成功'); } /** * 初始化商品数据 * 时间设置有效期一年 */ public function initCouponData($params) { $amount = Goods::whereIn('id', $params['items'])->value('price'); $start_time = time(); $end_time = strtotime('+1 year', time()); $data = [ 'name' => $params['name'] ?? '', 'description' => $params['description'] ?? '', 'get_start_time' => $start_time, 'get_end_time' => $end_time, 'use_start_time' => $params['use_start_time'], 'use_end_time' => $params['use_end_time'], 'limit_num' => 1, 'items'=> $params['items'], 'stock' => 10000, 'use_time_type' => 'days', 'days' => $params['days'], 'start_days' => $params['start_days'], 'type' => 'reduce', 'amount' => $amount,//优惠券面值金额 'enough' => 0,//消费门槛 ]; return $data; } /** * 删除优惠券 * * @param string $id 要删除的优惠券 * @return void */ public function delete($id) { if (empty($id)) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'id')); } $id = explode(',', $id); $list = $this->model->where('id', 'in', $id)->select(); $result = Db::transaction(function () use ($list) { $count = 0; foreach ($list as $item) { $count += $item->delete(); } return $count; }); if ($result) { $this->success('删除成功', null, $result); } else { $this->error(__('No rows were deleted')); } } /** * 优惠券列表 */ public function select() { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $type = $this->request->param('type', 'page'); $coupons = $this->model->sheepFilter(); if ($type == 'select') { // 普通结果 $coupons = $coupons->select(); } elseif ($type == 'find') { $coupons = $coupons->find(); } else { // 分页结果 $coupons = $coupons->paginate($this->request->param('list_rows', 10)); } $this->success('获取成功', null, $coupons); } public function send($id) { $user_ids = $this->request->post('user_ids/a'); $users = User::whereIn('id', $user_ids)->select(); Db::transaction(function () use ($users, $id) { $this->manualSend($users, $id); }); $this->success('发放成功'); } public function recyclebin() { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $coupons = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->sheepFilter()->paginate($this->request->param('list_rows', 10)); $this->success('获取成功', null, $coupons); } /** * 还原(支持批量) * * @param $id * @return \think\Response */ public function restore($id = null) { if (empty($id)) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'id')); } $items = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->where('id', 'in', $id)->select(); $result = Db::transaction(function () use ($items) { $count = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $count += $item->restore(); } return $count; }); if ($result) { $this->success('还原成功', null, $result); } else { $this->error(__('No rows were updated')); } } /** * 销毁(支持批量) * * @param $id * @return \think\Response */ public function destroy($id = null) { if (empty($id)) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'id')); } if ($id !== 'all') { $items = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->whereIn('id', $id)->select(); } else { $items = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->select(); } $result = Db::transaction(function () use ($items) { $count = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { // 删除商品 $count += $item->delete(true); } return $count; }); if ($result) { $this->success('销毁成功', null, $result); } $this->error('销毁失败'); } }