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75 lines
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75 lines
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12 months ago
namespace addons\shopro\validate\user;
use think\Validate;
class User extends Validate
protected $regex = [
'password' => '/^(?![0-9]+$)(?![a-zA-Z]+$)[0-9A-Za-z]+\S{5,12}$/',
'notPureNumber' => '^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,15}$',
'mobile' => '/^1[3456789]\d{9}$/',
protected $rule = [
'account' => 'require',
'username' => 'require|alphaDash|length:5,12|unique:user|regex:notPureNumber',
'nickname' => 'require|length:2,20',
'mobile' => 'require|regex:mobile',
'password' => 'require|length:6,16|regex:password',
'oldPassword' => 'require',
'newPassword' => 'require|length:6,16|regex:password',
'avatar' => 'require',
'email' => 'email|unique:user',
'code' => 'require',
protected $message = [
'account.require' => '账号必须填写',
'username.require' => '用户名必须填写',
'username.alphaDash' => '用户名只能包含字母,数字,_和-',
'username.length' => '用户名长度必须在 5-12 位',
'username.unique' => '用户名已被占用',
'username.regex' => '用户名需以字母开头',
'nickname.require' => '昵称必须填写',
'nickname.chsDash' => '昵称只能包含汉字,字母,数字,_和-',
'nickname.length' => '昵称长度必须在 2-10 位',
'mobile.require' => '手机号必须填写',
'mobile.regex' => '手机号格式不正确',
'mobile.unique' => '手机号已被占用',
'password.require' => '请填写密码',
'password.length' => '密码长度必须在 6-16 位',
'password.regex' => '密码必须包含字母和数字',
'oldPassword.require' => '请填写旧密码',
'newPassword.require' => '请填写新密码',
'newPassword.length' => '密码长度必须在 6-16 位',
'newPassword.regex' => '密码必须包含字母和数字',
'avatar.require' => '头像必须上传',
'' => '邮箱格式不正确',
'email.unique' => '邮箱已被占用',
'code.require' => '请填写验证码',
protected $scene = [
'accountLogin' => ['account', 'password'],
'smsLogin' => ['mobile', 'code'],
'smsRegister' => ['mobile' => 'require|regex:mobile|unique:user', 'code', 'password'],
'changePassword' => ['oldPassword', 'newPassword'],
'resetPassword' => ['mobile', 'code', 'password'],
'changeemail' => ['email', 'code'],
'changeMobile' => ['mobile' => 'require|regex:mobile|unique:user', 'code'],
'changeUsername' => ['username'],
'updateMpUserInfo' => ['avatar', 'nickname'],