You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1 year ago
namespace addons\shopro\service\goods;
use app\admin\model\shopro\goods\Goods;
use app\admin\model\shopro\goods\SkuPrice;
use app\admin\model\shopro\app\ScoreSkuPrice;
use app\admin\model\shopro\Category;
use think\Db;
use addons\shopro\library\Tree;
use addons\shopro\service\SearchHistory;
use addons\shopro\facade\Activity as ActivityFacade;
class GoodsService
protected $query = null;
protected $order = [];
protected $md5s = [];
protected $format = null;
protected $is_activity = false; // 是否处理活动
protected $show_score_shop = false; // 查询积分商城商品
public function __construct(\Closure $format = null, \think\db\Query $query = null)
$this->query = $query ?: new Goods();
$this->format = $format;
* with 关联
* @param mixed $with
* @return self
public function with($with)
return $this;
* 查询上架的商品,包含隐藏商品
* @return self
public function show()
$this->md5s[] = 'show';
$this->query = $this->query->whereIn('status', ['up', 'hidden']);
return $this;
* 查询上架的商品,不包含隐藏商品
* @return self
public function up()
$this->md5s[] = 'up';
$this->query = $this->query->where('status', 'up');
return $this;
* 是否要处理活动相关数据
* @return self
public function activity($activity = false)
$this->is_activity = $activity ? true : false;
return $this;
* 查询积分商城商品
* @return self
public function score()
$this->show_score_shop = true;
// 获取所有积分商品
$scoreGoodsIds = ScoreSkuPrice::where('status', 'up')->group('goods_id')->cache(60)->column('goods_id');
$this->query = $this->query->whereIn('id', $scoreGoodsIds);
return $this;
* 连表查询 库存,暂时没用
* @return self
public function stock()
$this->md5s[] = 'stock';
$skuSql = SkuPrice::field('sum(stock) as stock, goods_id as sku_goods_id')->group('goods_id')->buildSql();
$this->query = $this->query->join([$skuSql => 'sp'], 'id = sp.sku_goods_id', 'left');
return $this;
* 搜索商品
* @return self
public function search($keyword)
$keyword = is_string($keyword) ? $keyword : json_encode($keyword); // 转字符串
$this->md5s[] = 'search:' . $keyword; // 待补充
// 添加搜索记录
$searchHistory = new SearchHistory();
$searchHistory->save(['keyword' => $keyword]);
$this->query = $this->query->where('title|subtitle', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%');
return $this;
* 根据 ids 获取商品
* @param string|array $ids ids 数组或者 , 隔开的字符串
* @return self
public function whereIds($ids = '')
$ids = is_array($ids) ? join(',', $ids) : $ids;
$this->md5s[] = 'ids:' . $ids;
if ($ids) {
$this->query = $this->query->orderRaw('field(id, ' . $ids . ')'); // 按照 ids 里面的 id 进行排序
$this->query = $this->query->whereIn('id', $ids);
return $this;
* 根据商品分类获取商品
* @param integer $category_id
* @return self
public function category($category_id, $is_category_deep = true)
$this->md5s[] = 'category_id:' . $category_id;
$category_ids = [];
if (isset($category_id) && $category_id != 0) {
if ($is_category_deep) {
// 查询分类所有子分类,包括自己
$category_ids = (new Tree(function () {
// 组装搜索条件,排序等
return (new Category)->normal();
} else {
$category_ids = [$category_id];
$this->query->where(function ($query) use ($category_ids) {
// 所有子分类使用 find_in_set or 匹配,亲测速度并不慢
foreach ($category_ids as $key => $category_id) {
$query->whereOrRaw("find_in_set($category_id, category_ids)");
return $this;
* 排序,方法参数同 thinkphp order 方法
* @param string $sort
* @param string $order
* @return self
public function order($sort = 'weigh', $order = 'desc')
$sort = $sort == 'price' ? Db::raw('convert(`price`, DECIMAL(10, 2)) ' . $order) : $sort;
$this->query->order($sort, $order);
return $this;
* 获取商品列表
* @param bool $is_cache 是否缓存
* @return array|\think\model\Collection
public function select($is_cache = false)
$this->md5s[] = 'select';
// 默认排序
$goods = $this->query->field('*,(sales + show_sales) as total_sales')
->cache($this->getCacheKey($is_cache), (200 + mt_rand(0, 100)))
// 格式化数据
foreach ($goods as $key => $gd) {
$gd = $this->defaultFormat($gd);
if ($this->format instanceof \Closure) {
$gd = ($this->format)($gd, $this);
$goods[$key] = $gd;
return $goods;
* 获取商品列表
* @param bool $is_cache 是否缓存
* @return \think\Paginator
public function paginate($is_cache = false)
$this->md5s[] = 'paginate';
// 默认排序
$goods = $this->query->field('*,(sales + show_sales) as total_sales')
->cache($this->getCacheKey($is_cache), (200 + mt_rand(0, 100)))
->paginate(request()->param('list_rows', 10));
// 格式化数据
$goods->each(function($god) {
$god = $this->defaultFormat($god);
if ($this->format instanceof \Closure) {
($this->format)($god, $this);
return $goods;
* 获取单个商品
* @param bool $is_cache
* @return Goods
public function find($is_cache = false)
$this->md5s[] = 'find';
$goods = $this->query->cache($this->getCacheKey($is_cache), (200 + mt_rand(0, 100)))->find();
if ($goods && $this->format instanceof \Closure) {
// 格式化数据
$goods = $this->defaultFormat($goods);
($this->format)($goods, $this);
return $goods;
* 获取单个商品,找不到抛出异常
* @param bool $is_cache
* @return Goods
public function findOrFail($is_cache = false)
$this->md5s[] = 'find';
$goods = $this->query->cache($this->getCacheKey($is_cache), (200 + mt_rand(0, 100)))->find();
if (!$goods) {
if ($this->format instanceof \Closure) {
// 格式化数据
$goods = $this->defaultFormat($goods);
($this->format)($goods, $this);
return $goods;
* 把活动相关数据覆盖到商品
* @param array|object $goods
* @return array
public function defaultFormat($goods)
$skuPrices = $goods->sku_prices;
$activity = $this->is_activity ? $goods->activity : null;
if ($activity) {
$skuPrices = ActivityFacade::recoverSkuPrices($goods, $activity);
// unset($goods['activity']['activity_sku_prices']); // db 获取活动这里删除报错
if ($this->show_score_shop) {
$scoreSkuPrices = $goods->all_score_sku_prices; // 包含下架的积分规格
// 积分商城,覆盖积分商城规格
foreach ($skuPrices as $key => &$skuPrice) {
$stock = $skuPrice->stock; // 下面要用
$skuPrice->stock = 0;
$skuPrice->sales = 0;
foreach ($scoreSkuPrices as $scoreSkuPrice) {
if ($skuPrice->id == $scoreSkuPrice->goods_sku_price_id) {
$skuPrice->stock = ($scoreSkuPrice->stock > $stock) ? $stock : $scoreSkuPrice->stock; // 积分商城库存不能超过商品库存
$skuPrice->sales = $scoreSkuPrice->sales;
$skuPrice->price = $scoreSkuPrice->price;
$skuPrice->score = $scoreSkuPrice->score;
$skuPrice->status = $scoreSkuPrice->status; // 采用积分的上下架
// $skuPrice->score_price = $scoreSkuPrice->score_price;
// 记录对应活动的规格的记录
$skuPrice->item_goods_sku_price = $scoreSkuPrice;
// 移除下架的规格
foreach ($skuPrices as $key => $skuPrice) {
if ($skuPrice['status'] != 'up') {
$skuPrices = $skuPrices instanceof \think\Collection ? $skuPrices->values() : array_values($skuPrices);
if ($activity) {
// 处理活动相关的价格,销量等
// 这里由 getPriceAttr 计算,这里后续删除
// $prices = $skuPrices instanceof \think\Collection ? $skuPrices->column('price') : array_column($skuPrices, 'price');
// $goods['price'] = $prices ? min($prices) : $goods['price']; // min 里面不能是空数组
// if ($activity['type'] == 'groupon') {
// $grouponPrices = $skuPrices instanceof \think\Collection ? $skuPrices->column('groupon_price') : array_column($skuPrices, 'groupon_price');
// $goods['groupon_price'] = $grouponPrices ? min($grouponPrices) : $goods['price'];
// }
// if ($activity['type'] == 'groupon_ladder') {
// // @sn 阶梯拼团,商品详情如何显示拼团价格,阶梯拼团
// }
// if ($activity['rules'] && isset($activity['rules']['sales_show_type']) && $activity['rules']['sales_show_type'] == 'real') {
// // 活动设置显示真实销量
// $goods['sales'] = array_sum($skuPrices instanceof \think\Collection ? $skuPrices->column('sales') : array_column($skuPrices, 'sales'));
// } else {
// // 活动显示总销量
// $goods['sales'] += $goods['show_sales'];
// }
} elseif ($this->show_score_shop) {
// 积分商城这里显示的是真实销量, 目前都由 getSalesAttr 计算
// $goods['sales'] = array_sum($skuPrices instanceof \think\Collection ? $skuPrices->column('sales') : array_column($skuPrices, 'sales'));
} else {
// 没有活动,商品销量,加上虚增销量
// $goods['sales'] += $goods['show_sales'];
if ($this->show_score_shop) {
// 积分商城商品
$goods['show_score_shop'] = $this->show_score_shop;
// 不给 sku_prices 赋值,会触发 getSkuPricesAttr 计算属性,覆盖计算好的 sku_prices| 但是这样 sku_prices 会存在下标不连续的情况
$goods['new_sku_prices'] = $skuPrices; // 商品详情接口用, 过滤掉了 下架的规格
// $goods['sales'] = $goods->salesStockFormat($goods['sales'], $goods['sales_show_type']); // 格式化销量,前端格式化,这里可删除
$stocks = $skuPrices instanceof \think\Collection ? $skuPrices->column('stock') : array_column($skuPrices, 'stock'); // 获取规格中的库存
$stock = array_sum($stocks);
$goods['stock'] = $stock;
// $goods['stock'] = $goods->salesStockFormat($stock, $goods['stock_show_type']); // 格式化库存,前端格式化,这里可删除
$goods['activity_type'] = $activity['type'] ?? null;
return $goods;
* 获取缓存 key
* @param bool $is_cache 是否缓存
* @return string|bool
protected function getCacheKey($is_cache = false)
if ($is_cache) {
$key = 'goods-service-' . md5(json_encode($this->md5s));
return $key ?? false;
* 默认调用 query 中的方法,比如 withTrashed()
* @param [type] $funcname
* @param [type] $arguments
* @return void
public function __call($funcname, $arguments)
return $this;