You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

206 lines
6.9 KiB

1 year ago
namespace addons\shopro\controller;
use addons\shopro\controller\traits\Util;
use addons\shopro\library\easywechatPlus\WechatMiniProgramShop;
use app\admin\model\shopro\decorate\Decorate;
use app\admin\model\shopro\decorate\Page;
use app\common\library\Sms as Smslib;
use app\admin\model\shopro\user\User as UserModel;
use addons\shopro\facade\Wechat;
use think\Hook;
class Index extends Common
use Util;
protected $noNeedLogin = ['init', 'pageSync', 'page', 'feedback', 'send', 'test'];
protected $noNeedRight = ['*'];
public function init()
$platform = $this->request->header('platform');
$templateId = $this->request->param('templateId', 0);
$platformConfig = sheep_config("shop.platform.$platform");
if (empty($platformConfig['status']) || !$platformConfig['status']) {
$template = Decorate::template()->whereRaw("find_in_set('$platform', platform)");
if ($templateId) {
$template->where('id', $templateId);
} else {
$template->where('status', 'enable');
$template = $template->find();
if ($template) {
$template = Page::where('decorate_id', $template->id)->select();
$template = collection($template)->column('page', 'type');
$shopConfig = sheep_config('shop.basic');
// 客服配置
$chatSystem = sheep_config('chat.system');
// 客服应用配置
$chatConfig = sheep_config('chat.application.shop');
// 初始化 socket ssl 类型, 默认 none
$ssl = $chatSystem['ssl'] ?? 'none';
$chat_domain = ($ssl == 'none' ? 'http://' : 'https://') . request()->host(true) . ($ssl == 'reverse_proxy' ? '' : (':' . $chatSystem['port'])) . '/chat';
$chatConfig['chat_domain'] = $chat_domain;
$data = [
'app' => [
'name' => $shopConfig['name'],
'logo' => $shopConfig['logo'],
'cdnurl' => cdnurl('', true),
'version' => $shopConfig['version'],
'user_protocol' => $shopConfig['user_protocol'],
'privacy_protocol' => $shopConfig['privacy_protocol'],
'about_us' => $shopConfig['about_us'],
'copyright' => $shopConfig['copyright'],
'copytime' => $shopConfig['copytime'],
'platform' => [
'auto_login' => $platformConfig['auto_login'] ?? 0,
'bind_mobile' => $platformConfig['bind_mobile'] ?? 0,
'payment' => $platformConfig['payment']['methods'],
'recharge_payment' => sheep_config('shop.recharge_withdraw.recharge.methods'), // 充值支持的支付方式
'share' => $platformConfig['share'],
'template' => $template,
'chat' => $chatConfig
if ($platform == 'WechatMiniProgram') {
$uploadshoppingInfo = new WechatMiniProgramShop(Wechat::miniProgram());
$data['has_wechat_trade_managed'] = intval($uploadshoppingInfo->isTradeManaged());
$this->success('初始化', $data);
public function pageSync()
$pages = $this->request->post('pages/a');
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if (!empty($page['meta']['sync']) && $page['meta']['sync']) {
$data = \app\admin\model\shopro\data\Page::getByPath($page['path']);
$name = $page['meta']['title'] ?? '未命名';
$group = $page['meta']['group'] ?? '其它';
if ($data) {
$data->name = $name;
$data->group = $group;
} else {
'name' => $name,
'group' => $group,
'path' => $page['path']
public function page()
$id = $this->request->param('id');
$template = \app\admin\model\shopro\decorate\Decorate::typeDiypage()->with('diypage')->where('id', $id)->find();
if (!$template) {
$this->error(__('No Results were found'));
$this->success('', $template);
public function test()
public function feedback()
$user = auth_user();
$params = $this->request->only(['type', 'content', 'images', 'phone']);
if ($user) {
$params['user_id'] = $user->id;
$result = \app\admin\model\shopro\Feedback::create($params);
if ($result) {
* 发送验证码
* @param string $mobile 手机号
* @param string $event 事件名称
public function send()
$mobile = $this->request->post("mobile");
$event = $this->request->post("event");
$event = $event ? strtolower($event) : 'register';
if (!$mobile || !\think\Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) {
$last = Smslib::get($mobile, $event);
if ($last && time() - $last['createtime'] < 60) {
$ipSendTotal = \app\common\model\Sms::where(['ip' => $this->request->ip()])->whereTime('createtime', '-1 hours')->count();
if ($ipSendTotal >= 5) {
if ($event) {
$userinfo = UserModel::getByMobile($mobile);
if ($event == 'register' && $userinfo) {
} elseif (in_array($event, ['changemobile']) && $userinfo) {
} elseif (in_array($event, ['changepwd', 'resetpwd', 'mobilelogin']) && !$userinfo) {
if (!Hook::get('sms_send')) {
$ret = Smslib::send($mobile, null, $event);
if ($ret) {
} else {
* 获取统一验证 token
* @return void
public function unifiedToken()
$user = auth_user();
$token = $this->getUnifiedToken('user:' . $user->id);
$this->success('获取成功', [
'token' => $token