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349 lines
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12 months ago
namespace addons\shopro\controller;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use think\exception\HttpResponseException;
use app\admin\model\shopro\Pay as PayModel;
use addons\shopro\service\pay\PayOper;
use addons\shopro\library\pay\PayService;
use app\admin\model\shopro\order\Order;
use app\admin\model\shopro\trade\Order as TradeOrderModel;
use think\Log;
use think\Db;
use addons\shopro\service\pay\PayRefund;
use Yansongda\Pay\Pay as YansongdaPay;
class Pay extends Common
protected $noNeedLogin = ['alipay', 'notify', 'notifyRefund'];
protected $noNeedRight = ['*'];
public function prepay()
$this->repeatFilter(); // 防止连点
$user = auth_user();
$order_sn = $this->request->post('order_sn');
$payment = $this->request->post('payment');
$openid = $this->request->post('openid', '');
$money = $this->request->post('money', 0);
$money = $money > 0 ? $money : 0;
$platform = $this->request->header('platform');
list($order, $order_type) = $this->getOrderInstance($order_sn);
$order = $order->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('order_sn', $order_sn)->find();
if (!$order) {
$this->error(__('No Results were found'));
if (in_array($order->status, [$order::STATUS_CLOSED, $order::STATUS_CANCEL])) {
if (in_array($order->status, [$order::STATUS_PAID, $order::STATUS_COMPLETED])) {
if ($order_type == 'order' && $order->isOffline($order)) {
// 已经货到付款
if (!$payment || !in_array($payment, ['wechat', 'alipay', 'money', 'offline'])) {
// pay 实例
$payOper = new PayOper();
if ($money && $order_type == 'order') {
// 余额混合支付
$order = Db::transaction(function () use ($payOper, $order, $order_type, $money) {
// 加锁读订单
$order = $order->lock(true)->find($order->id);
// 余额支付
$order = $payOper->money($order, $money, $order_type);
return $order;
if (in_array($order->status, [$order::STATUS_PAID, $order::STATUS_COMPLETED])) {
$this->success('订单支付成功', $order);
if ($payment == 'money' && $order_type == 'order') {
// 余额支付
$order = Db::transaction(function () use ($payOper, $order, $order_type) {
// 加锁读订单
$order = $order->lock(true)->find($order->id);
$order = $payOper->money($order, $order->remain_pay_fee, $order_type);
return $order;
if ($order->status != $order::STATUS_PAID) {
$this->success('订单支付成功', $order);
if ($payment == 'offline' && $order_type == 'order') {
if (!isset($order->ext['offline_status']) || $order->ext['offline_status'] != 'enable') {
// 货到付款
$order = Db::transaction(function () use ($payOper, $order, $order_type) {
// 加锁读订单
$order = $order->lock(true)->find($order->id);
$order = $payOper->offline($order, 0, $order_type); // 增加 0 记录
return $order;
if ($order->status != $order::STATUS_PAID) {
$this->success('下单成功', $order); // 货到付款
$this->success('订单支付成功', $order);
// 微信支付宝(第三方)付款
$payModel = $payOper->{$payment}($order, $order->remain_pay_fee, $order_type);
$order_data = [
'order_id' => $order->id,
'out_trade_no' => $payModel->pay_sn,
'total_amount' => $payModel->pay_fee, // 剩余支付金额
// 微信公众号,小程序支付,必须有 openid
if ($payment == 'wechat') {
if (in_array($platform, ['WechatOfficialAccount', 'WechatMiniProgram'])) {
if (isset($openid) && $openid) {
// 如果传的有 openid
$order_data['payer']['openid'] = $openid;
} else {
// 没有 openid 默认拿下单人的 openid
$oauth = \app\admin\model\shopro\ThirdOauth::where([
'user_id' => $order->user_id,
'provider' => 'Wechat',
'platform' => lcfirst(str_replace('Wechat', '', $platform))
$order_data['payer']['openid'] = $oauth ? $oauth->openid : '';
if (empty($order_data['payer']['openid'])) {
// 缺少 openid
$this->error('miss_openid', -1);
$order_data['description'] = '商城订单支付';
} else {
$order_data['subject'] = '商城订单支付';
$payService = new PayService($payment);
try {
$result = $payService->pay($order_data);
} catch (\Yansongda\Pay\Exception\Exception $e) {
$this->error('支付失败' . (config('app_debug') ? ":" . $e->getMessage() : ',请重试'));
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
$data = $e->getResponse()->getData();
$message = $data ? ($data['msg'] ?? '') : $e->getMessage();
$this->error('支付失败' . (config('app_debug') ? ":" . $message : ',请重试'));
if ($platform == 'App') {
if ($payment == 'wechat') {
// Yansongda\Supports\Collection,可当数组,可当字符串,这里不用处理
} else {
// Guzzle
$result = $result->getBody()->getContents();
$this->success('', [
'pay_data' => $result,
* 支付宝网页支付
public function alipay()
$pay_sn = $this->request->get('pay_sn');
$platform = $this->request->get('platform');
$payModel = PayModel::where('pay_sn', $pay_sn)->find();
if (!$payModel || $payModel->status != PayModel::PAY_STATUS_UNPAID) {
try {
$order_data = [
'order_id' => $payModel->order_id,
'out_trade_no' => $payModel->pay_sn,
'total_amount' => $payModel->pay_fee,
'subject' => '商城订单支付',
$payService = new PayService('alipay', $platform);
$result = $payService->pay($order_data, [], 'url');
$result = $result->getBody()->getContents();
echo $result;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
$data = $e->getResponse()->getData();
$message = $data ? ($data['msg'] ?? '') : $e->getMessage();
echo '支付失败' . (config('app_debug') ? ":" . $message : ',请重试');
* 支付成功回调
public function notify()
$payment = $this->request->param('payment');
$platform = $this->request->param('platform');
$payService = new PayService($payment, $platform);
$result = $payService->notify(function ($data, $originData = []) use ($payment) {
Log::write('pay-notify-data:' . json_encode($data));
$out_trade_no = $data['out_trade_no'];
// 查询 pay 交易记录
$payModel = PayModel::where('pay_sn', $out_trade_no)->find();
if (!$payModel || $payModel->status != PayModel::PAY_STATUS_UNPAID) {
// 订单不存在,或者订单已支付
return YansongdaPay::$payment()->success();
Db::transaction(function () use ($payModel, $data, $originData, $payment) {
$notify = [
'pay_sn' => $data['out_trade_no'],
'transaction_id' => $data['transaction_id'],
'notify_time' => $data['notify_time'],
'buyer_info' => $data['buyer_info'],
'payment_json' => $originData ? json_encode($originData) : json_encode($data),
'pay_fee' => $data['pay_fee'], // 微信的已经*100处理过了
'pay_type' => $payment // 支付方式
// pay 实例
$payOper = new PayOper($payModel->user_id);
$payOper->notify($payModel, $notify);
return YansongdaPay::$payment()->success();
return $this->payResponse($result, $payment);
* 微信退款回调 (仅微信用,支付宝走支付回调 notify 方法)
* @return void
public function notifyRefund()
$payment = $this->request->param('payment');
$platform = $this->request->param('platform');
$payService = new PayService($payment, $platform);
$result = $payService->notifyRefund(function ($data, $originData) use ($payment, $platform) {
Log::write('pay-notify-refund-result:' . json_encode($data));
Db::transaction(function () use ($data, $originData, $payment) {
$out_refund_no = $data['out_refund_no'];
$out_trade_no = $data['out_trade_no'];
// 交给退款实例处理
$refund = new PayRefund();
'out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no,
'out_refund_no' => $out_refund_no,
'payment_json' => json_encode($originData),
return YansongdaPay::$payment()->success();
return $this->payResponse($result, $payment);
* 处理返回结果 tp5 不能直接 return YansongdaPay::$payment()->success()
* @param object|string $result
* @param string|null $payment
* @return void
private function payResponse($result = null, $payment = null)
if ($result instanceof ResponseInterface) {
$content = $result->getBody()->getContents();
$content = $payment == 'wechat' ? json_decode($content, true) : $content;
return response($content, 200, [], ($payment == 'wechat' ? 'json' : ''));
return $result;
* 根据订单号获取订单实例
* @param [type] $order_sn
* @return void
private function getOrderInstance($order_sn)
if (strpos($order_sn, 'TO') === 0) {
// 交易订单
$order_type = 'trade_order';
$order = new TradeOrderModel();
} else {
// 订单
$order_type = 'order';
$order = new Order();
return [$order, $order_type];