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1 year ago
namespace fast;
use think\Config;
* 通用的树型类
* @author XiaoYao <476552238li@gmail.com>
class Tree
protected static $instance;
protected $config = [];
public $options = [];
* 生成树型结构所需要的2维数组
* @var array
public $arr = [];
* 生成树型结构所需修饰符号,可以换成图片
* @var array
public $icon = array('│', '├', '└');
public $nbsp = "&nbsp;";
public $pidname = 'pid';
public function __construct($options = [])
if ($config = Config::get('tree')) {
$this->options = array_merge($this->config, $config);
$this->options = array_merge($this->config, $options);
* 初始化
* @access public
* @param array $options 参数
* @return Tree
public static function instance($options = [])
if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
self::$instance = new static($options);
return self::$instance;
* 初始化方法
* @param array $arr 2维数组,例如:
* array(
* 1 => array('id'=>'1','pid'=>0,'name'=>'一级栏目一'),
* 2 => array('id'=>'2','pid'=>0,'name'=>'一级栏目二'),
* 3 => array('id'=>'3','pid'=>1,'name'=>'二级栏目一'),
* 4 => array('id'=>'4','pid'=>1,'name'=>'二级栏目二'),
* 5 => array('id'=>'5','pid'=>2,'name'=>'二级栏目三'),
* 6 => array('id'=>'6','pid'=>3,'name'=>'三级栏目一'),
* 7 => array('id'=>'7','pid'=>3,'name'=>'三级栏目二')
* )
* @param string $pidname 父字段名称
* @param string $nbsp 空格占位符
* @return Tree
public function init($arr = [], $pidname = null, $nbsp = null)
$this->arr = $arr;
if (!is_null($pidname)) {
$this->pidname = $pidname;
if (!is_null($nbsp)) {
$this->nbsp = $nbsp;
return $this;
* 得到子级数组
* @param int
* @return array
public function getChild($myid)
$newarr = [];
foreach ($this->arr as $value) {
if (!isset($value['id'])) {
if ($value[$this->pidname] == $myid) {
$newarr[$value['id']] = $value;
return $newarr;
* 读取指定节点的所有孩子节点
* @param int $myid 节点ID
* @param boolean $withself 是否包含自身
* @return array
public function getChildren($myid, $withself = false)
$newarr = [];
foreach ($this->arr as $value) {
if (!isset($value['id'])) {
if ((string)$value[$this->pidname] == (string)$myid) {
$newarr[] = $value;
$newarr = array_merge($newarr, $this->getChildren($value['id']));
} elseif ($withself && (string)$value['id'] == (string)$myid) {
$newarr[] = $value;
return $newarr;
* 读取指定节点的所有孩子节点ID
* @param int $myid 节点ID
* @param boolean $withself 是否包含自身
* @return array
public function getChildrenIds($myid, $withself = false)
$childrenlist = $this->getChildren($myid, $withself);
$childrenids = [];
foreach ($childrenlist as $k => $v) {
$childrenids[] = $v['id'];
return $childrenids;
* 得到当前位置父辈数组
* @param int
* @return array
public function getParent($myid)
$pid = 0;
$newarr = [];
foreach ($this->arr as $value) {
if (!isset($value['id'])) {
if ($value['id'] == $myid) {
$pid = $value[$this->pidname];
if ($pid) {
foreach ($this->arr as $value) {
if ($value['id'] == $pid) {
$newarr[] = $value;
return $newarr;
* 得到当前位置所有父辈数组
* @param int
* @param bool $withself 是否包含自己
* @return array
public function getParents($myid, $withself = false)
$pid = 0;
$newarr = [];
foreach ($this->arr as $value) {
if (!isset($value['id'])) {
if ($value['id'] == $myid) {
if ($withself) {
$newarr[] = $value;
$pid = $value[$this->pidname];
if ($pid) {
$arr = $this->getParents($pid, true);
$newarr = array_merge($arr, $newarr);
return $newarr;
* 读取指定节点所有父类节点ID
* @param int $myid
* @param boolean $withself
* @return array
public function getParentsIds($myid, $withself = false)
$parentlist = $this->getParents($myid, $withself);
$parentsids = [];
foreach ($parentlist as $k => $v) {
$parentsids[] = $v['id'];
return $parentsids;
* 树型结构Option
* @param int $myid 表示获得这个ID下的所有子级
* @param string $itemtpl 条目模板 如:"<option value=@id @selected @disabled>@spacer@name</option>"
* @param mixed $selectedids 被选中的ID,比如在做树型下拉框的时候需要用到
* @param mixed $disabledids 被禁用的ID,比如在做树型下拉框的时候需要用到
* @param string $itemprefix 每一项前缀
* @param string $toptpl 顶级栏目的模板
* @return string
public function getTree($myid, $itemtpl = "<option value=@id @selected @disabled>@spacer@name</option>", $selectedids = '', $disabledids = '', $itemprefix = '', $toptpl = '')
$ret = '';
$number = 1;
$childs = $this->getChild($myid);
if ($childs) {
$total = count($childs);
foreach ($childs as $value) {
$id = $value['id'];
$j = $k = '';
if ($number == $total) {
$j .= $this->icon[2];
$k = $itemprefix ? $this->nbsp : '';
} else {
$j .= $this->icon[1];
$k = $itemprefix ? $this->icon[0] : '';
$spacer = $itemprefix ? $itemprefix . $j : '';
$selected = $selectedids && in_array($id, (is_array($selectedids) ? $selectedids : explode(',', $selectedids))) ? 'selected' : '';
$disabled = $disabledids && in_array($id, (is_array($disabledids) ? $disabledids : explode(',', $disabledids))) ? 'disabled' : '';
$value = array_merge($value, array('selected' => $selected, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'spacer' => $spacer));
$value = array_combine(array_map(function ($k) {
return '@' . $k;
}, array_keys($value)), $value);
$nstr = strtr((($value["@{$this->pidname}"] == 0 || $this->getChild($id)) && $toptpl ? $toptpl : $itemtpl), $value);
$ret .= $nstr;
$ret .= $this->getTree($id, $itemtpl, $selectedids, $disabledids, $itemprefix . $k . $this->nbsp, $toptpl);
return $ret;
* 树型结构UL
* @param int $myid 表示获得这个ID下的所有子级
* @param string $itemtpl 条目模板 如:"<li value=@id @selected @disabled>@name @childlist</li>"
* @param string $selectedids 选中的ID
* @param string $disabledids 禁用的ID
* @param string $wraptag 子列表包裹标签
* @param string $wrapattr 子列表包裹属性
* @return string
public function getTreeUl($myid, $itemtpl, $selectedids = '', $disabledids = '', $wraptag = 'ul', $wrapattr = '')
$str = '';
$childs = $this->getChild($myid);
if ($childs) {
foreach ($childs as $value) {
$id = $value['id'];
$selected = $selectedids && in_array($id, (is_array($selectedids) ? $selectedids : explode(',', $selectedids))) ? 'selected' : '';
$disabled = $disabledids && in_array($id, (is_array($disabledids) ? $disabledids : explode(',', $disabledids))) ? 'disabled' : '';
$value = array_merge($value, array('selected' => $selected, 'disabled' => $disabled));
$value = array_combine(array_map(function ($k) {
return '@' . $k;
}, array_keys($value)), $value);
$nstr = strtr($itemtpl, $value);
$childdata = $this->getTreeUl($id, $itemtpl, $selectedids, $disabledids, $wraptag, $wrapattr);
$childlist = $childdata ? "<{$wraptag} {$wrapattr}>" . $childdata . "</{$wraptag}>" : "";
$str .= strtr($nstr, array('@childlist' => $childlist));
return $str;
* 菜单数据
* @param int $myid
* @param string $itemtpl
* @param mixed $selectedids
* @param mixed $disabledids
* @param string $wraptag
* @param string $wrapattr
* @param int $deeplevel
* @return string
public function getTreeMenu($myid, $itemtpl, $selectedids = '', $disabledids = '', $wraptag = 'ul', $wrapattr = '', $deeplevel = 0)
$str = '';
$childs = $this->getChild($myid);
if ($childs) {
foreach ($childs as $value) {
$id = $value['id'];
$selected = in_array($id, (is_array($selectedids) ? $selectedids : explode(',', $selectedids))) ? 'selected' : '';
$disabled = in_array($id, (is_array($disabledids) ? $disabledids : explode(',', $disabledids))) ? 'disabled' : '';
$value = array_merge($value, array('selected' => $selected, 'disabled' => $disabled));
$value = array_combine(array_map(function ($k) {
return '@' . $k;
}, array_keys($value)), $value);
$bakvalue = array_intersect_key($value, array_flip(['@url', '@caret', '@class']));
$value = array_diff_key($value, $bakvalue);
$nstr = strtr($itemtpl, $value);
$value = array_merge($value, $bakvalue);
$childdata = $this->getTreeMenu($id, $itemtpl, $selectedids, $disabledids, $wraptag, $wrapattr, $deeplevel + 1);
$childlist = $childdata ? "<{$wraptag} {$wrapattr}>" . $childdata . "</{$wraptag}>" : "";
$childlist = strtr($childlist, array('@class' => $childdata ? 'last' : ''));
$value = array(
'@childlist' => $childlist,
'@url' => $childdata || !isset($value['@url']) ? "javascript:;" : $value['@url'],
'@addtabs' => $childdata || !isset($value['@url']) ? "" : (stripos($value['@url'], "?") !== false ? "&" : "?") . "ref=addtabs",
'@caret' => ($childdata && (!isset($value['@badge']) || !$value['@badge']) ? '<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>' : ''),
'@badge' => isset($value['@badge']) ? $value['@badge'] : '',
'@class' => ($selected ? ' active' : '') . ($disabled ? ' disabled' : '') . ($childdata ? ' treeview' . (config('fastadmin.show_submenu') ? ' treeview-open' : '') : ''),
$str .= strtr($nstr, $value);
return $str;
* 特殊
* @param integer $myid 要查询的ID
* @param string $itemtpl1 第一种HTML代码方式
* @param string $itemtpl2 第二种HTML代码方式
* @param mixed $selectedids 默认选中
* @param mixed $disabledids 禁用
* @param string $itemprefix 前缀
* @return string
public function getTreeSpecial($myid, $itemtpl1, $itemtpl2, $selectedids = 0, $disabledids = 0, $itemprefix = '')
$ret = '';
$number = 1;
$childs = $this->getChild($myid);
if ($childs) {
$total = count($childs);
foreach ($childs as $id => $value) {
$j = $k = '';
if ($number == $total) {
$j .= $this->icon[2];
$k = $itemprefix ? $this->nbsp : '';
} else {
$j .= $this->icon[1];
$k = $itemprefix ? $this->icon[0] : '';
$spacer = $itemprefix ? $itemprefix . $j : '';
$selected = $selectedids && in_array($id, (is_array($selectedids) ? $selectedids : explode(',', $selectedids))) ? 'selected' : '';
$disabled = $disabledids && in_array($id, (is_array($disabledids) ? $disabledids : explode(',', $disabledids))) ? 'disabled' : '';
$value = array_merge($value, array('selected' => $selected, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'spacer' => $spacer));
$value = array_combine(array_map(function ($k) {
return '@' . $k;
}, array_keys($value)), $value);
$nstr = strtr(!isset($value['@disabled']) || !$value['@disabled'] ? $itemtpl1 : $itemtpl2, $value);
$ret .= $nstr;
$ret .= $this->getTreeSpecial($id, $itemtpl1, $itemtpl2, $selectedids, $disabledids, $itemprefix . $k . $this->nbsp);
return $ret;
* 获取树状数组
* @param string $myid 要查询的ID
* @param string $itemprefix 前缀
* @return array
public function getTreeArray($myid, $itemprefix = '')
$childs = $this->getChild($myid);
$n = 0;
$data = [];
$number = 1;
if ($childs) {
$total = count($childs);
foreach ($childs as $id => $value) {
$j = $k = '';
if ($number == $total) {
$j .= $this->icon[2];
$k = $itemprefix ? $this->nbsp : '';
} else {
$j .= $this->icon[1];
$k = $itemprefix ? $this->icon[0] : '';
$spacer = $itemprefix ? $itemprefix . $j : '';
$value['spacer'] = $spacer;
$data[$n] = $value;
$data[$n]['childlist'] = $this->getTreeArray($id, $itemprefix . $k . $this->nbsp);
return $data;
* 将getTreeArray的结果返回为二维数组
* @param array $data
* @param string $field
* @return array
public function getTreeList($data = [], $field = 'name')
$arr = [];
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$childlist = isset($v['childlist']) ? $v['childlist'] : [];
$v[$field] = $v['spacer'] . ' ' . $v[$field];
$v['haschild'] = $childlist ? 1 : 0;
if ($v['id']) {
$arr[] = $v;
if ($childlist) {
$arr = array_merge($arr, $this->getTreeList($childlist, $field));
return $arr;