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12 months ago
return [
'Custom' => '自定义',
'Pid' => '父ID',
'Type' => '栏目类型',
'Image' => '图片',
'Total user' => '总会员数',
'Total addon' => '总插件数',
'Total category' => '总分类数',
'Total attachment' => '总附件数',
'Total admin' => '总管理员数',
'Today user signup' => '今日注册',
'Today user login' => '今日登录',
'Today order' => '今日订单',
'Unsettle order' => '未处理订单',
'Three dnu' => '三日新增',
'Seven dnu' => '七日新增',
'Seven dau' => '七日活跃',
'Thirty dau' => '月活跃',
'Custom zone' => '这里是你的自定义数据',
'Register user' => '注册用户数',
'Real time' => '实时',
'Category count' => '分类统计',
'Working addon count' => '运行中的插件',
'Category count tips' => '当前分类总记录数',
'Working addon count tips' => '当前运行中的插件数',
'Database count' => '数据库统计',
'Database table nums' => '数据表数量',
'Database size' => '占用空间',
'Attachment count' => '附件统计',
'Attachment nums' => '附件数量',
'Attachment size' => '附件大小',
'Attachment count tips' => '当前上传的附件数量',
'Picture count' => '图片统计',
'Picture nums' => '图片数量',
'Picture size' => '图片大小',
'Server info' => '服务器信息',
'PHP version' => 'PHP版本',
'Sapi name' => '运行方式',
'Debug mode' => '调试模式',
'Software' => '环境信息',
'Upload mode' => '上传模式',
'Upload url' => '上传URL',
'Upload cdn url' => '上传CDN',
'Cdn url' => '静态资源CDN',
'Timezone' => '时区',
'Language' => '语言',
'View more' => '查看更多',