You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

240 lines
6.8 KiB

1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace think;
class View
// 视图实例
protected static $instance;
// 模板引擎实例
public $engine;
// 模板变量
protected $data = [];
// 用于静态赋值的模板变量
protected static $var = [];
// 视图输出替换
protected $replace = [];
* 构造函数
* @access public
* @param array $engine 模板引擎参数
* @param array $replace 字符串替换参数
public function __construct($engine = [], $replace = [])
// 初始化模板引擎
// 基础替换字符串
$request = Request::instance();
$base = $request->root();
$root = strpos($base, '.') ? ltrim(dirname($base), DS) : $base;
if ('' != $root) {
$root = '/' . ltrim($root, '/');
$baseReplace = [
'__ROOT__' => $root,
'__URL__' => $base . '/' . $request->module() . '/' . Loader::parseName($request->controller()),
'__STATIC__' => $root . '/static',
'__CSS__' => $root . '/static/css',
'__JS__' => $root . '/static/js',
$this->replace = array_merge($baseReplace, (array) $replace);
* 初始化视图
* @access public
* @param array $engine 模板引擎参数
* @param array $replace 字符串替换参数
* @return object
public static function instance($engine = [], $replace = [])
if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
self::$instance = new self($engine, $replace);
return self::$instance;
* 模板变量静态赋值
* @access public
* @param mixed $name 变量名
* @param mixed $value 变量值
* @return void
public static function share($name, $value = '')
if (is_array($name)) {
self::$var = array_merge(self::$var, $name);
} else {
self::$var[$name] = $value;
* 模板变量赋值
* @access public
* @param mixed $name 变量名
* @param mixed $value 变量值
* @return $this
public function assign($name, $value = '')
if (is_array($name)) {
$this->data = array_merge($this->data, $name);
} else {
$this->data[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* 设置当前模板解析的引擎
* @access public
* @param array|string $options 引擎参数
* @return $this
public function engine($options = [])
if (is_string($options)) {
$type = $options;
$options = [];
} else {
$type = !empty($options['type']) ? $options['type'] : 'Think';
$class = false !== strpos($type, '\\') ? $type : '\\think\\view\\driver\\' . ucfirst($type);
if (isset($options['type'])) {
$this->engine = new $class($options);
return $this;
* 配置模板引擎
* @access private
* @param string|array $name 参数名
* @param mixed $value 参数值
* @return $this
public function config($name, $value = null)
$this->engine->config($name, $value);
return $this;
* 解析和获取模板内容 用于输出
* @param string $template 模板文件名或者内容
* @param array $vars 模板输出变量
* @param array $replace 替换内容
* @param array $config 模板参数
* @param bool $renderContent 是否渲染内容
* @return string
* @throws Exception
public function fetch($template = '', $vars = [], $replace = [], $config = [], $renderContent = false)
// 模板变量
$vars = array_merge(self::$var, $this->data, $vars);
// 页面缓存
// 渲染输出
try {
$method = $renderContent ? 'display' : 'fetch';
// 允许用户自定义模板的字符串替换
$replace = array_merge($this->replace, $replace, (array) $this->engine->config('tpl_replace_string'));
$this->engine->config('tpl_replace_string', $replace);
$this->engine->$method($template, $vars, $config);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// 获取并清空缓存
$content = ob_get_clean();
// 内容过滤标签
Hook::listen('view_filter', $content);
return $content;
* 视图内容替换
* @access public
* @param string|array $content 被替换内容(支持批量替换)
* @param string $replace 替换内容
* @return $this
public function replace($content, $replace = '')
if (is_array($content)) {
$this->replace = array_merge($this->replace, $content);
} else {
$this->replace[$content] = $replace;
return $this;
* 渲染内容输出
* @access public
* @param string $content 内容
* @param array $vars 模板输出变量
* @param array $replace 替换内容
* @param array $config 模板参数
* @return mixed
public function display($content, $vars = [], $replace = [], $config = [])
return $this->fetch($content, $vars, $replace, $config, true);
* 模板变量赋值
* @access public
* @param string $name 变量名
* @param mixed $value 变量值
public function __set($name, $value)
$this->data[$name] = $value;
* 取得模板显示变量的值
* @access protected
* @param string $name 模板变量
* @return mixed
public function __get($name)
return $this->data[$name];
* 检测模板变量是否设置
* @access public
* @param string $name 模板变量名
* @return bool
public function __isset($name)
return isset($this->data[$name]);