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1 year ago
namespace addons\alisms\controller;
use think\addons\Controller;
* 阿里短信
class Index extends Controller
protected $model = null;
protected $templateList = [
'register' => '注册',
'resetpwd' => '重置密码',
'changepwd' => '修改密码',
'changemobile' => '修改手机号',
'profile' => '修改个人信息',
'notice' => '通知',
'mobilelogin' => '移动端登录',
'bind' => '绑定账号',
public function _initialize()
if (!\app\admin\library\Auth::instance()->id) {
public function index()
$this->view->assign('templateList', $this->templateList);
return $this->view->fetch();
public function send()
$config = get_addon_config('alisms');
$mobile = $this->request->post('mobile');
$template = $this->request->post('template');
$sign = $this->request->post('sign', '');
if (!$mobile) {
$templateArr = $config['template'] ?? [];
if (!isset($templateArr[$template]) || !$templateArr[$template]) {
$template = $templateArr[$template];
$sign = $sign ? $sign : $config['sign'];
$param = (array)json_decode($this->request->post('param', '', 'trim'));
$param = ['code' => mt_rand(1000, 9999)];
$alisms = new \addons\alisms\library\Alisms();
$ret = $alisms->mobile($mobile)
if ($ret) {
} else {
$this->error("发送失败!失败原因:" . $alisms->getError());