You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

613 lines
22 KiB

1 year ago
namespace app\common\controller;
use app\admin\library\Auth;
use think\Config;
use think\Controller;
use think\Hook;
use think\Lang;
use think\Loader;
use think\Model;
use think\Session;
use fast\Tree;
use think\Validate;
* 后台控制器基类
class Backend extends Controller
* 无需登录的方法,同时也就不需要鉴权了
* @var array
protected $noNeedLogin = [];
* 无需鉴权的方法,但需要登录
* @var array
protected $noNeedRight = [];
* 布局模板
* @var string
protected $layout = 'default';
* 权限控制类
* @var Auth
protected $auth = null;
* 模型对象
* @var \think\Model
protected $model = null;
* 快速搜索时执行查找的字段
protected $searchFields = 'id';
* 是否是关联查询
protected $relationSearch = false;
* 是否开启数据限制
* 支持auth/personal
* 表示按权限判断/仅限个人
* 默认为禁用,若启用请务必保证表中存在admin_id字段
protected $dataLimit = false;
* 数据限制字段
protected $dataLimitField = 'admin_id';
* 数据限制开启时自动填充限制字段值
protected $dataLimitFieldAutoFill = true;
* 是否开启Validate验证
protected $modelValidate = false;
* 是否开启模型场景验证
protected $modelSceneValidate = false;
* Multi方法可批量修改的字段
protected $multiFields = 'status';
* Selectpage可显示的字段
protected $selectpageFields = '*';
* 前台提交过来,需要排除的字段数据
protected $excludeFields = "";
* 导入文件首行类型
* 支持comment/name
* 表示注释或字段名
protected $importHeadType = 'comment';
* 引入后台控制器的traits
use \app\admin\library\traits\Backend;
public function _initialize()
$modulename = $this->request->module();
$controllername = Loader::parseName($this->request->controller());
$actionname = strtolower($this->request->action());
$path = str_replace('.', '/', $controllername) . '/' . $actionname;
// 定义是否Addtabs请求
!defined('IS_ADDTABS') && define('IS_ADDTABS', (bool)input("addtabs"));
// 定义是否Dialog请求
!defined('IS_DIALOG') && define('IS_DIALOG', (bool)input("dialog"));
// 定义是否AJAX请求
!defined('IS_AJAX') && define('IS_AJAX', $this->request->isAjax());
// 检测IP是否允许
$this->auth = Auth::instance();
// 设置当前请求的URI
// 检测是否需要验证登录
if (!$this->auth->match($this->noNeedLogin)) {
if (!$this->auth->isLogin()) {
Hook::listen('admin_nologin', $this);
$url = Session::get('referer');
$url = $url ? $url : $this->request->url();
if (in_array($this->request->pathinfo(), ['/', 'index/index'])) {
$this->redirect('index/login', [], 302, ['referer' => $url]);
$this->error(__('Please login first'), url('index/login', ['url' => $url]));
// 判断是否需要验证权限
if (!$this->auth->match($this->noNeedRight)) {
// 判断控制器和方法是否有对应权限
if (!$this->auth->check($path)) {
Hook::listen('admin_nopermission', $this);
$this->error(__('You have no permission'), '');
// 非选项卡时重定向
if (!$this->request->isPost() && !IS_AJAX && !IS_ADDTABS && !IS_DIALOG && input("ref") == 'addtabs') {
$url = preg_replace_callback("/([\?|&]+)ref=addtabs(&?)/i", function ($matches) {
return $matches[2] == '&' ? $matches[1] : '';
}, $this->request->url());
if (Config::get('url_domain_deploy')) {
if (stripos($url, $this->request->server('SCRIPT_NAME')) === 0) {
$url = substr($url, strlen($this->request->server('SCRIPT_NAME')));
$url = url($url, '', false);
$this->redirect('index/index', [], 302, ['referer' => $url]);
// 设置面包屑导航数据
$breadcrumb = [];
if (!IS_DIALOG && !config('fastadmin.multiplenav') && config('fastadmin.breadcrumb')) {
$breadcrumb = $this->auth->getBreadCrumb($path);
$this->view->breadcrumb = $breadcrumb;
// 如果有使用模板布局
if ($this->layout) {
$this->view->engine->layout('layout/' . $this->layout);
// 语言检测
$lang = $this->request->langset();
$lang = preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z\-_]{2,10})\$/i", $lang) ? $lang : 'zh-cn';
$site = Config::get("site");
$upload = \app\common\model\Config::upload();
// 上传信息配置后
Hook::listen("upload_config_init", $upload);
// 配置信息
$config = [
'site' => array_intersect_key($site, array_flip(['name', 'indexurl', 'cdnurl', 'version', 'timezone', 'languages'])),
'upload' => $upload,
'modulename' => $modulename,
'controllername' => $controllername,
'actionname' => $actionname,
'jsname' => 'backend/' . str_replace('.', '/', $controllername),
'moduleurl' => rtrim(url("/{$modulename}", '', false), '/'),
'language' => $lang,
'referer' => Session::get("referer")
$config = array_merge($config, Config::get("view_replace_str"));
Config::set('upload', array_merge(Config::get('upload'), $upload));
// 配置信息后
Hook::listen("config_init", $config);
$this->assign('site', $site);
$this->assign('config', $config);
$this->assign('auth', $this->auth);
$this->assign('admin', Session::get('admin'));
* 加载语言文件
* @param string $name
protected function loadlang($name)
$name = Loader::parseName($name);
$name = preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\/]+)\$/i", $name) ? $name : 'index';
$lang = $this->request->langset();
$lang = preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z\-_]{2,10})\$/i", $lang) ? $lang : 'zh-cn';
Lang::load(APP_PATH . $this->request->module() . '/lang/' . $lang . '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $name) . '.php');
* 渲染配置信息
* @param mixed $name 键名或数组
* @param mixed $value 值
protected function assignconfig($name, $value = '')
$this->view->config = array_merge($this->view->config ? $this->view->config : [], is_array($name) ? $name : [$name => $value]);
* 生成查询所需要的条件,排序方式
* @param mixed $searchfields 快速查询的字段
* @param boolean $relationSearch 是否关联查询
* @return array
protected function buildparams($searchfields = null, $relationSearch = null)
$searchfields = is_null($searchfields) ? $this->searchFields : $searchfields;
$relationSearch = is_null($relationSearch) ? $this->relationSearch : $relationSearch;
$search = $this->request->get("search", '');
$filter = $this->request->get("filter", '');
$op = $this->request->get("op", '', 'trim');
$sort = $this->request->get("sort", !empty($this->model) && $this->model->getPk() ? $this->model->getPk() : 'id');
$order = $this->request->get("order", "DESC");
$offset = $this->request->get("offset/d", 0);
$limit = $this->request->get("limit/d", 999999);
$page = $limit ? intval($offset / $limit) + 1 : 1;
if ($this->request->has("page")) {
$page = $this->request->get("page/d", 1);
$this->request->get([config('paginate.var_page') => $page]);
$filter = (array)json_decode($filter, true);
$op = (array)json_decode($op, true);
$filter = $filter ? $filter : [];
$where = [];
$alias = [];
$bind = [];
$name = '';
$aliasName = '';
if (!empty($this->model) && $relationSearch) {
$name = $this->model->getTable();
$alias[$name] = Loader::parseName(basename(str_replace('\\', '/', get_class($this->model))));
$aliasName = $alias[$name] . '.';
$sortArr = explode(',', $sort);
foreach ($sortArr as $index => & $item) {
$item = stripos($item, ".") === false ? $aliasName . trim($item) : $item;
$sort = implode(',', $sortArr);
$adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds();
if (is_array($adminIds)) {
$where[] = [$aliasName . $this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds];
if ($search) {
$searcharr = is_array($searchfields) ? $searchfields : explode(',', $searchfields);
foreach ($searcharr as $k => &$v) {
$v = stripos($v, ".") === false ? $aliasName . $v : $v;
$where[] = [implode("|", $searcharr), "LIKE", "%{$search}%"];
$index = 0;
foreach ($filter as $k => $v) {
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$/', $k)) {
$sym = $op[$k] ?? '=';
if (stripos($k, ".") === false) {
$k = $aliasName . $k;
$v = !is_array($v) ? trim($v) : $v;
$sym = strtoupper($op[$k] ?? $sym);
if (!is_array($v)) {
if (in_array(strtoupper($v), ['NULL', 'NOT NULL'])) {
$sym = strtoupper($v);
if (in_array($v, ['""', "''"])) {
$v = '';
$sym = '=';
switch ($sym) {
case '=':
case '<>':
$where[] = [$k, $sym, (string)$v];
case 'LIKE':
case 'NOT LIKE':
case 'LIKE %...%':
case 'NOT LIKE %...%':
$where[] = [$k, trim(str_replace('%...%', '', $sym)), "%{$v}%"];
case '>':
case '>=':
case '<':
case '<=':
$where[] = [$k, $sym, intval($v)];
case 'FINDIN':
case 'FIND_IN_SET':
$v = is_array($v) ? $v : explode(',', str_replace(' ', ',', $v));
$findArr = array_values($v);
foreach ($findArr as $idx => $item) {
$bindName = "item_" . $index . "_" . $idx;
$bind[$bindName] = $item;
$where[] = "FIND_IN_SET(:{$bindName}, `" . str_replace('.', '`.`', $k) . "`)";
case 'IN':
case 'IN(...)':
case 'NOT IN':
case 'NOT IN(...)':
$where[] = [$k, str_replace('(...)', '', $sym), is_array($v) ? $v : explode(',', $v)];
case 'BETWEEN':
$arr = array_slice(explode(',', $v), 0, 2);
if (stripos($v, ',') === false || !array_filter($arr, function ($v) {
return $v != '' && $v !== false && $v !== null;
})) {
continue 2;
if ($arr[0] === '') {
$sym = $sym == 'BETWEEN' ? '<=' : '>';
$arr = $arr[1];
} elseif ($arr[1] === '') {
$sym = $sym == 'BETWEEN' ? '>=' : '<';
$arr = $arr[0];
$where[] = [$k, $sym, $arr];
case 'RANGE':
case 'NOT RANGE':
$v = str_replace(' - ', ',', $v);
$arr = array_slice(explode(',', $v), 0, 2);
if (stripos($v, ',') === false || !array_filter($arr)) {
continue 2;
if ($arr[0] === '') {
$sym = $sym == 'RANGE' ? '<=' : '>';
$arr = $arr[1];
} elseif ($arr[1] === '') {
$sym = $sym == 'RANGE' ? '>=' : '<';
$arr = $arr[0];
$tableArr = explode('.', $k);
if (count($tableArr) > 1 && $tableArr[0] != $name && !in_array($tableArr[0], $alias)
&& !empty($this->model) && $this->relationSearch) {
$relation = Loader::parseName($tableArr[0], 1, false);
$alias[$this->model->$relation()->getTable()] = $tableArr[0];
$where[] = [$k, str_replace('RANGE', 'BETWEEN', $sym) . ' TIME', $arr];
case 'NULL':
case 'IS NULL':
case 'NOT NULL':
case 'IS NOT NULL':
$where[] = [$k, strtolower(str_replace('IS ', '', $sym))];
if (!empty($this->model)) {
$model = $this->model;
$where = function ($query) use ($where, $alias, $bind, &$model) {
if (!empty($model)) {
foreach ($where as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
call_user_func_array([$query, 'where'], $v);
} else {
return [$where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit, $page, $alias, $bind];
* 获取数据限制的管理员ID
* 禁用数据限制时返回的是null
* @return mixed
protected function getDataLimitAdminIds()
if (!$this->dataLimit) {
return null;
if ($this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
return null;
$adminIds = [];
if (in_array($this->dataLimit, ['auth', 'personal'])) {
$adminIds = $this->dataLimit == 'auth' ? $this->auth->getChildrenAdminIds(true) : [$this->auth->id];
return $adminIds;
* Selectpage的实现方法
* 当前方法只是一个比较通用的搜索匹配,请按需重载此方法来编写自己的搜索逻辑,$where按自己的需求写即可
* 这里示例了所有的参数,所以比较复杂,实现上自己实现只需简单的几行即可
protected function selectpage()
$this->request->filter(['trim', 'strip_tags', 'htmlspecialchars']);
$word = (array)$this->request->request("q_word/a");
$page = $this->request->request("pageNumber");
$pagesize = $this->request->request("pageSize");
$andor = $this->request->request("andOr", "and", "strtoupper");
$orderby = (array)$this->request->request("orderBy/a");
$field = $this->request->request("showField");
$primarykey = $this->request->request("keyField");
$primaryvalue = $this->request->request("keyValue");
$searchfield = (array)$this->request->request("searchField/a");
$custom = (array)$this->request->request("custom/a");
$istree = $this->request->request("isTree", 0);
$ishtml = $this->request->request("isHtml", 0);
if ($istree) {
$word = [];
$pagesize = 999999;
$order = [];
foreach ($orderby as $k => $v) {
$order[$v[0]] = $v[1];
$field = $field ? $field : 'name';
if ($primaryvalue !== null) {
$where = [$primarykey => ['in', $primaryvalue]];
$pagesize = 999999;
} else {
$where = function ($query) use ($word, $andor, $field, $searchfield, $custom) {
$logic = $andor == 'AND' ? '&' : '|';
$searchfield = is_array($searchfield) ? implode($logic, $searchfield) : $searchfield;
$searchfield = str_replace(',', $logic, $searchfield);
$word = array_filter(array_unique($word));
if (count($word) == 1) {
$query->where($searchfield, "like", "%" . reset($word) . "%");
} else {
$query->where(function ($query) use ($word, $searchfield) {
foreach ($word as $index => $item) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($item, $searchfield) {
$query->where($searchfield, "like", "%{$item}%");
if ($custom && is_array($custom)) {
foreach ($custom as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v) && 2 == count($v)) {
$query->where($k, trim($v[0]), $v[1]);
} else {
$query->where($k, '=', $v);
$adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds();
if (is_array($adminIds)) {
$this->model->where($this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds);
$list = [];
$total = $this->model->where($where)->count();
if ($total > 0) {
if (is_array($adminIds)) {
$this->model->where($this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds);
$fields = is_array($this->selectpageFields) ? $this->selectpageFields : ($this->selectpageFields && $this->selectpageFields != '*' ? explode(',', $this->selectpageFields) : []);
if ($primaryvalue !== null && preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i", $primarykey)) {
$primaryvalue = array_unique(is_array($primaryvalue) ? $primaryvalue : explode(',', $primaryvalue));
$primaryvalue = array_map(function ($value) {
return '\'' . $value . '\'';
}, $primaryvalue);
$primaryvalue = implode(',', $primaryvalue);
$this->model->orderRaw("FIELD(`{$primarykey}`, {$primaryvalue})");
} else {
$datalist = $this->model->where($where)
->page($page, $pagesize)
foreach ($datalist as $index => $item) {
unset($item['password'], $item['salt']);
if ($this->selectpageFields == '*') {
$result = [
$primarykey => $item[$primarykey] ?? '',
$field => $item[$field] ?? '',
} else {
$result = array_intersect_key(($item instanceof Model ? $item->toArray() : (array)$item), array_flip($fields));
$result['pid'] = isset($item['pid']) ? $item['pid'] : (isset($item['parent_id']) ? $item['parent_id'] : 0);
$list[] = $result;
if ($istree && !$primaryvalue) {
$tree = Tree::instance();
$tree->init(collection($list)->toArray(), 'pid');
$list = $tree->getTreeList($tree->getTreeArray(0), $field);
if (!$ishtml) {
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $item);
return json(['list' => $list, 'total' => $total]);
* 刷新Token
protected function token()
$token = $this->request->param('__token__');
if (!Validate::make()->check(['__token__' => $token], ['__token__' => 'require|token'])) {
$this->error(__('Token verification error'), '', ['__token__' => $this->request->token()]);