You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
196 lines
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196 lines
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12 months ago
namespace addons\shopro\controller\third;
use think\Db;
use think\exception\HttpResponseException;
use addons\shopro\controller\Common;
use addons\shopro\service\third\wechat\Wechat as WechatService;
use app\admin\model\shopro\notification\Config as NotificationConfig;
class Wechat extends Common
protected $noNeedLogin = ['login', 'getSessionId', 'oauthLogin', 'jssdk', 'wxacode', 'subscribeTemplate'];
protected $noNeedRight = ['*'];
protected $payload = [];
protected $wechat;
protected $platform;
public function _initialize()
$this->platform = $this->request->param('platform', '');
if ($this->platform === '') {
$payloadString = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->request->param('payload', ''));
$this->payload = json_decode(urldecode($payloadString), true) ?? [];
$this->wechat = new WechatService($this->platform, $this->payload);
// 微信登陆(小程序+公众号+开放平台)
public function login()
$result = Db::transaction(function () {
return $this->wechat->login();
if ($result) {
// 获取小程序sessionId+自动登录
public function getSessionId()
$result = $this->wechat->getSessionId();
$this->success('', $result);
// 获取网页授权地址
public function oauthLogin()
$result = $this->wechat->oauthLogin();
if (isset($result['login_url'])) {
$this->success('', $result);
if (isset($result['redirect_url'])) {
return redirect($result['redirect_url']);
// 绑定用户手机号
public function bindUserPhoneNumber()
$result = Db::transaction(function () {
$user = auth_user();
$mobile = $this->wechat->getUserPhoneNumber();
$this->svalidate(['mobile' => $mobile], '.bindWechatMiniProgramMobile');
$user->mobile = $mobile;
$verification = $user->verification;
$verification->mobile = 1;
$user->verification = $verification;
return $user->save();
if ($result) {
// 绑定微信账号
public function bind()
$result = Db::transaction(function () {
$user = auth_user();
return $this->wechat->bind($user);
if ($result) {
// 解绑微信账号
public function unbind()
$result = Db::transaction(function () {
return $this->wechat->unbind();
if ($result) {
// 微信网页jssdk
public function jssdk()
$apis = [
'getLocation', //获取位置
'openLocation', //打开位置
'scanQRCode', //扫一扫接口
'chooseWXPay', //微信支付
'chooseImage', //拍照或从手机相册中选图接口
'previewImage', //预览图片接口 'uploadImage', //上传图片
'openAddress', // 获取微信地址
// $openTagList = [
// 'wx-open-subscribe'
// ];
try {
$data = $this->wechat->jssdk($apis);
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
$data = $e->getResponse()->getData();
$message = $data ? ($data['msg'] ?? '') : $e->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->success('jssdkApi', $data);
* 微信小程序码接口
public function wxacode()
$mp = $this->wechat->getApp();
$path = $this->payload['path'];
list($page, $scene) = explode('?', $path);
$content = $mp->app_code->getUnlimit($scene, [
'page' => substr($page, 1),
'is_hyaline' => true,
// 'env_version' => 'develop'
'env_version' => 'release'
if ($content instanceof \EasyWeChat\Kernel\Http\StreamResponse) {
return response($content->getBody(), 200, ['Content-Length' => strlen($content->getBodyContents())])->contentType('image/png');
} else {
// 小程序码获取失败
$msg = $content['errcode'] ?? '-';
$msg .= $content['errmsg'] ?? '';
* 微信小程序订阅模板消息
public function subscribeTemplate()
$templates = [];
// 获取订阅消息模板
$notificationConfig = NotificationConfig::where('channel', 'WechatMiniProgram')->enable()->select();
foreach ($notificationConfig as $k => $config) {
if ($config['content'] && isset($config['content']['template_id']) && $config['content']['template_id']) {
$templates[$config['event']] = $config['content']['template_id'];
$this->success('获取成功', $templates);