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12 months ago
namespace addons\shopro\service\commission;
use addons\shopro\service\commission\Config;
use app\admin\model\shopro\user\User as UserModel;
use app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Agent as AgentModel;
use app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Level as LevelModel;
use app\admin\model\shopro\commission\Log as LogModel;
use app\admin\model\shopro\Share as ShareModel;
* 分销商业务
class Agent
public $user; // 商城用户
public $agent; // 分销商
public $config; // 分销设置
public $parentUserId;
public $nextAgentTeam;
public $nextUserTeam;
* 构造函数
* @param mixed $user 用户ID/用户对象
public function __construct($user)
if (is_numeric($user)) {
$this->user = UserModel::get($user);
} else {
$this->user = UserModel::get($user->id);
if (!empty($this->user->id)) {
$this->agent = AgentModel::with(['level_info'])->find($this->user->id);
$this->config = new Config();
* 获取分销商实时状态
public function getAgentStatus($autoCreate = false)
if (empty($this->agent)) {
// 自动创建分销商
if ($autoCreate) {
return $this->createNewAgent();
return NULL;
return $this->agent->status;
* 获取分销商可参与状态 正常和冻结都可正常浏览并统计业绩
public function isAgentAvaliable()
$status = $this->getAgentStatus();
if (in_array($status, [AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL, AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_FREEZE])) {
return true;
return false;
* 获取分销商等级
public function getAgentLevel()
if (empty($this->agent)) {
return 0;
if (empty($this->agent->level_info)) {
return 1;
return $this->agent->level_info->level;
* 分销商升级是否锁定
public function getAgentUpgradeLock()
if (empty($this->agent)) {
return true;
if ($this->agent->upgrade_lock == AgentModel::UPGRADE_LOCK_OPEN) {
return true;
return false;
* 实时获取上级推荐人
public function getParentUserId()
if (empty($this->parentUserId)) {
$this->parentUserId = 0;
$parent_user_id = $this->user->parent_user_id;
// 未直接绑定分销商,从分享记录查找最近的分销商
if ($parent_user_id === NULL) {
$shareLog = ShareModel::hasWhere(
function ($query) {
return $query->where('status', 'in', [AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL, AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_FREEZE]);
)->where('Share.user_id', $this->user->id)->order('id desc')->find();
if ($shareLog) {
$parent_user_id = $shareLog['share_id'];
// 再次检查上级分销商是否可用
if ($parent_user_id > 0) {
$parentUser = UserModel::where('id', $parent_user_id)->find();
$parentAgent = AgentModel::avaliable()->where(['user_id' => $parent_user_id])->find();
if ($parentUser && $parentAgent) {
$this->parentUserId = $parentAgent->user_id;
return $this->parentUserId;
* 创建分销商
public function createNewAgent($event = '', $applyInfo = [])
// 已经是分销商
if (!empty($this->agent)) {
return $this->getAgentStatus();
$agentStatus = AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_NULL;
$condition = $this->config->getBecomeAgentEvent();
$check = false; // 是否满足条件
$needAgentApplyForm = $this->config->isAgentApplyForm();
if ($event !== '' && $condition['type'] !== $event) {
return $agentStatus;
switch ($condition['type']) {
case 'apply': // 直接自助申请
$check = true;
$needAgentApplyForm = true;
case 'goods': // 需购买指定产品
$isBuy = \app\admin\model\shopro\order\Order::hasWhere('items', function ($query) use ($condition) {
return $query->where('goods_id', 'in', $condition['value'])->where('refund_status', 0);
})->where('Order.user_id', $this->user->id)->paid()->find();
if ($isBuy) $check = true;
case 'consume': // 消费累计
if ($this->user->total_consume >= $condition['value']) {
$check = true;
case 'user': // 新会员注册
$check = true;
$needAgentApplyForm = false;
// 可以成为分销商 检查系统设置
if ($check) {
// 需后台审核
if ($this->config->isAgentCheck()) {
$agentStatus = AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_PENDING;
} else {
$agentStatus = AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL;
// 需要提交资料
if ($needAgentApplyForm && empty($applyInfo)) {
$agentStatus = AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_NEEDINFO; // 需要主动提交资料,暂时不加分销商信息
// 可以直接添加分销商信息
if ($agentStatus === AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL || $agentStatus === AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_PENDING) {
'user_id' => $this->user->id,
'level' => 1, // 默认分销商等级
'status' => $agentStatus,
'apply_info' => $applyInfo,
'apply_num' => 1,
'become_time' => time()
// 绑定上级推荐人
if ($this->user->parent_user_id === NULL) {
if ($this->bindUserRelation('agent') && $agentStatus !== AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL) {
$this->createAsyncAgentUpgrade($this->user->id); // 防止真正成为分销商时重新触发升级任务造成冗余
// 绑定为平台直推
if ($this->user->parent_user_id === NULL) {
$this->user->parent_user_id = 0;
$this->agent = AgentModel::with(['level_info'])->find($this->user->id);
// 添加分销商状态记录
LogModel::add($this->user->id, 'agent', ['type' => 'status', 'value' => $agentStatus]);
// 统计分销层级单链业绩
if ($agentStatus === AgentModel::AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL) {
return $agentStatus;
* 绑定用户关系
* @param string $event 事件标识(share=点击分享链接, pay=首次支付, agent=成为子分销商)
* @param int $bindAgentId 可指定需绑定的分销商用户ID 默认从分享记录中去查
public function bindUserRelation($event, $bindAgentId = NULL)
$bindCheck = false; // 默认不绑定
// 该用户已经有上级
if ($this->user->parent_user_id !== NULL) {
return false;
// 不满足绑定下级事件
if ($this->config->getInviteLockEvent() !== $event) {
return false;
switch ($this->config->getInviteLockEvent()) {
case 'share':
$bindCheck = true;
case 'pay':
if ($this->user->total_consume > 0) {
$bindCheck = true;
case 'agent':
$bindCheck = true;
if (!$bindCheck) {
return false;
if ($bindAgentId === NULL) {
$bindAgentId = $this->getParentUserId();
if (!$bindAgentId) {
return false;
$bindAgent = new Agent($bindAgentId);
if (!$bindAgent->isAgentAvaliable()) {
return false;
// 允许绑定用户
$this->user->parent_user_id = $bindAgent->user->id;
// 添加推广记录
LogModel::add($bindAgent->user->id, 'share', ['user' => $this->user]);
return true;
* 创建[分销商升级&统计业绩]异步队列任务
* 为了防止计算量大而引起阻塞,使用异步递归
public function createAsyncAgentUpgrade($user_id = 0)
if ($user_id === 0) {
$user_id = $this->user->id;
\think\Queue::push('\addons\shopro\job\Commission@agentUpgrade', [
'user_id' => $user_id
], 'shopro');
* 执行用户统计、分销商信息统计、分销商等级升级计划 (递归往上升级)
* @param bool $upgrade 执行分销商等级升级
public function runAgentUpgradePlan($upgrade = true)
if ($this->isAgentAvaliable()) {
// 获取下级直推团队用户信息
$nextUserTeam = $this->getNextUserTeam();
$nextAgentTeam = $this->getNextAgentTeam();
// 一级用户人数
$this->agent->child_user_count_1 = count($nextUserTeam);
// 二级用户人数 = 一级分销商的一级用户人数
$this->agent->child_user_count_2 = array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_user_count_1'));
// 团队用户人数 = 一级用户人数 + 一级用户的团队用户人数
$this->agent->child_user_count_all = $this->agent->child_user_count_1 + array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_user_count_all'));
// 一级分销商人数
$this->agent->child_agent_count_1 = count($nextAgentTeam);
// 二级分销商人数 = 一级分销商的一级分销商人数
$this->agent->child_agent_count_2 = array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_agent_count_1'));
// 团队分销商人数 = 一级分销商人数 + 一级分销商的团队分销商人数
$this->agent->child_agent_count_all = $this->agent->child_agent_count_1 + array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_agent_count_all'));
// 二级分销订单金额 = 一级分销商的一级分销订单金额 + 一级分销商的自购订单金额
$this->agent->child_order_money_2 = array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_order_money_1')) + array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_order_money_0'));
// 团队分销订单金额 = 自购分销订单金额 + 一级分销订单金额 + 一级所有分销商的团队分销订单总金额
$this->agent->child_order_money_all = $this->agent->child_order_money_0 + $this->agent->child_order_money_1 + array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_order_money_all'));
// 二级分销订单数量 = 一级分销商的一级分销订单数量 + 一级分销商的自购订单数量
$this->agent->child_order_count_2 = array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_order_count_1')) + array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_order_count_0'));
// 团队分销订单数量 = 自购分销订单数量 + 一级分销订单数量 + 一级所有分销商的团队分销订单总数量
$this->agent->child_order_count_all = $this->agent->child_order_count_0 + $this->agent->child_order_count_1 + array_sum(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_order_count_all'));
// 一级分销商等级统计
$child_agent_level_1 = array_count_values(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'level'));
$this->agent->child_agent_level_1 = $child_agent_level_1;
// 团队分销商等级统计 = 一级分销商等级 + 一级分销商的团队分销商等级
$child_agent_level_all = $this->childAgentLevelCount(array_column($nextAgentTeam, 'child_agent_level_all'), $this->agent->child_agent_level_1);
$this->agent->child_agent_level_all = $child_agent_level_all;
// 分销商自动升级
if (!$this->getAgentUpgradeLock() && $upgrade) {
$canUpgradeLevel = $this->checkAgentUpgradeLevel();
if ($canUpgradeLevel) {
if ($this->config->isUpgradeCheck()) {
$this->agent->level_status = $canUpgradeLevel;
} else {
$this->agent->level = $canUpgradeLevel;
LogModel::add($this->user->id, 'agent', ['type' => 'level', 'level' => LevelModel::find($canUpgradeLevel)]);
\think\Log::info('统计分销商业绩[ID=' . $this->user->id . '&nickname=' . $this->user->nickname . '] ---Ended');
$parentUserId = $this->getParentUserId();
if ($parentUserId) {
* 统计团队分销商等级排布
private function childAgentLevelCount($childAgentLevelArray, $childAgentLevel1Array)
$childAgentLevelCount = [];
foreach ($childAgentLevelArray as &$agentLevel) {
if (!empty($agentLevel)) {
$agentLevel = json_decode($agentLevel, true);
array_walk($agentLevel, function ($count, $level) use (&$childAgentLevelCount) {
if (isset($childAgentLevelCount[$level])) {
$childAgentLevelCount[$level] += $count;
} else {
$childAgentLevelCount[$level] = $count;
array_walk($childAgentLevel1Array, function ($count, $level) use (&$childAgentLevelCount) {
if (isset($childAgentLevelCount[$level])) {
$childAgentLevelCount[$level] += $count;
} else {
$childAgentLevelCount[$level] = $count;
return $childAgentLevelCount;
* 获取下级分销商团队
public function getNextAgentTeam()
if (!$this->isAgentAvaliable()) {
return [];
if (empty($this->nextAgentTeam)) {
$this->nextAgentTeam = AgentModel::hasWhere('user', function ($query) {
return $query->where('parent_user_id', $this->user->id);
})->column('user_id, Agent.level, child_user_count_1, child_user_count_all,child_agent_count_1, child_agent_count_all, child_order_money_0, child_order_money_1, child_order_money_all, child_order_count_0, child_order_count_1, child_order_count_all, child_agent_level_1, child_agent_level_all');
return $this->nextAgentTeam;
* 获取下级直推团队用户
public function getNextUserTeam()
if (!$this->isAgentAvaliable()) {
return [];
if (empty($this->nextUserTeam)) {
$this->nextUserTeam = UserModel::where(['parent_user_id' => $this->user->id, 'status' => 'normal'])->column('id');
return $this->nextUserTeam;
* 获取可升级的分销商等级
private function getNextAgentLevel()
$nextAgentLevel = [];
$agentLevel = $this->getAgentLevel();
if ($agentLevel) {
$nextAgentLevel = LevelModel::where('level', '>', $agentLevel)->order('level asc')->select();
return $nextAgentLevel;
* 比对当前分销商条件是否满足升级规则
private function checkAgentUpgradeLevel()
$nextAgentLevel = $this->getNextAgentLevel();
if (count($nextAgentLevel)) {
foreach ($nextAgentLevel as $level) {
$checkLevel[$level->level] = $this->isMatchUpgradeLevelRule($level);
// 不允许越级升级
if (!$this->config->isUpgradeJump()) break;
$checkLevel = array_reverse($checkLevel, true);
$canUpgradeLevel = array_search(true, $checkLevel);
if ($canUpgradeLevel) {
return $canUpgradeLevel;
return 0;
* 分销商升级规则检查
public function isMatchUpgradeLevelRule($level)
foreach ($level->upgrade_rules as $name => $value) {
$match[$name] = false;
switch ($name) {
case 'total_consume': // 用户消费金额
$match[$name] = $this->user->$name >= $value;
case 'child_user_count_all': // 团队用户人数
case 'child_user_count_1': // 一级用户人数
case 'child_user_count_2': // 二级用户人数
case 'child_order_money_0': // 自购分销订单金额
case 'child_order_money_1': // 一级分销订单金额
case 'child_order_money_2': // 二级分销订单金额
case 'child_order_money_all': // 团队分销订单金额
case 'child_order_count_0': // 自购分销订单数量
case 'child_order_count_1': // 一级分销订单数量
case 'child_order_count_2': // 二级分销订单数量
case 'child_order_count_all': // 团队分销订单数量
case 'child_agent_count_1': // 一级分销商人数
case 'child_agent_count_2': // 二级分销商人数
case 'child_agent_count_all': // 团队分销商人数
$match[$name] = $this->agent->$name >= $value;
case 'child_agent_level_1': // 一级分销商等级统计
case 'child_agent_level_all': // 团队分销商等级统计
$match[$name] = true;
if (count($value) > 0) {
if (empty($this->agent->$name)) {
$match[$name] = false;
} else {
foreach ($value as $k => $row) {
if (!isset(($this->agent->$name)[$row['level']]) || ($this->agent->$name)[$row['level']] < $row['count']) {
$match[$name] = false;
// ①满足任意一种条件:只要有一种符合立即返回可以升级状态
if (!$level->upgrade_type && $match[$name]) {
return true;
// ②满足所有条件:不满足任意一种条件立即返回不可升级状态
if ($level->upgrade_type && !$match[$name]) {
return false;
// 循环完所有的 如果是①的情况则代表都不符合条件,如果是②则代表都符合条件 返回对应状态即可
return boolval($level->upgrade_type);
* 计算分销用户用户积分
* @return
public function calcScore() {
$comission_score = 0;
12 months ago