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21 lines
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21 lines
48 KiB
12 months ago
-- 商品分类
INSERT INTO `__PREFIX__shopro_category` (`id`, `name`, `parent_id`, `style`, `image`, `description`, `status`, `weigh`, `createtime`, `updatetime`) VALUES (3, '一级分类01', 0, 'first_one', NULL, '', 'normal', 1, 1665647965, 1665647965), (4, '服饰鞋包', 3, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (5, '个护清洁', 3, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (6, '居家生活', 3, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (7, '母婴亲子', 3, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (8, '数码家电', 3, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (9, '二级分类', 0, 'second_one', NULL, '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (10, '服饰鞋包', 9, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (11, '居家内衣', 10, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (12, '男装', 10, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (13, '女装', 10, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (21, '三级分类', 0, 'third_one', NULL, '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (22, '服饰鞋包', 21, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (23, '居家内衣', 22, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (24, '男士居家服', 23, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (25, '男士内裤', 23, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (27, '男士内衣', 23, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (28, '男装', 22, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (29, '男士POLO衫', 28, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (30, '男士裤装', 28, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (31, '男士衬衫', 28, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (32, '一级分类02', 0, 'first_two', NULL, '', 'normal', 1, 1665647965, 1665647965), (33, '服饰鞋包', 32, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (34, '个护清洁', 32, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (35, '数码家电', 32, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (36, '母婴亲子', 32, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (37, '居家生活', 32, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (38, '女装', 22, NULL, '', '', 'normal', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (39, '女士衬衫', 38, NULL, '
-- 商品
INSERT INTO `__PREFIX__shopro_goods` (`id`, `type`, `title`, `subtitle`, `category_ids`, `image`, `images`, `params`, `content`, `original_price`, `price`, `is_sku`, `limit_type`, `limit_num`, `likes`, `views`, `sales`, `sales_show_type`, `stock_show_type`, `show_sales`, `service_ids`, `dispatch_type`, `dispatch_id`, `is_offline`, `status`, `weigh`, `createtime`, `updatetime`, `deletetime`) VALUES (1, 'normal', '森马国潮短裤男夏季潮印花大码中国风裤子休闲嘻哈潮流宽松五分裤', '夏季潮印花大码中国风', '4,10,12,22,28,33', '', '["http:\/\/\/www\/default\/2.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/3.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/4.png"]', '', '', 111.00, 98.00, 0, 'none', 0, 0, 738, 31, 'exact', 'exact', 123, '1,2,3,4', 'express', 1, 0, 'up', 0, 1678353033, 1678353033, NULL), (4, 'normal', '刀锋男鞋夏季透气防臭飞织运动鞋男潮流百搭休闲网面跑步鞋大码46', '夏季透气防臭', '', '', '["http:\/\/\/www\/default\/6.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/7.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/8.png"]', '[{\"title\":\"\\u54c1\\u724c\",\"content\":\"\\u96c5\\u6d89\"},{\"title\":\"\\u529f\\u80fd\",\"content\":\"\\u900f\\u6c14\"},{\"title\":\"\\u95ed\\u5408\\u65b9\\u5f0f\",\"content\":\"\\u7cfb\\u5e26\"},{\"title\":\"\\u5c3a\\u7801\",\"content\":\"36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42\"},{\"title\":\"\\u98ce\\u683c\",\"content\":\"\\u9752\\u6625\\u6f6e\\u6d41\"},{\"title\":\"\\u978b\\u8ddf\\u9ad8\",\"content\":\"\\u5e73\\u8ddf\"}]', '', 0.00, 299.00, 0, 'none', 0, 0, 632, 62, 'exact', 'exact', 0, '1,2,3,4', 'express', 1, 0, 'up', 0, 1678353033, 1678353033, NULL), (5, 'normal', '中国风龙图案棒球帽男潮牌休闲鸭舌帽女潮流百搭防晒遮阳太阳帽子', '防晒遮阳太阳帽子', '4,10,22,44,33', '', '["http:\/\/\/www\/default\/10.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/11.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/12.png"]', '[{\"title\":\"\\u54c1\\u724c\",\"content\":\"\\u6e10\\u6e10\\u9752\"},{\"title\":\"\\u9002\\u7528\\u5e74\\u9f84\",\"content\":\"25-29\\u5468\\u5c81\"},{\"title\":\"\\u4e3b\\u8981\\u6750\\u8d28\",\"content\":\"\\u68c9\"},{\"title\":\"\\u5c3a\\u7801\",\"content\":\"\\u53ef\\u8c03\\u8282\"},{\"title\":\"\\u98ce\\u683c\",\"content\":\"\\u8857\\u5934\"},{\"title\":\"\\u989c\\u8272\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"content\":\"\\u767d\\u8272 \\u7c73\\u8272 \\u9ed1\\u8272\"}]', '', 46.00, 29.60, 1, 'none', 0, 0, 761, 42, 'exact', 'exact', 0, '1,2,3,4', 'express', 1, 0, 'up', 0, 1678353033, 1678353033, NULL), (6, 'normal', '嘻哈休闲运动套装男士夏季潮牌ins胖子大码青少年男装短裤短袖t恤', '休闲运动套装', '4,10,12,22,28,29,23,76,33', '', '["http:\/\/\/www\/default\/1.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/2.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/3.png"]', '[{\"title\":\"\\u54c1\\u724c\",\"content\":\"\\u67d2\\u724c\"},{\"title\":\"\\u5c3a\\u7801\",\"content\":\"M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL\"},{\"title\":\"\\u9002\\u7528\\u5b63\\u8282\",\"content\":\"\\u590f\\u5b63\"}]', '', 210.00, 129.00, 1, 'none', 0, 0, 55, 9, 'exact', 'exact', 0, '1,2,3,4', 'express', 1, 0, 'up', 0, 1678353033, 1678353033, NULL), (7, 'normal', '0-1岁婴儿童宝宝洗澡游泳戏水发条海豚小乌龟男女孩黄鸭花洒玩具', '花洒玩具', '7,58,60,81,106,36', '', '["http:\/\/\/www\/default\/5.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/6.png","http:\/\/\/www\/default\/7.png"]', '[{\"title\":\"\\u54c1\\u724c\",\"content\":\"\\u5176\\u4ed6\"},{\"title\":\"\\u9002\\u7528\\u5e74\\u9f84\",\"content\":\"2\\u5c81 3\\u5c81 4\\u5c81 5\\u5c81 6\\u5c81 7\\u5c81 8\\u5c81\"},{\"title\":\"\\u7c7b\\u578b\",\"content\":\"\\u53d1\\u6761\\u7c7b\\u620f\\u6c34\\u73a9\\u5177\"},{\"title\":\"\\u6750\\u8d28\",\"content\":\
-- 商品规格项
INSERT INTO `__PREFIX__shopro_goods_sku` (`id`, `name`, `parent_id`, `goods_id`, `weigh`) VALUES (1, '颜色', 0, 5, 0), (2, '米色', 1, 5, 0), (3, '黑色', 1, 5, 0), (4, '白色', 1, 5, 0), (5, '颜色', 0, 6, 0), (6, '灰色', 5, 6, 0), (7, '蓝色', 5, 6, 0), (8, '黑色', 5, 6, 0), (9, '白色', 5, 6, 0), (10, '种类', 0, 7, 0), (11, '小海豚', 10, 7, 0), (12, '小鸭子', 10, 7, 0), (13, '小青蛙', 10, 7, 0), (14, '颜色', 0, 12, 0), (15, '白色', 14, 12, 0), (16, '棕色', 14, 12, 0), (17, '红色', 14, 12, 0), (18, '颜色', 0, 13, 0), (19, '黑色', 18, 13, 0), (20, '白色', 18, 13, 0), (21, '尺码', 0, 13, 0), (22, 'S', 21, 13, 0), (23, 'M', 21, 13, 0), (24, 'XL', 21, 13, 0), (25, 'XXL', 21, 13, 0), (26, '尺码', 0, 6, 0), (27, 'M', 26, 6, 0), (28, 'XL', 26, 6, 0), (29, '版本', 0, 14, 0), (30, 'MateBook D 14 2022款', 29, 14, 0), (31, '颜色', 0, 14, 0), (32, 'i5 16G 512G 皓月银', 31, 14, 0), (33, 'i5 16G 512G 深空灰', 31, 14, 0), (34, '颜色', 0, 15, 0), (35, '蓝色', 34, 15, 0), (36, '黄色', 34, 15, 0), (37, '颜色', 0, 16, 0), (38, '米奇色', 37, 16, 0), (39, '苏菲紫', 37, 16, 0), (40, '米妮粉', 37, 16, 0), (41, '颜色', 0, 17, 0), (42, '白色', 41, 17, 0), (43, '黑色', 41, 17, 0), (44, '黄色', 41, 17, 0), (45, '颜色', 0, 18, 0), (46, '白色', 45, 18, 0), (47, '蓝色', 45, 18, 0), (48, '黑色', 45, 18, 0), (49, '颜色', 0, 21, 0), (50, '黑色', 49, 21, 0), (51, '米色', 49, 21, 0), (52, '尺码', 0, 22, 0), (53, 'L', 52, 22, 0), (54, 'XL', 52, 22, 0), (55, '2XL', 52, 22, 0), (56, '3XL', 52, 22, 0), (65, '颜色', 0, 24, 0), (66, '绿色', 65, 24, 0), (67, '粉色', 65, 24, 0), (68, '尺码', 0, 24, 0), (69, 'M', 68, 24, 0), (70, 'X', 68, 24, 0), (71, 'XL', 68, 24, 0), (72, '2XL', 68, 24, 0), (73, '颜色', 0, 26, 0), (74, '银色', 73, 26, 0), (75, '绿色', 73, 26, 0), (76, '黑色', 73, 26, 0), (77, '尺码', 0, 26, 0), (78, '22寸', 77, 26, 0), (79, '24寸', 77, 26, 0), (80, '26寸', 77, 26, 0);
-- 配送方式
INSERT INTO `__PREFIX__shopro_dispatch` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `createtime`, `updatetime`) VALUES (1, '全国包邮', 'express', 'normal', 1678353033, 1678353033);
INSERT INTO `__PREFIX__shopro_dispatch_express` (`id`, `dispatch_id`, `type`, `first_num`, `first_price`, `additional_num`, `additional_price`, `province_ids`, `city_ids`, `district_ids`, `weigh`, `createtime`, `updatetime`) VALUES (1, 1, 'number', 10, '0.00', 0, '0.00', '11,12,13,14,15,21,22,23,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,41,42,43,44,45,46,50,51,52,53,54,61,62,63,64,65', '', '', 0, 1678353033, 1678353033);
-- 商品规格
INSERT INTO `__PREFIX__shopro_goods_sku_price` (`id`, `goods_sku_ids`, `goods_sku_text`, `goods_id`, `image`, `stock`, `stock_warning`, `sales`, `sn`, `weight`, `cost_price`, `original_price`, `price`, `status`, `weigh`, `createtime`, `updatetime`) VALUES (1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 8947, NULL, 31, '001', 1.00, 70.00, 111.00, 98.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (4, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, 3510, NULL, 62, '', 0.00, 100.00, 0.00, 299.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (5, '2', '米色', 5, '', 11, NULL, 21, '', 0.00, 15.00, 46.00, 29.80, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (6, '3', '黑色', 5, '', 16, NULL, 12, '', 0.00, 15.00, 46.00, 29.70, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (7, '4', '白色', 5, '', 109, NULL, 9, '', 0.00, 15.00, 46.00, 29.60, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (12, '11', '小海豚', 7, '', 16, NULL, 2, '', 0.00, 3.00, 12.00, 9.90, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (13, '12', '小鸭子', 7, '', 13, NULL, 5, '', 0.00, 3.00, 12.00, 9.90, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (14, '13', '小青蛙', 7, '', 17, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 3.00, 12.00, 9.90, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (15, NULL, NULL, 8, NULL, 23, NULL, 1, '', 0.00, 300.00, 1196.00, 598.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (16, NULL, NULL, 9, NULL, 13, NULL, 8, '', 0.00, 100.00, 240.00, 195.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (19, '15', '白色', 12, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 1800.00, 3168.00, 2199.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (20, '16', '棕色', 12, '', 15, NULL, 1, '', 0.00, 1800.00, 3168.00, 2199.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (21, '17', '红色', 12, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 1800.00, 3168.00, 2199.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (22, '19,22', '黑色,S', 13, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 150.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (23, '20,22', '白色,S', 13, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 150.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (24, '19,23', '黑色,M', 13, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 150.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (25, '20,23', '白色,M', 13, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 150.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (26, '19,24', '黑色,XL', 13, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 150.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (27, '20,24', '白色,XL', 13, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 150.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (28, '19,25', '黑色,XXL', 13, '', 16, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 150.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (29, '20,25', '白色,XXL', 13, '', 15, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 150.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (30, '6,27', '灰色,M', 6, '', 100, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 80.00, 210.00, 129.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (31, '7,27', '蓝色,M', 6, '', 100, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 80.00, 210.00, 129.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (32, '8,27', '黑色,M', 6, '', 100, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 80.00, 210.00, 129.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (33, '9,27', '白色,M', 6, '', 100, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 80.00, 210.00, 129.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (34, '6,28', '灰色,XL', 6, '', 98, NULL, 2, '', 0.00, 80.00, 210.00, 129.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (35, '7,28', '蓝色,XL', 6, '', 100, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 80.00, 210.00, 129.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (36, '8,28', '黑色,XL', 6, '', 108, NULL, 2, '', 0.00, 80.00, 210.00, 129.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (37, '9,28', '白色,XL', 6, '', 101, NULL, 5, '', 0.00, 80.00, 210.00, 129.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (38, '30,32', 'MateBook D 14 2022款,i5 16G 512G 皓月银', 14, '', 20, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 4000.00, 5380.00, 4498.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (39, '30,33', 'MateBook D 14 2022款,i5 16G 512G 深空灰', 14, '', 20, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 4000.00, 5380.00, 4498.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (40, '35', '蓝色', 15, '', 20, NULL, 3, '', 0.00, 189.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (41, '36', '黄色', 15, '', 20, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 189.00, 389.00, 298.00, 'up', 0, 1665647965, 1665647965), (42, '38', '米奇色', 16, '', 19, NULL, 1, '', 0.00, 50.00, 126.00, 89.
-- 商品服务
INSERT INTO `__PREFIX__shopro_goods_service` (`id`, `name`, `image`, `description`, `createtime`, `updatetime`) VALUES (1, '正品保障', '/assets/addons/shopro/img/test/real.png', '正品保障,假一赔十', 1669008712, 1670051584), (2, '7天无理由退换', '/assets/addons/shopro/img/test/seven.png', '满足相应条件(吊牌缺失,洗涤后不支持)时,消费者可 申请“7天无理由退换货”', 1669008712, 1670051591), (3, '退货运费险', '/assets/addons/shopro/img/test/dispatch_fee.png', '卖家投保退货运费险,负担一定金额退货运费', 1669008712, 1669008712), (4, '极速退款', '/assets/addons/shopro/img/test/refund.png', '卖家投保退货运费险,负担一定金额退货运费', 1669008712, 1669008712);
-- 常见问题
INSERT INTO `__PREFIX__shopro_data_faq` (`id`, `title`, `content`, `status`, `createtime`, `updatetime`) VALUES (1, '商品退货了,谁承担运费?', '亲,平台运费规则秉承“谁过错,谁承担”的原则,如非商家或者物流问题,建议您联系商家协商处理,售后,退货运费需要您自行承担;如商品存在质量问题、商家发错货等情况,退货运费由商家承担。为了更好的保障您的权益,请您保留好相关凭证,退货物流费用麻烦您先垫付,不要使用到付,待商家收到您寄回的商品,退款成功后,您可以凭借凭证联系商家处理~', 'normal', 1669008712, 1669008712), (2, '付款后订单显示待付款?', '如您账户显示已扣款,但订单交易状态显示”等待付款”,可能是由于网络繁忙导致数据延迟,建议您稍后关注订单交易状态以及交易账户流水情况。', 'normal', 1669008712, 1669008712), (3, '发货时间', '一般情况下,用户下单后48小时内发货', 'normal', 1669008712, 1669008712);