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496 lines
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496 lines
13 KiB
<view :style="{ paddingTop: mbConfig + 'rpx'}" v-if="tempArr.length">
<view class="index-product-wrapper" :style="{borderRadius: '20rpx'}">
<!-- 单列 -->
<block v-if="itemStyle == 0">
<view class="list-box animated listA" :class="tempArr.length > 0 ? 'fadeIn on' : ''">
<view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in tempArr" :key="index" @click="goDetail(item)">
<view class="pictrue" :class="'cont'+conStyle">
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view v-if="item.stock == 0" class="sell_out">已售罄</view>
<view v-if="item.border_pic" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${item.border_pic})` }" class="border-picture"></view>
<view class="text-info" style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;">
<view style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;justify-content: space-between;height: 100%;">
<view v-if="titleShow" class="title line2">{{ item.store_name }}</view>
<view v-if="priceShow" class="price acea-row" :style="'color:'+priceColor">
<text>{{ item.price }}</text>
<view class="merchant_info">
<view v-if="item.merchant && item.merchant.type_name" :style="'background:'+labelColor" class="font-bg-red">{{item.merchant.type_name}}</view>
<view class="txt" :style="'border-color:'+priceColor+';color:'+priceColor+';'" v-if="item.issetCoupon && couponShow">领券</view>
<view class="txt delivery" v-if="item.delivery_free">包邮</view>
<view class="pingfen" v-if="item.rate">
<view class="dianpu" v-if="item.merchant" @click="goStore(item)">
<text style="color:#333333;margin-left:10rpx;">进店 ></text>
<!-- 两列 -->
<block v-if="itemStyle == 1">
<view class="list-box listS animated" :class="tempArr.length > 0 ? 'fadeIn on' : ''">
<view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in tempArr" :key="index" @click="goDetail(item)" :class="'bg'+conStyle">
<view class="pictrue picture1" :class="'cont'+conStyle">
<!-- <image :src="item.image" mode=""></image> -->
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view v-if="item.stock == 0" class="sell_out">已售罄</view>
<view v-if="item.border_pic" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${item.border_pic})` }" class="border-picture"></view>
<view class="text-info">
<view v-if="titleShow" class="title line1">{{ item.store_name }}</view>
<view v-if="priceShow" class="price acea-row" :style="'color:'+priceColor">
<view>¥<text>{{ item.price }}</text></view>
<!-- 三列 -->
<block v-if="itemStyle == 2">
<view class="list-box animated listB" :class="tempArr.length > 0 ? 'fadeIn on' : ''">
<view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in tempArr" :key="index" @click="goDetail(item)">
<view class="pictrue" :class="'cont'+conStyle">
<!-- <image :src="item.image" mode=""></image> -->
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view v-if="item.stock == 0" class="sell_out">已售罄</view>
<view v-if="item.border_pic" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${item.border_pic})` }" class="border-picture"></view>
<view class="text-info" style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;">
<view v-if="titleShow" class="title line1">{{ item.store_name }}</view>
<view v-if="priceShow" class="price">
<view v-if="priceShow" :style="'color:'+priceColor">
¥<text>{{ item.price }}</text>
<block v-if="itemStyle == 3">
<view class="list-box animated listC" :class="tempArr.length > 0 ? 'fadeIn on' : ''">
<view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in tempArr" :key="index" @click="goDetail(item)" :style="'border-radius:'+bgStyle+'rpx;'">
<view class="pictrue" :class="'cont'+conStyle">
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view class="text-info" style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;">
<view v-if="titleShow" class="title line2">{{ item.store_name }}</view>
<view v-if="priceShow || opriceShow" class="price">
<view v-if="priceShow" :style="'color:'+priceColor">
{{ item.price }}
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2024 All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
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// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { getProductData } from '@/api/api.js';
export default {
name: 'goodList',
props: {
dataConfig: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
merId: {
type: String || Number,
default: ''
data() {
return {
tempArr: [],
mbConfig: this.dataConfig.mbConfig.val*2,
numConfig: this.dataConfig.numConfig.val ? this.dataConfig.numConfig.val : this.dataConfig.numConfig.val,
themeColor: this.dataConfig.themeColor.color[0].item,
priceColor: this.dataConfig.fontColor.color[0].item,
labelColor: this.dataConfig.labelColor.color[0].item,
itemStyle: this.dataConfig.itemStyle.type,
sortType: this.dataConfig.goodsSort.type,
conStyle: this.dataConfig.conStyle.type,
bgStyle: this.dataConfig.bgStyle.type ? '20' : '0',
type: this.dataConfig.tabConfig.tabVal || 0,
selectId: this.dataConfig.selectConfig.activeValue || 0,
productIds: this.dataConfig.goodsList.ids || [],
titleShow: this.dataConfig.titleShow.val,
priceShow: this.dataConfig.priceShow.val,
couponShow: this.dataConfig.couponShow.val,
diy_id: this.dataConfig.did,
unique: this.dataConfig.timestamp,
created() {},
mounted() {
methods: {
productslist() {
let data = {};
if (this.type == 1) {
data = {
diy_id: this.diy_id,
unique: this.unique,
mer_id: this.merId,
product_ids: this.productIds.toString(),
limit: this.productIds.length,
} else {
data = {
diy_id: this.diy_id,
unique: this.unique,
mer_id: this.merId,
order: this.sortType == 2 ? 'price_asc' : this.sortType == 1 ? 'sales' : '',
limit: this.numConfig,
data.mer_cate_id = (this.selectId&&this.selectId.toString()) || ''
data.cate_pid = (this.selectId&&this.selectId.toString()) || ''
getProductData(data).then(res => {
this.tempArr =;
goDetail(item) {
this.$emit('detail', item);
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