English | [简体中文](./README_CN.md)
A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page.
vConsole is framework-free, you can use it in Vue or React or any other framework application.
Now vConsole is the official debugging tool for WeChat Miniprograms.
## Features
- Logs: `console.log|info|error|...`
- Network: `XMLHttpRequest`, `Fetch`, `sendBeacon`
- Element: HTML elements tree
- Storage: `Cookies`, `LocalStorage`, `SessionStorage`
- Execute JS command manually
- Custom plugins
For details, please see the screenshots below.
## Release Notes
Latest version: [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vconsole)
Detailed release notes for each version are available on [Changelog](./CHANGELOG.md).
## Guide
See [Tutorial](./doc/tutorial.md) for more usage details.
For installation, there are 2 primary ways of adding vConsole to a project:
#### Method 1: Using npm (Recommended)
$ npm install vconsole
import VConsole from 'vconsole';
const vConsole = new VConsole();
// or init with options
const vConsole = new VConsole({ theme: 'dark' });
// call `console` methods as usual
console.log('Hello world');
// remove it when you finish debugging
#### Method 2: Using CDN in HTML:
Available CDN:
- https://unpkg.com/vconsole@latest/dist/vconsole.min.js
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vconsole@latest/dist/vconsole.min.js
## Preview

## Screenshots
### Overview
Light theme

Dark theme

### Log Panel
Log styling

Command line

### System Panel
Performance info

Output logs to different panel
console.log('output to Log panel.')
console.log('[system]', 'output to System panel.')
### Network Panel
Request details

### Element Panel
Realtime HTML elements structure

### Storage Panel
Add, edit, delete or copy Cookies / LocalStorage / SessionStorage

## Documentation
- [Tutorial](./doc/tutorial.md)
- [Public Properties & Methods](./doc/public_properties_methods.md)
- [Builtin Plugin: Properties & Methods](./doc/plugin_properties_methods.md)
Custom Plugin:
- [Plugin: Getting Started](./doc/plugin_getting_started.md)
- [Plugin: Building a Plugin](./doc/plugin_building_a_plugin.md)
- [Plugin: Event List](./doc/plugin_event_list.md)
## Third-party Plugins
- [vConsole-sources](https://github.com/WechatFE/vConsole-sources)
- [vconsole-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/diamont1001/vconsole-webpack-plugin)
- [vconsole-stats-plugin](https://github.com/smackgg/vConsole-Stats)
- [vconsole-vue-devtools-plugin](https://github.com/Zippowxk/vue-vconsole-devtools)
- [vconsole-outputlog-plugin](https://github.com/sunlanda/vconsole-outputlog-plugin)
- [vite-plugin-vconsole](https://github.com/vadxq/vite-plugin-vconsole)
## Feedback
QQ Group: 497430533

## License
[The MIT License](./LICENSE)