You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
5.9 KiB

2 years ago
<!-- 品牌 brand -->
<view class="brand-box fill-base pt-lg pb-lg flex-warp"
v-if="type == 'brand' || type =='brand-collect' || type == 'brand-tracks'">
<image mode="aspectFill" class="cover radius-5" :src="info.logo || info.merchant.logo"></image>
<view class="flex-1 ml-md" :class="[{'flex-between':type != 'brand'}]">
<view :style="{width: type == 'brand' ? '530rpx' : '400rpx'}">
<view class="brand-title base-line f-title c-title ellipsis" :class="[{'mt-sm': type !='brand'}]">
{{info.short_name || info.merchant.short_name}}</view>
<view class="base-line f-caption c-caption ellipsis">
企业名称{{info.mer_name || info.merchant.mer_name}}</view>
<block v-if="type == 'brand'">
<view class="flex-warp" v-if="info.categories.length > 0">
<block v-for="(item,index) in info.categories" :key="index">
<view class="tag-text flex-center pl-md pr-md f-little" :class="[{'ml-md':index!=0}]"
<!-- <view class="flex-warp">
<block v-for="(item,index) in 5" :key="index">
<image class="mini-cover radius-5" :class="[{'ml-sm':index!=0}]" :src="info.cover"></image>
</view> -->
<block v-else>
<view class="brand-map flex-y-center f-caption c-caption ellipsis"><i
class="iconfont iconchakan1 mr-sm"></i>{{info.merchant.follows || info.merchant.views}}人浏览
<view @tap.stop="toClickItem('toCollect')" class="collect-btn flex-center f-caption radius"
:class="[{'c-caption': type=='brand-collect' || info.is_follow == 1 },{'c-base': info.is_follow == 0 }]"
:style="{background: type=='brand-collect' || info.is_follow == 1? '#eee' : primaryColor}"
v-if="type != 'brand'">{{type=='brand-collect' || info.is_follow == 1 ? '已关注' : '关注'}}</view>
<!-- 短视频 video -->
<view class="video-box fill-base" v-if="type == 'video'">
<image mode="aspectFill" class="cover radius-5" :src="info.cover"></image>
<view class="item-title pt-lg base-line f-title c-title ellipsis">{{info.title}}</view>
<view class="flex-center pt-md pb-md">
<image mode="aspectFill" class="brand-logo radius" :src="info.mer_logo"></image>
<view class="flex-1 ml-sm flex-between f-caption c-caption">
<view class="brand-name ellipsis">{{info.mer_name}}</view>
<view class="flex-y-center f-caption c-caption"><i
class="iconfont icondianzan mr-sm"></i>{{info.likes_people}}</view>
<!-- 直播 live -->
<view class="live-box fill-base" v-if="type == 'live'">
<view class="item-title pt-lg pb-md base-line f-title c-title ellipsis">{{}}</view>
<image mode="aspectFill" class="cover radius-5" :src="info.cover_img"></image>
<view class="flex-center pt-md pb-md">
<image mode="aspectFill" class="brand-logo radius" :src="info.merchant.logo"></image>
<view class="flex-1 ml-md flex-between f-caption c-caption">
<view class="brand-name ellipsis">{{info.merchant.mer_name}}</view>
<!-- 活动 activity -->
<view class="activity-box fill-base" v-if="type == 'activity'">
<image mode="aspectFill" class="cover radius-5" :src="info.cover"></image>
<view class="item-title pt-lg base-line f-title c-title ellipsis">{{info.title}}</view>
<view class="flex-center pt-md pb-md">
<image mode="aspectFill" class="brand-logo radius" :src="info.mer_logo || info.merchant.logo"></image>
<view class="flex-1 ml-md flex-between f-caption c-caption">
<view class="brand-name ellipsis">{{info.mer_name || info.merchant.mer_name}}</view>
<view class="activity-btn flex-center f-caption c-base radius" :style="{background:primaryColor}">
import {
} from "vuex"
export default {
data() {
return {}
components: {},
props: {
info: {
type: Object,
default: {}
type: {
type: String,
default: 'brand'
computed: mapState({
primaryColor: state => state.config.configInfo.primaryColor,
subColor: state => state.config.configInfo.subColor,
configInfo: state => state.config.configInfo,
commonOptions: state => state.user.commonOptions,
methods: {
// 点击跳转
toClickItem(key) {
// 点击参与
async toJoinActivity() {
let {
id = 0,
} =
let url = `/activity/pages/info?id=${id}`
<style scoped lang="scss">
// 品牌
.brand-box {
min-height: 140rpx;
.cover {
width: 138rpx;
height: 138rpx;
border: 1rpx solid #eee;
transform: rotateZ(360deg);
.flex-1 {
max-width: 530rpx;
.brand-title {
margin-bottom: 18rpx;
.tag-text {
height: 30rpx;
margin-top: 18rpx;
.mini-cover {
width: 45rpx;
height: 45rpx;
border-radius: 2rpx;
margin-top: 18rpx;
.brand-map {
margin-top: 18rpx;
.iconfont {
font-size: 24rpx;
.collect-btn {
width: 120rpx;
height: 70rpx;
// 短视频/直播/活动
.activity-box {
width: 690rpx;
.cover {
width: 690rpx;
height: 340rpx;
border-radius: 2rpx;
.brand-logo {
width: 45rpx;
height: 45rpx;
.brand-name {
max-width: 400rpx;
.activity-btn {
width: 130rpx;
height: 52rpx;
.video-box {
width: 330rpx;
.cover {
width: 330rpx;
height: 430rpx;
.brand-logo {
width: 35rpx;
height: 35rpx;
.brand-name {
max-width: 150rpx;
.icondianzan {
font-size: 24rpx;