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2 years ago
<view class="technician-info" v-if="">
<view :style="{background:primaryColor,height:'196rpx'}"></view>
<view class="fill-base ml-lg mr-lg flex-center pd-lg radius-16 rel" style="margin-top: -100rpx;">
<image @tap.stop="toPreviewImage(index,'work_img')" mode="aspectFill" class="avatar radius abs"
<view class="flex-1 ml-lg" style="margin-left: 180rpx;">
<view class="flex-y-baseline f-caption c-title">
<view class="f-title text-bold mr-lg">{{detail.coach_name}}</view>
<view class="sex-tag flex-center f-icontext radius">
<i class="iconfont" :class="['iconnan-xiaotu','iconnv-xiaotu'][]"
<view class="f-paragraph c-paragraph" style="margin-top: 5rpx;">
<view class="ml-lg mr-lg">
<view class="fill-base mt-md pd-lg f-paragraph c-paragraph radius-16">
<view class="f-title c-title text-bold mb-md">基本信息</view>
<view class="flex-y-baseline f-paragraph c-caption">意向工作城市<view class="c-paragraph ml-lg">
<view class="c-caption text-bold mt-md mb-md">技师简介</view>
<text class="c-paragraph" decode="emsp" style="word-break:break-all;">{{detail.text}}</text>
<view class="fill-base mt-md pd-lg f-paragraph c-paragraph radius-16">
<view class="f-title c-title text-bold">资质证书</view>
<view class="flex-warp img-list">
<image @tap.stop="toPreviewImage(index,'license')" mode="aspectFill" class="img-item-mini radius-16"
:src="item" v-for="(item,index) in detail.license" :key="index">
<view class="fill-base mt-md pd-lg f-paragraph c-paragraph radius-16">
<view class="f-title c-title text-bold">生活照</view>
<view class="flex-warp img-list">
<image @tap.stop="toPreviewImage(index,'self_img')" mode="aspectFill"
class="img-item-mini radius-16" :src="item" v-for="(item,index) in detail.self_img"
2 years ago
<view class="fill-base mt-md pd-lg f-paragraph c-paragraph radius-16">
<view class="f-title c-title text-bold">健康证</view>
<view class="flex-warp img-list">
<image @tap.stop="toPreviewImage(0,'healthy_img')" mode="aspectFill"
class="img-item-mini radius-16" :src="detail.healthy_img" >
<view class="fill-base mt-md pd-lg f-paragraph c-paragraph radius-16">
<view class="f-title c-title text-bold">工作照</view>
<view class="flex-warp img-list">
<image @tap.stop="toPreviewImage(0,'work_img')" mode="aspectFill"
class="img-item-mini radius-16" :src="detail.work_img" >
2 years ago
<view class="fill-base mt-md pd-lg f-paragraph c-paragraph radius-16" v-if="">
<view class="f-title c-title text-bold">视频介绍</view>
<video class="item-video mt-md radius-16" style="overflow: hidden;" :loop="false" enable-play-gesture
enable-progress-gesture :src="" @waiting="onWaiting" @progress="onProgress"
<view class="space-footer"></view>
import {
} from "vuex"
export default {
components: {},
data() {
return {
options: {},
detail: {},
computed: mapState({
primaryColor: state => state.config.configInfo.primaryColor,
subColor: state => state.config.configInfo.subColor,
userInfo: state => state.user.userInfo,
onLoad(options) {
this.options = options
methods: {
async initIndex() {
// #ifdef H5
2 years ago
if (this.$jweixin.isWechat()) {
await this.$jweixin.initJssdk();
this.$jweixin.wxReady(() => {
2 years ago
// #endif
await this.getDetail()
bg: this.primaryColor
async getDetail() {
let {
} = this.options
let data = await this.$api.service.coachInfo({
data.id_code = data.id_code.substring(0, 4) + '**********' + data.id_code.substring(data.id_code
.length - 4, data.id_code.length)
this.detail = data
onWaiting(e) {},
onProgress(e) {},
onLoadedMetaData(e) {},
toPreviewImage(index, key = 0) {
let urls = this.detail[key]
2 years ago
if (key == 'work_img'||key == 'healthy_img') {
2 years ago
urls = [urls]
current: urls[index],
2 years ago
2 years ago
<style lang="scss">
.technician-info {
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height: 148rpx;
border: 2rpx solid #fff;
transform: rotateZ(360deg);
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height: 40rpx;
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height: 190rpx;
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margin-right: 16rpx;
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top: -16rpx;
left: 0;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
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width: 199rpx;
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