You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1218 lines
42 KiB
1218 lines
42 KiB
2 years ago
/// <reference path="../build/vendor.d.ts" />
declare module "core/options.interface" {
export interface VConsoleLogOptions {
maxLogNumber?: number;
showTimestamps?: boolean;
export interface VConsoleNetworkOptions {
maxNetworkNumber?: number;
export type VConsoleAvailableStorage = 'cookies' | 'localStorage' | 'sessionStorage' | 'wxStorage';
export interface VConsoleStorageOptions {
defaultStorages?: VConsoleAvailableStorage[];
export interface VConsoleOptions {
target?: string | HTMLElement;
defaultPlugins?: ('system' | 'network' | 'element' | 'storage')[];
theme?: '' | 'dark' | 'light';
disableLogScrolling?: boolean;
pluginOrder?: string[];
onReady?: () => void;
log?: VConsoleLogOptions;
network?: VConsoleNetworkOptions;
storage?: VConsoleStorageOptions;
* @deprecated Since v3.12.0, use `log.maxLogNumber`.
maxLogNumber?: number;
* @deprecated Since v3.12.0, use `network.maxNetworkNumber`.
maxNetworkNumber?: number;
* @deprecated Since v3.12.0.
onClearLog?: () => void;
declare module "lib/tool" {
* Utility Functions
* get formatted date by timestamp
export function getDate(time: number): {
time: number;
year: number;
month: string | number;
day: string | number;
hour: string | number;
minute: string | number;
second: string | number;
millisecond: string | number;
* Determine whether a value is of a specific type.
export function isNumber(value: any): boolean;
export function isBigInt(value: any): boolean;
export function isString(value: any): boolean;
export function isArray(value: any): boolean;
export function isBoolean(value: any): boolean;
export function isUndefined(value: any): boolean;
export function isNull(value: any): boolean;
export function isSymbol(value: any): boolean;
export function isObject(value: any): boolean;
export function isFunction(value: any): boolean;
export function isElement(value: any): boolean;
export function isWindow(value: any): boolean;
export function isIterable(value: any): boolean;
* Get the prototype name of an object
export function getPrototypeName(value: any): string;
* Get an object's constructor name.
export function getObjName(obj: any): string;
* check whether an object is plain (using {})
* @param object obj
* @return boolean
export function isPlainObject(obj: any): boolean;
* Escape HTML to XSS-safe text.
export function htmlEncode(text: string | number): string;
* Convert a text's invisible characters to visible characters.
export function getVisibleText(text: string): string;
* A safe `JSON.stringify` method.
export function safeJSONStringify(obj: any, opt?: {
maxDepth?: number;
keyMaxLen?: number;
pretty?: boolean;
standardJSON?: boolean;
}): string;
* Call original `JSON.stringify` and catch unknown exceptions.
export function JSONStringify(value: any, replacer?: (this: any, key: string, value: any) => any, space?: string | number): string;
* Get the bytes of a string.
* @example 'a' = 1
* @example '好' = 3
export function getStringBytes(str: string): number;
* Convert bytes number to 'MB' or 'KB' string.
export function getBytesText(bytes: number): string;
* Get a string within a limited max length.
* The byte size of the string will be appended to the string when reached the limit.
* @return 'some string...(3.1 MB)'
export function getStringWithinLength(str: string, maxLen: number): string;
* Sore an `string[]` by string.
export function sortArray(arr: string[]): string[];
* Get enumerable keys of an object or array.
export function getEnumerableKeys(obj: any): string[];
* Get enumerable and non-enumerable keys of an object or array.
export function getEnumerableAndNonEnumerableKeys(obj: any): string[];
* Get non-enumerable keys of an object or array.
export function getNonEnumerableKeys(obj: any): string[];
export function getSymbolKeys(obj: any): symbol[];
* localStorage methods
export function setStorage(key: string, value: string): void;
export function getStorage(key: string): string;
* Generate a 6-digit unique string with prefix `"__vc_" + ${prefix}`
export function getUniqueID(prefix?: string): string;
* Determine whether it is inside a WeChat Miniprogram.
export function isWxEnv(): boolean;
* Call a WeChat Miniprogram method. E.g: `wx.getStorageSync()`.
export function callWx(method: string, ...args: any[]): any;
declare module "lib/query" {
const $: {
* get single element
* @public
one: (selector: string, contextElement?: Element | Document) => HTMLElement;
* get multiple elements
* @public
all: (selector: string, contextElement?: Element | Document) => HTMLElement[];
* add className(s) to an or multiple element(s)
* @public
addClass: ($el: Element | Element[], className: string) => void;
* remove className(s) from an or multiple element(s)
* @public
removeClass: ($el: Element | Element[], className: string) => void;
* see whether an element contains a className
* @public
hasClass: ($el: Element, className: string) => boolean;
* bind an event to element(s)
* @public
bind: ($el: Element | Element[], eventType: any, fn: any, useCapture?: boolean) => void;
* delegate an event to a parent element
* @public
* @param $el parent element
* @param eventType name of the event
* @param selector target's selector
* @param fn callback function
delegate: ($el: Element, eventType: string, selector: string, fn: (event: Event, $target: HTMLElement) => void) => void;
* Remove all child elements of an element.
removeChildren($el: Element): Element;
* export
export default $;
declare module "lib/model" {
type AConstructorTypeOf<T, U extends any[] = any[]> = new (...args: U) => T;
export class VConsoleModel {
static singleton: {
[ctorName: string]: VConsoleModel;
protected _onDataUpdateCallbacks: Function[];
* Get a singleton of a model.
static getSingleton<T extends VConsoleModel>(ctor: AConstructorTypeOf<T>, ctorName: string): T;
export default VConsoleModel;
declare module "lib/pluginExporter" {
import type { VConsoleModel } from "lib/model";
export class VConsolePluginExporter {
protected model: VConsoleModel;
protected pluginId: string;
constructor(pluginId: string);
destroy(): void;
declare module "lib/plugin" {
import { VConsolePluginExporter } from "lib/pluginExporter";
import type { VConsole } from "core/core";
export type IVConsolePluginEvent = (data?: any) => void;
export type IVConsolePluginEventName = 'init' | 'renderTab' | 'addTopBar' | 'addTool' | 'ready' | 'remove' | 'updateOption' | 'showConsole' | 'hideConsole' | 'show' | 'hide';
export interface IVConsoleTopbarOptions {
name: string;
className: string;
actived?: boolean;
data?: {
[key: string]: string;
onClick?: (e: Event, data?: any) => any;
export interface IVConsoleToolbarOptions {
name: string;
global?: boolean;
data?: {
[key: string]: string;
onClick?: (e: Event, data?: any) => any;
export interface IVConsoleTabOptions {
fixedHeight?: boolean;
* vConsole Plugin Base Class
export class VConsolePlugin {
isReady: boolean;
eventMap: Map<IVConsolePluginEventName, IVConsolePluginEvent>;
exporter?: VConsolePluginExporter;
protected _id: string;
protected _name: string;
protected _vConsole: VConsole;
constructor(...args: any[]);
get id(): string;
set id(value: string);
get name(): string;
set name(value: string);
get vConsole(): VConsole;
set vConsole(value: VConsole);
* Register an event
* @public
* @param IVConsolePluginEventName
* @param IVConsolePluginEvent
on(eventName: IVConsolePluginEventName, callback: IVConsolePluginEvent): this;
onRemove(): void;
* Trigger an event.
trigger(eventName: IVConsolePluginEventName, data?: any): this;
protected bindExporter(): void;
protected unbindExporter(): void;
protected getUniqueID(prefix?: string): string;
export default VConsolePlugin;
declare module "lib/sveltePlugin" {
import VConsolePlugin from "lib/plugin";
import { SvelteComponent } from "vendor/svelte";
export class VConsoleSveltePlugin<T extends {} = {}> extends VConsolePlugin {
CompClass: typeof SvelteComponent;
compInstance?: SvelteComponent;
initialProps: T;
constructor(id: string, name: string, CompClass: typeof SvelteComponent, initialProps: T);
onReady(): void;
onRenderTab(callback: any): void;
onRemove(): void;
declare module "core/core.model" {
export const contentStore: {
subscribe: (this: void, run: import("vendor/svelte/store").Subscriber<{
updateTime: number;
}>, invalidate?: (value?: {
updateTime: number;
}) => void) => import("vendor/svelte/store").Unsubscriber;
set: (this: void, value: {
updateTime: number;
}) => void;
update: (this: void, updater: import("vendor/svelte/store").Updater<{
updateTime: number;
}>) => void;
updateTime: () => void;
declare module "log/logTool" {
import type { IVConsoleLog, IVConsoleLogData } from "log/log.model";
* Get a value's text content and its type.
export const getValueTextAndType: (val: any, wrapString?: boolean) => {
text: any;
valueType: string;
* A simple parser to get `[` or `]` information.
export const getLastIdentifier: (text: string) => {
front: {
text: string;
pos: number;
before: string;
after: string;
back: {
text: string;
pos: number;
before: string;
after: string;
export const isMatchedFilterText: (log: IVConsoleLog, filterText: string) => boolean;
* Styling log output (`%c`), or string substitutions (`%s`, `%d`, `%o`).
* Apply to the first log only.
export const getLogDatasWithFormatting: (origDatas: any[]) => IVConsoleLogData[];
* An empty class for rendering views.
export class VConsoleUninvocatableObject {
declare module "log/" {
import type { Writable } from "vendor/svelte/store";
import type { IVConsoleLog } from "log/log.model";
export interface IVConsoleLogStore {
logList: IVConsoleLog[];
* Log Store Factory
export class VConsoleLogStore {
static storeMap: {
[pluginId: string]: Writable<IVConsoleLogStore>;
* Create a store.
static create(pluginId: string): Writable<IVConsoleLogStore>;
* Delete a store.
static delete(pluginId: string): void;
* Get a store by pluginId,
static get(pluginId: string): Writable<IVConsoleLogStore>;
* Get a store's raw data.
static getRaw(pluginId: string): IVConsoleLogStore;
* Get all stores.
static getAll(): {
[pluginId: string]: Writable<IVConsoleLogStore>;
declare module "log/log.model" {
import { VConsoleModel } from "lib/model";
* Interfaces
export type IConsoleLogMethod = 'log' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'warn' | 'error';
export interface IVConsoleLogData {
origData: any;
style?: string;
export interface IVConsoleLog {
_id: string;
type: IConsoleLogMethod;
cmdType?: 'input' | 'output';
repeated: number;
toggle: Record<string, boolean>;
date: number;
data: IVConsoleLogData[];
groupLevel: number;
groupLabel?: symbol;
groupHeader?: 0 | 1 | 2;
groupCollapsed?: boolean;
export type IVConsoleLogListMap = {
[pluginId: string]: IVConsoleLog[];
export type IVConsoleLogFilter = {
[pluginId: string]: string;
export interface IVConsoleAddLogOptions {
noOrig?: boolean;
cmdType?: 'input' | 'output';
* Stores
* Model
export class VConsoleLogModel extends VConsoleModel {
readonly LOG_METHODS: IConsoleLogMethod[];
maxLogNumber: number;
protected logCounter: number;
protected groupLevel: number;
protected groupLabelCollapsedStack: {
label: symbol;
collapsed: boolean;
protected pluginPattern: RegExp;
protected logQueue: IVConsoleLog[];
protected flushLogScheduled: boolean;
* The original `window.console` methods.
origConsole: {
[method: string]: Function;
* Bind a Log plugin.
* When binding first plugin, `window.console` will be hooked.
bindPlugin(pluginId: string): boolean;
* Unbind a Log plugin.
* When no binded plugin exists, hooked `window.console` will be recovered.
unbindPlugin(pluginId: string): boolean;
* Hook `window.console` with vConsole log method.
* Methods will be hooked only once.
mockConsole(): void;
protected _mockConsoleLog(): void;
protected _mockConsoleTime(): void;
protected _mockConsoleGroup(): void;
protected _mockConsoleClear(): void;
* Recover `window.console`.
unmockConsole(): void;
* Call origin `window.console[method](...args)`
callOriginalConsole(method: string, ...args: any[]): void;
* Remove all logs.
clearLog(): void;
* Remove a plugin's logs.
clearPluginLog(pluginId: string): void;
* Add a vConsole log.
addLog(item?: {
type: IConsoleLogMethod;
origData: any[];
isGroupHeader?: 0 | 1 | 2;
isGroupCollapsed?: boolean;
}, opt?: IVConsoleAddLogOptions): void;
* Execute a JS command.
evalCommand(cmd: string): void;
protected _signalLog(log: IVConsoleLog): void;
protected _flushLogs(): void;
protected _extractPluginIdByLog(log: IVConsoleLog): string;
protected _isRepeatedLog(logList: IVConsoleLog[], log: IVConsoleLog): boolean;
protected _updateLastLogRepeated(logList: IVConsoleLog[]): IVConsoleLog[];
protected _limitLogListLength(logList: IVConsoleLog[]): IVConsoleLog[];
declare module "log/log.exporter" {
import { VConsolePluginExporter } from "lib/pluginExporter";
import { VConsoleLogModel } from "log/log.model";
import type { IConsoleLogMethod } from "log/log.model";
export class VConsoleLogExporter extends VConsolePluginExporter {
model: VConsoleLogModel;
log(...args: any[]): void;
info(...args: any[]): void;
debug(...args: any[]): void;
warn(...args: any[]): void;
error(...args: any[]): void;
clear(): void;
protected addLog(method: IConsoleLogMethod, ...args: any[]): void;
declare module "log/log" {
import { VConsoleSveltePlugin } from "lib/sveltePlugin";
import { VConsoleLogModel } from "log/log.model";
* vConsole Log Plugin (base class).
export class VConsoleLogPlugin extends VConsoleSveltePlugin {
model: VConsoleLogModel;
isReady: boolean;
isShow: boolean;
isInBottom: boolean;
constructor(id: string, name: string);
onReady(): void;
onRemove(): void;
onAddTopBar(callback: Function): void;
onAddTool(callback: Function): void;
onUpdateOption(): void;
export default VConsoleLogPlugin;
declare module "log/default" {
import { VConsoleLogPlugin } from "log/log";
export class VConsoleDefaultPlugin extends VConsoleLogPlugin {
protected onErrorHandler: any;
protected resourceErrorHandler: any;
protected rejectionHandler: any;
onReady(): void;
onRemove(): void;
* Catch window errors.
protected bindErrors(): void;
* Not catch window errors.
protected unbindErrors(): void;
* Catch `window.onerror`.
protected catchWindowOnError(): void;
* Catch resource loading error: image, video, link, script.
protected catchResourceError(): void;
* Catch `Promise.reject`.
* @reference
private catchUnhandledRejection;
export default VConsoleDefaultPlugin;
declare module "log/system" {
import { VConsoleLogPlugin } from "log/log";
export class VConsoleSystemPlugin extends VConsoleLogPlugin {
onReady(): void;
printSystemInfo(): void;
export default VConsoleSystemPlugin;
declare module "network/helper" {
import type { VConsoleNetworkRequestItem } from "network/requestItem";
export type IOnUpdateCallback = (item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem) => void;
* Generate `getData` by url.
export const genGetDataByUrl: (url: string, getData?: {}) => {};
* Generate formatted response data by responseType.
export const genResonseByResponseType: (responseType: string, response: any) => string;
* Generate formatted response body by XMLHttpRequestBodyInit.
export const genFormattedBody: (body?: BodyInit) => string | {
[key: string]: string;
* Get formatted URL object by string.
export const getURL: (urlString?: string) => URL;
declare module "network/requestItem" {
export type VConsoleRequestMethod = '' | 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'CONNECT' | 'OPTIONS' | 'TRACE' | 'PATCH';
export class VConsoleNetworkRequestItem {
id: string;
name?: string;
method: VConsoleRequestMethod;
url: string;
status: number | string;
statusText?: string;
cancelState?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
readyState?: XMLHttpRequest['readyState'];
header: {
[key: string]: string;
responseType: XMLHttpRequest['responseType'];
requestType: 'xhr' | 'fetch' | 'ping' | 'custom';
requestHeader: HeadersInit;
response: any;
responseSize: number;
responseSizeText: string;
startTime: number;
startTimeText: string;
endTime: number;
costTime?: number;
getData: {
[key: string]: string;
postData: {
[key: string]: string;
} | string;
actived: boolean;
noVConsole?: boolean;
export class VConsoleNetworkRequestItemProxy extends VConsoleNetworkRequestItem {
static Handler: {
get(item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItemProxy, prop: string): any;
set(item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItemProxy, prop: string, value: any): boolean;
protected _response?: any;
constructor(item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem);
declare module "network/xhr.proxy" {
import { VConsoleNetworkRequestItem } from "network/requestItem";
import type { IOnUpdateCallback } from "network/helper";
export class XHRProxyHandler<T extends XMLHttpRequest> implements ProxyHandler<T> {
XMLReq: XMLHttpRequest;
item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem;
protected onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback;
constructor(XMLReq: XMLHttpRequest, onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback);
get(target: T, key: string): any;
set(target: T, key: string, value: any): boolean;
onReadyStateChange(): void;
onAbort(): void;
onTimeout(): void;
protected triggerUpdate(): void;
protected getOpen(target: T): (...args: any[]) => any;
protected getSend(target: T): (...args: any[]) => any;
protected getSetRequestHeader(target: T): (...args: any[]) => any;
protected setOnReadyStateChange(target: T, key: string, value: any): boolean;
protected setOnAbort(target: T, key: string, value: any): boolean;
protected setOnTimeout(target: T, key: string, value: any): boolean;
* Update item's properties according to readyState.
protected updateItemByReadyState(): void;
export class XHRProxy {
static origXMLHttpRequest: {
new (): XMLHttpRequest;
prototype: XMLHttpRequest;
readonly DONE: number;
readonly HEADERS_RECEIVED: number;
readonly LOADING: number;
readonly OPENED: number;
readonly UNSENT: number;
static create(onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback): {
new (): XMLHttpRequest;
prototype: XMLHttpRequest;
readonly DONE: number;
readonly HEADERS_RECEIVED: number;
readonly LOADING: number;
readonly OPENED: number;
readonly UNSENT: number;
declare module "network/fetch.proxy" {
import { VConsoleNetworkRequestItem } from "network/requestItem";
import type { IOnUpdateCallback } from "network/helper";
export class ResponseProxyHandler<T extends Response> implements ProxyHandler<T> {
resp: Response;
item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem;
protected onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback;
constructor(resp: T, item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem, onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback);
set(target: T, key: string, value: any): boolean;
get(target: T, key: string): any;
protected mockReader(): void;
export class FetchProxyHandler<T extends typeof fetch> implements ProxyHandler<T> {
protected onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback;
constructor(onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback);
apply(target: T, thisArg: typeof window, argsList: any): Promise<Response>;
protected beforeFetch(item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem, input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): void;
protected afterFetch(item: any): (resp: Response) => Response;
protected handleResponseBody(resp: Response, item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem): Promise<ArrayBuffer> | Promise<string>;
export class FetchProxy {
static origFetch: typeof fetch;
static create(onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback): typeof fetch;
declare module "network/beacon.proxy" {
import type { IOnUpdateCallback } from "network/helper";
export class BeaconProxyHandler<T extends typeof navigator.sendBeacon> implements ProxyHandler<T> {
protected onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback;
constructor(onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback);
apply(target: T, thisArg: T, argsList: any[]): any;
export class BeaconProxy {
static origSendBeacon: (url: string | URL, data?: BodyInit) => boolean;
static create(onUpdateCallback: IOnUpdateCallback): any;
declare module "network/network.model" {
import { VConsoleModel } from "lib/model";
import { VConsoleNetworkRequestItem } from "network/requestItem";
* Network Store
export const requestList: import("vendor/svelte/store").Writable<{
[id: string]: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem;
* Network Model
export class VConsoleNetworkModel extends VConsoleModel {
maxNetworkNumber: number;
protected itemCounter: number;
unMock(): void;
clearLog(): void;
* Add or update a request item by request ID.
updateRequest(id: string, data: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem): void;
* mock XMLHttpRequest
* @private
private mockXHR;
* mock fetch request
* @private
private mockFetch;
* mock navigator.sendBeacon
* @private
private mockSendBeacon;
protected limitListLength(): void;
export default VConsoleNetworkModel;
declare module "network/network.exporter" {
import { VConsolePluginExporter } from "lib/pluginExporter";
import { VConsoleNetworkModel } from "network/network.model";
import { VConsoleNetworkRequestItem, VConsoleNetworkRequestItemProxy } from "network/requestItem";
export class VConsoleNetworkExporter extends VConsolePluginExporter {
model: VConsoleNetworkModel;
add(item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem): VConsoleNetworkRequestItemProxy;
update(id: string, item: VConsoleNetworkRequestItem): void;
clear(): void;
declare module "network/network" {
import { VConsoleSveltePlugin } from "lib/sveltePlugin";
import { VConsoleNetworkModel } from "network/network.model";
import { VConsoleNetworkExporter } from "network/network.exporter";
export class VConsoleNetworkPlugin extends VConsoleSveltePlugin {
model: VConsoleNetworkModel;
exporter: VConsoleNetworkExporter;
constructor(id: string, name: string, renderProps?: {});
onReady(): void;
onAddTool(callback: any): void;
onRemove(): void;
onUpdateOption(): void;
declare module "element/element.model" {
export interface IVConsoleNode {
nodeType: typeof Node.prototype.nodeType;
nodeName: typeof Node.prototype.nodeName;
textContent: typeof Node.prototype.textContent;
id: typeof;
className: typeof Element.prototype.className;
attributes: {
[name: string]: string;
childNodes: IVConsoleNode[];
_isExpand?: boolean;
_isActived?: boolean;
_isSingleLine?: boolean;
_isNullEndTag?: boolean;
* Element Store
export const rootNode: import("vendor/svelte/store").Writable<IVConsoleNode>;
export const activedNode: import("vendor/svelte/store").Writable<IVConsoleNode>;
declare module "element/element" {
import MutationObserver from "vendor/mutation-observer";
import { VConsoleSveltePlugin } from "lib/sveltePlugin";
import type { IVConsoleNode } from "element/element.model";
* vConsole Element Panel
export class VConsoleElementPlugin extends VConsoleSveltePlugin {
protected isInited: boolean;
protected observer: MutationObserver;
protected nodeMap: WeakMap<Node, IVConsoleNode>;
constructor(id: string, name: string, renderProps?: {});
onShow(): void;
onRemove(): void;
onAddTool(callback: any): void;
protected _init(): void;
protected _handleMutation(mutation: MutationRecord): void;
protected _onChildRemove(mutation: MutationRecord): void;
protected _onChildAdd(mutation: MutationRecord): void;
protected _onAttributesChange(mutation: MutationRecord): void;
protected _onCharacterDataChange(mutation: MutationRecord): void;
* Generate an VNode for rendering views. VNode will be updated if existing.
* VNode will be stored in a WeakMap.
protected _generateVNode(elem: Node): IVConsoleNode;
protected _updateVNodeAttributes(elem: Node): void;
* Expand the actived node.
* If the node is collapsed, expand it.
* If the node is expanded, expand it's child nodes.
protected _expandActivedNode(): void;
* Collapse the actived node.
* If the node is expanded, and has expanded child nodes, collapse it's child nodes.
* If the node is expanded, and has no expanded child node, collapse it self.
* If the node is collapsed, do nothing.
protected _collapseActivedNode(): void;
protected _isIgnoredNode(elem: Node): boolean;
protected _isInVConsole(elem: Element): boolean;
protected _refreshStore(): void;
declare module "storage/storage.cookie" {
import type { IStorage } from "storage/storage.model";
export interface CookieOptions {
path?: string | null;
domain?: string | null;
expires?: Date | null;
secure?: boolean;
sameSite?: 'Strict' | 'Lax' | 'None';
export class CookieStorage implements IStorage {
get length(): number;
* Returns sorted keys.
get keys(): string[];
key(index: number): string;
setItem(key: string, data: string, cookieOptions?: CookieOptions): void;
getItem(key: string): string;
removeItem(key: string, cookieOptions?: CookieOptions): void;
clear(): void;
declare module "storage/storage.wx" {
import type { IStorage } from "storage/storage.model";
export class WxStorage implements IStorage {
keys: string[];
currentSize: number;
limitSize: number;
get length(): number;
key(index: number): string;
* Prepare for async data.
prepare(): Promise<boolean>;
getItem(key: string): Promise<string>;
setItem(key: string, data: any): Promise<void>;
removeItem(key: string): Promise<void>;
clear(): Promise<void>;
declare module "storage/storage.model" {
import type { VConsoleAvailableStorage } from "core/options.interface";
import { VConsoleModel } from "lib/model";
export interface IStorage {
length: number;
key: (index: number) => string | null;
getItem: (key: string) => string | null | Promise<string | null>;
setItem: (key: string, data: any) => void | Promise<void>;
removeItem: (key: string) => void | Promise<void>;
clear: () => void | Promise<void>;
prepare?: () => Promise<boolean>;
* Storage Store
export const storageStore: {
updateTime: import("vendor/svelte/store").Writable<number>;
activedName: import("vendor/svelte/store").Writable<VConsoleAvailableStorage>;
defaultStorages: import("vendor/svelte/store").Writable<VConsoleAvailableStorage[]>;
export class VConsoleStorageModel extends VConsoleModel {
protected storage: Map<VConsoleAvailableStorage, IStorage>;
get activedStorage(): IStorage;
getItem(key: string): Promise<string>;
setItem(key: string, data: any): Promise<void>;
removeItem(key: string): Promise<void>;
clear(): Promise<void>;
refresh(): void;
* Get key-value data.
getEntries(): Promise<[string, string][]>;
updateEnabledStorages(): void;
protected promisify<T extends string | void>(ret: T | Promise<T>): T | Promise<T>;
protected deleteStorage(key: VConsoleAvailableStorage): void;
declare module "storage/storage" {
import { VConsoleSveltePlugin } from "lib/sveltePlugin";
import { VConsoleStorageModel } from "storage/storage.model";
export class VConsoleStoragePlugin extends VConsoleSveltePlugin {
protected model: VConsoleStorageModel;
protected onAddTopBarCallback: Function;
constructor(id: string, name: string, renderProps?: {});
onReady(): void;
onShow(): void;
onAddTopBar(callback: Function): void;
onAddTool(callback: Function): void;
onUpdateOption(): void;
protected updateTopBar(): void;
declare module "core/core" {
* vConsole core class
import type { SvelteComponent } from "vendor/svelte";
import type { VConsoleOptions } from "core/options.interface";
import { VConsolePlugin } from "lib/plugin";
import { VConsoleLogPlugin } from "log/log";
import { VConsoleDefaultPlugin } from "log/default";
import { VConsoleSystemPlugin } from "log/system";
import { VConsoleNetworkPlugin } from "network/network";
import { VConsoleElementPlugin } from "element/element";
import { VConsoleStoragePlugin } from "storage/storage";
import { VConsoleLogExporter } from "log/log.exporter";
import { VConsoleNetworkExporter } from "network/network.exporter";
export class VConsole {
version: string;
isInited: boolean;
option: VConsoleOptions;
protected compInstance: SvelteComponent;
protected pluginList: {
[id: string]: VConsolePlugin;
log: VConsoleLogExporter;
system: VConsoleLogExporter;
network: VConsoleNetworkExporter;
static VConsolePlugin: typeof VConsolePlugin;
static VConsoleLogPlugin: typeof VConsoleLogPlugin;
static VConsoleDefaultPlugin: typeof VConsoleDefaultPlugin;
static VConsoleSystemPlugin: typeof VConsoleSystemPlugin;
static VConsoleNetworkPlugin: typeof VConsoleNetworkPlugin;
static VConsoleElementPlugin: typeof VConsoleElementPlugin;
static VConsoleStoragePlugin: typeof VConsoleStoragePlugin;
constructor(opt?: VConsoleOptions);
* Get singleton instance.
static get instance(): VConsole | undefined;
* Set singleton instance.
static set instance(value: VConsole | undefined);
* Add built-in plugins.
private _addBuiltInPlugins;
* Init svelte component.
private _initComponent;
private _updateComponentByOptions;
* Update the position of Switch button.
setSwitchPosition(x: number, y: number): void;
* Auto run after initialization.
* @private
private _autoRun;
private _showFirstPluginWhenEmpty;
* Trigger a `vConsole.option` event.
triggerEvent(eventName: string, param?: any): void;
* Init a plugin.
private _initPlugin;
* Trigger an event for each plugin.
private _triggerPluginsEvent;
* Trigger an event by plugin's id.
* @private
private _triggerPluginEvent;
* Sorting plugin list by option `pluginOrder`.
* Plugin not listed in `pluginOrder` will be put last.
private _reorderPluginList;
* Add a new plugin.
addPlugin(plugin: VConsolePlugin): boolean;
* Remove a plugin.
removePlugin(pluginID: string): boolean;
* Show console panel.
show(): void;
* Hide console panel.
hide(): void;
* Show switch button
showSwitch(): void;
* Hide switch button.
hideSwitch(): void;
* Show a plugin panel.
showPlugin(pluginId: string): void;
* Update option(s).
* @example `setOption('log.maxLogNumber', 20)`: set 'maxLogNumber' field only.
* @example `setOption({ log: { maxLogNumber: 20 }})`: overwrite 'log' object.
setOption(keyOrObj: any, value?: any): void;
* Remove vConsole.
destroy(): void;
declare module "vconsole" {
* A Front-End Console Panel for Mobile Webpage
import "vendor/core-js/stable/symbol";
import 'core-js/stable/promise';
import { VConsole } from "core/core";
export default VConsole;
declare module "component/recycleScroller/recycleManager" {
const createRecycleManager: () => (itemCount: number, start: number, end: number) => {
key: number;
index: number;
show: boolean;
export default createRecycleManager;
declare module "component/recycleScroller/scroll/friction" {
/** *
* Friction physics simulation. Friction is actually just a simple
* power curve; the only trick is taking the natural log of the
* initial drag so that we can express the answer in terms of time.
class Friction {
private _drag;
private _dragLog;
private _x;
private _v;
private _startTime;
constructor(drag: number);
set(x: number, v: number, t?: number): void;
x(t: number): number;
dx(t: number): number;
done(t: number): boolean;
export default Friction;
declare module "component/recycleScroller/scroll/linear" {
class Linear {
private _x;
private _endX;
private _v;
private _startTime;
private _endTime;
set(x: number, endX: number, dt: number, t?: number): void;
x(t: number): number;
dx(t: number): number;
done(t: number): boolean;
export default Linear;
declare module "component/recycleScroller/scroll/spring" {
class Spring {
private _solver;
private _solution;
private _endPosition;
private _startTime;
constructor(mass: number, springConstant: number, damping: number);
x(t: number): number;
dx(t: number): number;
set(endPosition: number, x: number, velocity: number, t?: number): void;
done(t: number): boolean;
export default Spring;
declare module "component/recycleScroller/scroll/scroll" {
/** *
* Scroll combines Friction and Spring to provide the
* classic "flick-with-bounce" behavior.
class Scroll {
private _enableSpring;
private _getExtend;
private _friction;
private _spring;
private _toEdge;
constructor(getExtend: () => number, _enableSpring: boolean);
set(x: number, v: number, t?: number): void;
x(t: number): number;
dx(t: number): number;
done(t: number): boolean;
export default Scroll;
declare module "component/recycleScroller/scroll/touchTracker" {
export interface TrackerHandler {
onTouchStart(): void;
onTouchMove(x: number, y: number): void;
onTouchEnd(x: number, y: number, velocityX: number, velocityY: number): void;
onTouchCancel(): void;
onWheel(x: number, y: number): void;
class TouchTracker {
private _handler;
private _touchId;
private _startX;
private _startY;
private _historyX;
private _historyY;
private _historyTime;
private _wheelDeltaX;
private _wheelDeltaY;
constructor(_handler: TrackerHandler);
private _getTouchDelta;
private _onTouchMove;
private _onWheel;
handleTouchStart: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
handleTouchMove: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
handleTouchEnd: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
handleTouchCancel: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
handleWheel: (e: WheelEvent) => void;
export default TouchTracker;
declare module "component/recycleScroller/scroll/scrollHandler" {
import { TrackerHandler } from "component/recycleScroller/scroll/touchTracker";
class ScrollHandler implements TrackerHandler {
private _updatePosition;
private _scrollModel;
private _linearModel;
private _startPosition;
private _position;
private _animate;
private _getExtent;
constructor(getExtent: () => number, _updatePosition: (pos: number) => void);
onTouchStart(): void;
onTouchMove(dx: number, dy: number): void;
onTouchEnd(dx: number, dy: number, velocityX: number, velocityY: number): void;
onTouchCancel(): void;
onWheel(x: number, y: number): void;
getPosition(): number;
updatePosition(position: number): void;
scrollTo(position: number, duration?: number): void;
export default ScrollHandler;