You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

523 lines
18 KiB

<view class="container p-bottom" v-if="order.goodsList.length">
<!-- 快递配送:配送地址 -->
<view v-if="curDelivery == DeliveryTypeEnum.EXPRESS.value" @click="onSelectAddress" class="flow-delivery">
<view class="flow-delivery__detail dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="detail-location dis-flex">
<text class="iconfont icon-dingwei"></text>
<view class="detail-content flex-box">
<block v-if="order.address">
<view class="detail-content__title dis-flex">
<text class="f-30">{{ }}</text>
<text class="detail-content__title-phone f-28">{{ }}</text>
<view class="address detail-content__describe">
<text class="region" v-for="(region, idx) in order.address.region" :key="idx">{{ region }}</text>
<text class="detail">{{ order.address.detail }}</text>
<block v-else>
<view class="detail-content__describe dis-flex">
<text class="col-6">请选择配送地址</text>
<view class="detail-arrow dis-flex">
<text class="iconfont icon-arrow-right"></text>
<!-- 商品列表 -->
<view class="m-top20">
<view class="checkout_list" v-for="(item, index) in order.goodsList" :key="index">
<view class="flow-shopList dis-flex" data-index="index" @click="onTargetGoods(item.goods_id)">
<!-- 商品图片 -->
<view class="flow-list-left">
<image mode="scaleToFill" :src="item.goods_image"></image>
<view class="flow-list-right flex-box">
<!-- 商品名称 -->
<text class="goods-name twoline-hide">{{ item.goods_name }}</text>
<!-- 商品规格 -->
<view class="goods-props clearfix">
<view class="goods-props-item" v-for="(props, idx) in item.skuInfo.goods_props" :key="idx">
<text class="group-name">{{ }}: </text>
<text>{{ }};</text>
<!-- 商品数量和单价 -->
<view class="flow-list-cont dis-flex flex-x-between flex-y-center">
<text class="small">×{{ item.total_num }}</text>
<text class="flow-cont" :class="[item.is_user_grade ? 'price-delete' : '']">¥{{ item.goods_price }}</text>
<!-- 会员折扣价 -->
<view v-if="item.is_user_grade" class="grade-price">
<text>会员折扣价:¥{{ item.grade_goods_price }}</text>
<view class="flow-num-box b-f">
<text>共{{ order.orderTotalNum }}件商品,合计:</text>
<text class="flow-money col-m">¥{{ order.orderTotalPrice }}</text>
<!-- 商品金额 -->
<view class="flow-all-money b-f m-top20">
<view class="flow-all-list dis-flex">
<text class="flex-five">订单总金额:</text>
<view class="flex-five t-r">
<text class="col-m">¥{{ order.orderTotalPrice }}</text>
<!-- 优惠券 -->
<view class="flow-all-list dis-flex">
<text class="flex-five">优惠券:</text>
<view class="flex-five t-r">
<view v-if="order.couponList.length > 0" @click="handleShowPopup()">
<text class="col-m" v-if="order.couponId > 0">-¥{{ order.couponMoney }}</text>
<text class="col-m" v-else>有{{ order.couponList.length }}张优惠券</text>
<text class="right-arrow iconfont icon-arrow-right"></text>
<text v-else class="">无优惠券可用</text>
<!-- 积分抵扣 -->
<view v-if="order.isAllowPoints" class="points flow-all-list dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="block-left flex-five" @click="handleShowPoints()">
<text class="title">可用{{ setting.points_name }}抵扣:</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-help"></text>
<view class="flex-five dis-flex flex-x-end flex-y-center">
<text class="points-money col-m">-¥{{ order.pointsMoney }}</text>
<u-switch v-model="isUsePoints" size="48" active-color="#07c160" @change="getOrderData()"></u-switch>
<!-- 配送费用 -->
<view v-if="curDelivery == DeliveryTypeEnum.EXPRESS.value" class="dis-flex flow-all-list">
<text class="flex-five">配送费用:</text>
<view class="flex-five t-r">
<view v-if="order.address">
<text class="col-m" v-if="order.isIntraRegion">+¥{{ order.expressPrice }}</text>
<text v-else>不在配送范围</text>
<view v-else>
<text class="col-7">请先选择配送地址</text>
<!-- 支付方式 -->
<view class="pay-method flow-all-money b-f m-top20">
<view class="flow-all-list dis-flex">
<text class="flex-five">支付方式</text>
<!-- 微信支付 -->
<!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN -->
<view class="pay-item dis-flex flex-x-between" @click="handleSelectPayType(PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value)">
<view class="item-left dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="item-left_icon wechat">
<text class="iconfont icon-wechat-pay"></text>
<view class="item-left_text">
<text>{{ }}</text>
<view class="item-right col-m" v-if="curPayType == PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value">
<text class="iconfont icon-check"></text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- 余额支付 -->
<view class="pay-item dis-flex flex-x-between" @click="handleSelectPayType(PayTypeEnum.BALANCE.value)">
<view class="item-left dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="item-left_icon balance">
<text class="iconfont icon-balance-pay"></text>
<view class="item-left_text">
<text>{{ }}</text>
<view class="user-balance">
<text>(可用¥{{ personal.balance }}元)</text>
<view class="item-right col-m" v-if="curPayType == PayTypeEnum.BALANCE.value">
<text class="iconfont icon-check"></text>
<!-- 买家留言 -->
<view class="flow-all-money b-f m-top20">
<view class="ipt-wrapper dis-flex flow-all-list">
<input v-model="remark" placeholder="选填:买家留言(50字以内)"></input>
<!-- 提交订单 -->
<view class="flow-fixed-footer b-f m-top10">
<view class="dis-flex chackout-box">
<view class="chackout-left pl-12">实付款:
<text class="col-m">¥{{ order.orderPayPrice }}</text>
<view class="chackout-right" @click="onSubmitOrder()">
<view class="flow-btn f-32" :class="{ disabled }">提交订单</view>
<!-- 积分说明弹窗 -->
<u-modal v-model="showPoints" :title="`${setting.points_name}说明`">
<scroll-view class="points-content" :scroll-y="true">
<text>{{ setting.points_describe }}</text>
<!-- 优惠券弹出框 -->
<u-popup v-model="showPopup" mode="bottom">
<view class="popup__coupon">
<view class="coupon__title f-30">选择优惠券</view>
<!-- 优惠券列表 -->
<view class="coupon-list">
<scroll-view :scroll-y="true" style="height: 565rpx;">
<view class="coupon-item" v-for="(item, index) in order.couponList" :key="index">
<view class="item-wrapper"
:class="[item.is_apply ? 'color-' + CouponColors[index % CouponColors.length] : 'color-gray']"
<view class="coupon-type">{{ CouponTypeEnum[item.coupon_type].name }}</view>
<view class="tip dis-flex flex-dir-column flex-x-center">
<view v-if="item.coupon_type == CouponTypeEnum.FULL_DISCOUNT.value">
<text class="f-30">¥</text>
<text class="money">{{ item.reduce_price }}</text>
<text class="money"
v-if="item.coupon_type == CouponTypeEnum.DISCOUNT.value">{{ }}折</text>
<text class="pay-line">满{{ item.min_price }}元可用</text>
<view class="split-line"></view>
<view class="content dis-flex flex-dir-column flex-x-between">
<view class="title">{{ }}</view>
<view class="bottom dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="time flex-box">
<block v-if="item.start_time === item.end_time">{{ item.start_time }}</block>
<block v-else>{{ item.start_time }}~{{ item.end_time }}</block>
<!-- 不使用优惠券 -->
<view class="coupon__do_not dis-flex flex-y-center flex-x-center">
<view class="control dis-flex flex-y-center flex-x-center" @click="handleNotUseCoupon()">
<text class="f-26">不使用优惠券</text>
import * as Verify from '@/utils/verify'
import * as CheckoutApi from '@/api/checkout'
import { CouponTypeEnum } from '@/common/enum/coupon'
import DeliveryTypeEnum from '@/common/enum/order/DeliveryType'
import PayTypeEnum from '@/common/enum/order/PayType'
import { wxPayment } from '@/core/app'
const CouponColors = ['red', 'blue', 'violet', 'yellow']
export default {
data() {
return {
// 枚举类
// 当前页面参数
options: {},
// 优惠券颜色组
// 当前选中的配送方式
curDelivery: null,
// 当前选中的支付方式
curPayType: PayTypeEnum.BALANCE.value,
// 选择的优惠券
selectCouponId: 0,
// 是否使用积分抵扣
isUsePoints: false,
// 买家留言
remark: '',
// 禁用submit按钮
disabled: false,
// 是否显示积分说明
showPoints: false,
// 是否显示优惠券弹窗
showPopup: false,
// 按钮禁用
disabled: false,
// 订单信息 (从后端api中获取)
order: {
// 商品列表
goodsList: [],
// 优惠券列表
couponList: [],
// 是否存在收货地址
existAddress: false,
// 默认收货地址
address: null,
// 是否存在收货地址
existAddress: false,
// 当前用户收货城市是否存在配送规则中
isIntraRegion: true,
// 是否存在错误
hasError: false,
// 错误信息
errorMsg: ''
// 个人信息
personal: {},
// 商城设置
setting: {}
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad(options) {
this.options = options
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow() {
// 获取当前订单信息
methods: {
// 获取订单数据
getOrderData() {
const app = this
// 请求的参数
const params = {
delivery: app.curDelivery || 0,
couponId: app.selectCouponId || 0,
isUsePoints: app.isUsePoints ? 1 : 0,
// 请求api
CheckoutApi.order(app.options.mode, app.getRequestParam())
.then(result => {
.catch(err => err)
// 初始化数据
initData({ order, setting, personal }) {
const app = this
app.order = order
app.personal = personal
app.setting = setting
// 显示错误信息
if (order.hasError) {
// 当前选择的配送方式
app.curDelivery =
// 如果只有一种配送方式则不显示选项卡
app.isShowTab = setting.deliveryType.length > 1
// 当前选择支付方式 (如果是微信小程序默认使用微信支付)
if (app.$platform === 'MP-WEIXIN') {
app.curPayType = PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value
// 获取api请求的参数
getRequestParam() {
const app = this
const { options } = app
// 结算模式的固定参数
const modeParam = {}
// 结算模式: 立即购买
if (options.mode === 'buyNow') {
modeParam.goodsId = options.goodsId
modeParam.goodsNum = options.goodsNum
modeParam.goodsSkuId = options.goodsSkuId
// 结算模式: 购物车
if (options.mode === 'cart') {
modeParam.cartIds = options.cartIds
// 订单结算参数(用户选择)
const orderParam = {
delivery: app.curDelivery || 0,
couponId: app.selectCouponId || 0,
isUsePoints: app.isUsePoints ? 1 : 0,
return { ...orderParam, ...modeParam }
// 显示积分说明
handleShowPoints() {
this.showPoints = true
// 显示优惠券弹窗
handleShowPopup() {
this.showPopup = true
// 选择优惠券
handleSelectCoupon(index) {
const app = this
const { couponList } = app.order
// 当前选择的优惠券
const couponItem = couponList[index]
// 判断是否在适用范围
if (!couponItem.is_apply) {
// 记录选中的优惠券id
app.selectCouponId = couponItem.user_coupon_id
// 重新获取订单信息
// 隐藏优惠券弹层
app.showPopup = false
// 不使用优惠券
handleNotUseCoupon() {
const app = this
app.selectCouponId = 0
// 重新获取订单信息
// 隐藏优惠券弹层
app.showPopup = false
// 选择支付方式
handleSelectPayType(value) {
this.curPayType = value
// 快递配送:选择收货地址
onSelectAddress() {
this.$navTo('pages/address/index', { from: 'checkout' })
// 跳转到商品详情页
onTargetGoods(goodsId) {
this.$navTo('pages/goods/detail', { goodsId })
// 订单提交
onSubmitOrder() {
const app = this
if (app.disabled) {
return false
// 表单验证
if (!app.onVerifyFrom()) {
return false
// 按钮禁用
app.disabled = true
// 请求api
CheckoutApi.submit(app.options.mode, app.getFormData())
.then(result => app.onSubmitCallback(result))
.catch(err => {
if (err.result) {
const errData =
if (errData.is_created) {
return false
app.disabled = false
// 订单提交成功后回调
onSubmitCallback(result) {
const app = this
// 发起微信支付
if ( == PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value) {
.then(() => app.$success('支付成功'))
.catch(err => app.$error('订单未支付'))
.finally(() => {
app.disabled = false
// 余额支付
if ( == PayTypeEnum.BALANCE.value) {
app.disabled = false
// 跳转到我的订单(等待1秒)
navToMyOrder() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
// 表单提交的数据
getFormData() {
const app = this
const { options } = app
// 表单数据
const form = {
delivery: app.curDelivery,
payType: app.curPayType,
couponId: app.selectCouponId || 0,
isUsePoints: app.isUsePoints ? 1 : 0,
remark: app.remark || '',
// 创建订单-立即购买
if (options.mode === 'buyNow') {
form.goodsId = options.goodsId
form.goodsNum = options.goodsNum
form.goodsSkuId = options.goodsSkuId
// 创建订单-购物车结算
if (options.mode === 'cart') {
form.cartIds = options.cartIds || null
return form
// 表单验证
onVerifyFrom() {
const app = this
if (app.hasError) {
return false
return true
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "./style.scss";