/** * Wechat v1.2.1 * @Class Wechat * @description shopro-wechat 1.2.1 wehcat第三方登录组件 * @Author lidongtony * @Date 2022-12-12 * @Email lidongtony@qq.com */ import api from "@/shopro/request/index"; import $platform from "@/shopro/platform"; import store from "@/shopro/store"; import { API_URL } from "@/env"; export default { eventMap(event) { let map = ""; switch (event) { case "login": map = "登录中..."; break; case "refresh": map = "更新中..."; break; case "bind": map = "绑定中..."; break; } return map; }, async login(payload) { let token = ""; // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN token = await this.wxMiniProgramOauth("login", payload); return token; // #endif // #ifdef H5 this.wxOfficialAccountOauth("login"); // #endif // #ifdef APP-PLUS token = await this.wxOpenPlatformOauth("login"); return token; // #endif }, async refresh() { let token = ""; // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN token = await this.wxMiniProgramOauth("refresh"); return token; // #endif // #ifdef H5 this.wxOfficialAccountOauth("refresh"); // #endif // #ifdef APP-PLUS token = await this.wxOpenPlatformOauth("refresh"); return token; // #endif }, async bind(payload) { console.log(payload,"44444") let token = ""; // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN token = await this.wxMiniProgramOauth("bind", payload); return token; // #endif // #ifdef H5 this.wxOfficialAccountOauth("bind"); // #endif // #ifdef APP-PLUS token = await this.wxOpenPlatformOauth("bind"); return token; // #endif }, // #ifdef H5 // 微信公众号网页登录&刷新头像昵称&绑定 wxOfficialAccountOauth(event = "login") { if ($platform.get() !== "wxOfficialAccount") { uni.showToast({ title: "请在微信浏览器中打开", icon: "none" }); throw false; } let host = $platform.host(); let payloadObject = { host: host, event, token: (event !== "login" && store.getters.isLogin) ? uni.getStorageSync("token") : "" }; let payload = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(payloadObject)); let redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(`${API_URL}user/wxOfficialAccountOauth?payload=${payload}`); let oauthUrl = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=" + store.getters.initWechat.appid + `&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=1`; uni.setStorageSync("lastPage", window.location.href); window.location = oauthUrl; }, // 微信公众号网页静默登录:临时登录获取OpenId 不入库不绑定用户 wxOfficialAccountBaseLogin() { let state = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); window.location = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=" + store.getters.initWechat .appid + `&redirect_uri=${API_URL}user/wxOfficialAccountBaseLogin&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&state=${state}`; throw "stop"; }, // #endif // #ifdef APP-PLUS // 微信开放平台登录 async wxOpenPlatformOauth(event = "login") { let that = this; const loginResult = await uni.login({ provider: 'weixin', onlyAuthorize: true, }); if (loginRes.errMsg !== 'login:ok') { uni.showToast({ title: loginRes.errMsg, icon: 'none', }); return Promise.reject(''); } const authResult = loginRes.authResult; const res = await api("user.wxOpenPlatformOauth", { authResult, event }, that.eventMap(event)); if (res.code === 1) { return Promise.resolve(res.data.token); } else { uni.showToast({ title: res.msg, icon: 'none', }); } return Promis.reject(''); }, // #endif // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN // 微信小程序静默登录 async getWxMiniProgramSessionKey(autoLogin = true) { const loginResult = await uni.login(); if (loginResult[1].errMsg !== 'login:ok') { uni.showToast({ title: loginResult[1].errMsg, icon: "none" }); return Promise.reject(loginResult[1].errMsg); } const res = await api("user.getWxMiniProgramSessionKey", { code: loginResult[1].code, autoLogin: autoLogin }); if (res.code === 1) { uni.setStorageSync("session_id", res .data.session_id); if (autoLogin) { if (res.data.token) { return Promise.resolve(res.data.token); } else { return Promise.resolve(''); } } return Promise.resolve(res.data.session_id); } else { return Promise.reject(res.msg); } }, // 微信小程序获取用户手机号登录 async wxMiniProgramOauth(event = "login", payload) { let that = this; uni.showLoading({ title: that.eventMap(event) }); if (payload.detail.errMsg !== 'getPhoneNumber:ok') { uni.showToast({ title: payload.detail.errMsg, icon: "none" }); return Promise.reject(payload.detail.errMsg); } const res = await api("user.wxMiniProgramOauth", { event, code: payload.detail.code, iv: payload.detail.iv, encryptedData: payload.detail.encryptedData, session_id: uni.getStorageSync("session_id"), }); if (res.code === 1) { return Promise.resolve(res.data.token); } else { uni.removeStorageSync("session_id"); that.getWxMiniProgramSessionKey(false); return Promise.resolve(false); } }, // 小程序更新 checkMiniProgramUpdate() { if (uni.canIUse("getUpdateManager")) { const updateManager = uni.getUpdateManager(); updateManager.onCheckForUpdate(function (res) { // 请求完新版本信息的回调 if (res.hasUpdate) { updateManager.onUpdateReady(function () { uni.showModal({ title: "更新提示", content: "新版本已经准备好,是否重启应用?", success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { // 新的版本已经下载好,调用 applyUpdate 应用新版本并重启 updateManager.applyUpdate(); } } }); }); updateManager.onUpdateFailed(function () { // 新的版本下载失败 uni.showModal({ title: "已经有新版本了哟~", content: "新版本已经上线啦~,请您删除当前小程序,重新搜索打开哟~" }); }); } }); } }, // #endif };