You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
2.8 KiB

2 years ago
import {
} from '@/env'
import {
} from '@/shopro/router'
export default {
* 跳转再封装,主要是为了兼容外链
* @param {String} path - 跳转路径
* @param {isTabbar} isTabbar - 是否是底部导航
routerTo(path, isTabbar) {
if (path) {
// 是否跳转外部链接
if (~path.indexOf('http') || ~path.indexOf('www')) {
// #ifdef H5
window.location = path;
// #endif
// #ifndef H5
path: '/pages/public/webview',
query: {
'webviewPath': path
// #endif
return false
if (isTabbar) {
} else {
path.includes('/pages/index') && !path.includes('/pages/index/view') ? router.replaceAll(path) : router
} else {
console.log(`%cerr:没有填写跳转路径`, 'color:green;background:yellow');
* 图片处理-预览图片
* @param {Array} urls - 图片列表
* @param {Number} current - 首个预览下标
previewImage(urls = [], current = 0) {
urls: urls,
current: current,
indicator: 'default',
loop: true,
fail(err) {
console.log('previewImage出错', urls, err)
* 数据分组
* @param {Array} oArr - 原数组列表
* @param {Number} length - 单个数组长度
* @return {Array} arr - 分组后的新数组
splitData(oArr = [], length = 1) {
let arr = [];
let minArr = [];
oArr.forEach(c => {
if (minArr.length === length) {
minArr = [];
if (minArr.length === 0) {
return arr;
* 剩余时间格式化
* @param {Number} t - 剩余多少秒
* @return {Object} format - 格式后的天时分秒对象
format(t) {
let format = {
d: '00',
h: '00',
m: '00',
s: '00'
if (t > 0) {
let d = Math.floor(t / 86400);
let h = Math.floor((t / 3600) % 24);
let m = Math.floor((t / 60) % 60);
let s = Math.floor(t % 60);
format.d = d < 10 ? '0' + d : d;
format.h = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h;
format.m = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m;
format.s = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s;
return format;
* 打电话
* @param {String<Number>} phoneNumber - 数字字符串
callPhone(phoneNumber = '') {
let num = phoneNumber.toString()
phoneNumber: num,
fail(err) {
console.log('makePhoneCall出错', err)
* 微信头像
* @param {String} url -图片地址
checkMPUrl(url) {
// #ifdef MP
if (
url.substring(0, 4) === 'http' &&
url.substring(0, 5) !== 'https' &&
url.substring(0, 12) !== 'http://store' &&
url.substring(0, 10) !== 'http://tmp' &&
url.substring(0, 10) !== 'http://usr'
) {
url = 'https' + url.substring(4, url.length);
// #endif
return url;