You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

608 lines
15 KiB

<view class="catgory-wrap">
<view class="u-flex wrapper-box">
<!-- 左侧分类列表 -->
<scroll-view scroll-y scroll-with-animation class="u-tab-view menu-scroll-view"
<view v-for="(item, index) in tabbarList" :key="index" class="u-tab-item u-ellipsis-1"
:class="[currentTab == index ? 'u-tab-item-active' : '']" :data-current="index"
<text class="menu-name" style="margin-left:20rpx;">{{ }}</text>
<view class="hack-tabbar"></view>
<!-- 右侧商品列表 -->
<view class="right-wrap ">
<scroll-view scroll-y class="right-box menu-scroll-view" @scrolltolower="loadMore"
<view class="u-flex u-row-center" v-if="tabbarList[currentTab].image">
<image class="category-img" :src="tabbarList[currentTab].image" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="category-title">{{ tabbarList[currentTab].name }}</view>
<view class="sh-big-card-wrap u-m-20 " v-for="(item, index) in goodsList" :key="">
<view class="big-goods-card" @tap="jump('/pages/goods/detail', { id: })">
<view class="img-wrap u-m-b-20">
<image class="goods-img" :src="item.image" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<image class="goods-tag" v-if="item.is_hot && !item.activity"
:src="$IMG_URL + '/goods/goods_hot_tag.png'" mode=""></image>
<view class="goods-title u-p-x-20 u-m-b-10 u-ellipsis-1">
<view v-if="item.activity_type" class=" sm cu-tag radius title-tag u-m-r-10"
:style="{ backgroundColor: typeMap[item.activity_type].tagBg, color: '#fff' }">
{{ typeMap[item.activity_type].text }}
{{ item.title }}
<!-- <view class="goods-subtitle u-p-x-20 u-m-b-10 u-ellipsis-1">{{ item.subtitle }}</view> -->
<!-- 满减,满折 -->
<view class="u-p-x-20" v-if="item.activity_discounts_tags.length">
<view class="tag-box u-m-b-10 u-m-r-10"
v-for="(tag, index1) in item.activity_discounts_tags" :key="index1">{{ tag }}</view>
<view class="goods-progress u-p-x-20 u-flex u-m-b-10">
<view style="flex:1;margin-right:24rpx;">
<u-line-progress height="20" :show-percent="false" :percent="Number(item.percent)"
<view class="googs-send-num u-m-l-20">已售{{ item.sales }}</view>
<view class="u-flex u-row-between u-p-x-20">
<view class="price-box u-flex font-OPPOSANS">
<view class="price">{{ item.price }}</view>
<view class="origin-price u-m-l-10">{{ item.original_price }}</view>
<view class="cart-box">
<!-- 单规格 -->
<view class="" v-if="!item.activity">
<view v-if="!item.is_sku">
<button v-if="!isCart("
:style="item.activity_type ? typeMap[item.activity_type].btnBg : ''"
@tap.stop="addCart(item.sku_price[0])" class="u-reset-button cart-btn">
<view class="num-step" @tap.stop v-else>
<u-number-box :value="checkCart[].num" :long-press="false"
:min="0" :max="maxStep" :step="1" :index="index"
@min="onMin(" @plus="plus($event, item.sku_price[0])"
@change="onChangeNum($event, item.sku_price[0])"></u-number-box>
<!-- 多规格 -->
<button class="u-reset-button item-btn sel-sku "
:style="item.activity_type ? typeMap[item.activity_type].btnBg : ''"
@tap.stop="selSku(item)" v-else>
<button class="u-reset-button item-btn sel-sku"
:style="item.activity_type ? typeMap[item.activity_type].btnBg : ''"
<!-- 缺省页 -->
<shopro-empty v-if="isEmpty" marginTop="200rpx" :image="$IMG_URL + '/imgs/empty/empty_goods.png'"
<!-- 加载更多 -->
<u-loadmore class="loadMoreContent" v-if="goodsList.length" height="80rpx" :status="loadStatus" icon-type="flower"
color="#ccc" />
<view class="hack-tabbar"></view>
<!-- 规格弹窗 -->
<shopro-sku v-if="showSku &&" v-model="showSku" :goodsInfo="goodsInfo" :buyType="'cart'">
import { mapMutations, mapActions, mapState, mapGetters } from 'vuex';
export default {
components: {},
data() {
return {
showSku: false, //是否显示规格弹窗
isEmpty: false,
currentTab: 0,
categoryID: 0, //分类id
scrollLeftTop: 0, //左边滚动距离
menuHeight: 0, // 左边菜单的高度
menuItemHeight: 0, // 左边菜单item的高度
tabbarList: [], //左侧分类列表
goodsList: [], //商品列表
goodsInfo: {}, //点击商品详情
numberDisabled: false, //购物车计数器
loadStatus: 'loadmore', //loadmore-加载前的状态,loading-加载中的状态,nomore-没有更多的状态
currentPage: 1,
lastPage: 1,
maxStep: 999,
typeMap: {
seckill: {
text: '秒杀',
tagBg: '#FF5854',
goodsBg: '/imgs/tag/seckill_x_bg.png',
btnText: '去抢购',
btnBg: 'background: linear-gradient(90deg, #D01325, #ED3C30);'
groupon: {
text: '拼团',
tagBg: '#FE832A',
goodsBg: '/imgs/tag/groupon_x_bg.png',
btnText: '马上拼',
btnBg: 'background: linear-gradient(90deg, #FF6600 0%, #FE832A 100%);'
props: {
categoryStyleId: {
type: Number,
default: 0
computed: {
...mapGetters(['totalCount', 'isSel', 'cartNum', 'cartList', 'isLogin']),
// 购物车检测
checkCart() {
let obj = {};
this.cartList.forEach(item => {
obj[item.goods_id] = {
num: item.goods_num,
return obj;
async created() {
console.log('%c当前分类:快速购买', 'color:green;background:yellow');
await this.getCategory();
let res = await this.getGoodsList();
methods: {
...mapActions(['getCartList', 'changeCartList', 'addCartGoods']),
// 跳转详情
toGoodDetail(id) {
this.$Router.push({ path: '/pages/goods/detail', query: { id: id } });
// 百分比
getProgress(sales, stock) {
let unit = '';
if (stock + sales > 0) {
let num = (sales / (sales + stock)) * 100;
unit = num.toFixed(2) + '%';
} else {
unit = '0%';
return unit;
// 加载更多
loadMore() {
if (this.currentPage < this.lastPage) {
this.currentPage += 1;
// 获取分类
async getCategory() {
const tabbarData = await this.$http('category.detail', {
id: this.categoryStyleId
this.tabbarList =;
this.categoryID = this.tabbarList[0]?.id;
// 获取分类商品
getGoodsList() {
let that = this;
that.loadStatus = 'loading';
'goods.lists', {
category_id: that.categoryID,
page: that.currentPage
.then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
that.goodsList = [...that.goodsList,]; => {
item.percent = item.stock + item.sales > 0 ? ((item.sales / (item.sales + item
.stock)) * 100).toFixed(2) : 0;
that.isEmpty = !that.goodsList.length;
that.lastPage =;
that.loadStatus = that.currentPage < ? 'loadmore' : 'nomore';
.then(() => {
that.isLogin && that.getCartList();
// 点击左边的栏目切换
async swichMenu(index) {
if (index == this.currentTab) return;
this.currentTab = index;
this.categoryID = this.tabbarList[index].id;
this.currentPage = 1;
this.lastPage = 1;
this.goodsList = [];
await this.getGoodsList();
// 如果为0,意味着尚未初始化
if (this.menuHeight == 0 || this.menuItemHeight == 0) {
await this.getElRect('menu-scroll-view', 'menuHeight');
await this.getElRect('u-tab-item', 'menuItemHeight');
// 将菜单菜单活动item垂直居中
this.scrollTop = index * this.menuItemHeight + this.menuItemHeight / 2 - this.menuHeight / 2;
// 获取一个目标元素的高度
getElRect(elClass, dataVal) {
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
.select('.' + elClass)
.fields({ size: true }, res => {
// 如果节点尚未生成,res值为null,循环调用执行
if (!res) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10);
this[dataVal] = res.height;
// 加入购物车
addCart(goods) {
let obj = {
goods_id: goods.goods_id,
goods_num: 1,
goods_price: goods.price
let confirmGoodsList = {
list: [obj],
from: 'goods'
this.addCartGoods(confirmGoodsList).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
// 检测商品在购物车中的下标
checkGoodsIndex(id) {
let cIndex = 0;
this.cartList.forEach((item, index) => {
if (id == item.goods_id) {
cIndex = index;
return cIndex;
// 到达最小值
onMin(goodsId) {
const that = this;
let cartGoodId = 0;
cartGoodId = this.cartList.filter(item => item.goods_id === goodsId)[0].id;
title: '删除提示',
confirmColor: '#f0c785',
content: `是否确认从购物车中删除此商品?`,
success: res => {
res.confirm && this.changeCartList({ ids: [cartGoodId], art: 'delete' });
// 增加
plus(e, sku) {
if (e.value >= sku.stock) {
this.maxStep = sku.stock > 999 ? 999 : sku.stock;
if (this.detail.activity_type === 'seckill' || this.detail.activity_type === 'groupon') {
let rules = this.detail.activity.rules;
if (rules.limit_buy != 0 && e.value >= rules.limit_buy) {
this.maxStep = rules.limit_buy;
this.$u.toast('本次活动最多购买' + rules.limit_buy + '件');
// 更改商品数
// 更改商品数
async onChangeNum(e, sku) {
let gIndex = this.checkGoodsIndex(sku.goods_id);
if (e.value != this.checkCart[sku.goods_id].num) {
mask: true
this.$set(this.cartList[gIndex], 'goods_num', +e.value);
await this.changeCartList({
ids: [this.checkCart[sku.goods_id].cartOrderId],
goodsNum: +e.value,
art: 'change'
await uni.hideLoading();
// 检测是否为购物车商品
isCart(id) {
let goodsId = id + '';
return Object.keys(this.checkCart).includes(goodsId);
// 添加购物车
async selSku(info) {
this.goodsInfo = {};
this.showSku = true;
// 商品详情
getGoodsDetail(id) {
let that = this;
that.$http('goods.detail', {
id: id
}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
that.goodsInfo =;
// 路由跳转
jump(path, parmas) {
path: path,
query: parmas
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// 右侧商品滚动
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width: 100%;
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color: #333;
margin: 38rpx 23rpx
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.big-goods-card {
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width: 100%;
height: 256rpx;
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background: #f5f5f5;
.goods-tag {
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height: 88rpx;
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color: #333333;
line-height: 36rpx;
padding-top: 6rpx;
.title-tag {
transform: scale(0.9);
position: relative;
top: -6rpx;
.goods-subtitle {
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width: 480rpx;
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display: inline-block;
font-size: 20rpx;
line-height: 30rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
color: #ff0000;
border-radius: 8rpx;
.goods-progress {
.cu-progress {
width: 200rpx;
height: 20rpx;
background: rgba(#ff6361, 0.2);
overflow: visible;
position: relative;
.progress--ing {
background: #ff6361;
border-radius: 20rpx;
.round-tag {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
width: 20rpx;
height: 28rpx;
margin-left: -10rpx;
.round-tag-img {
width: 20rpx;
height: 28rpx;
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font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 400;
color: #333333;
.price-box {
vertical-align: text-bottom;
.price {
font-size: 36rpx;
color: #111111;
font-weight: 600;
&::before {
content: '¥';
font-size: 34rpx;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
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vertical-align: text-bottom;
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 400;
text-decoration: line-through;
color: #C4BFBC;
.cart-box {
.sel-sku {
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