<!-- 浏览记录 -->
<view class="page_box">
<view class="head_box u-flex u-row-right" v-show="!isEmpty">
<button class="edit-btn u-reset-button" @tap="onSet">{{ isEdit ? '完成' : '编辑' }}</button>
<view class="content_box" style="padding:0 24rpx;">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" @scrolltolower="loadMore" class="scroll-box">
<u-checkbox-group @change="checkboxGroupChange" activeColor="#e9b461">
<view class="collect-list u-flex u-flex-1" v-for="f in browseList" :key="f.id">
<u-checkbox v-if="isEdit" :name="f.goods_id" shape="circle" v-model="f.checked"></u-checkbox>
@click="$Router.push({ path: '/pages/goods/detail', query: { id: f.goods_id } })"
<!-- 缺省页 -->
:image="$IMG_URL + '/imgs/empty/empty_goods.png'"
<!-- 更多 -->
<u-loadmore v-show="!isEmpty" height="80rpx" :status="loadStatus" icon-type="flower" color="#ccc" />
<view class="foot_box ">
<view class="tools-box u-flex u-row-between u-flex-1" v-show="isEdit && !isEmpty">
<u-checkbox shape="circle" activeColor="#e9b461" @change="onAllSel" v-model="isAllSel"><text>全选</text></u-checkbox>
<button class="u-reset-button close-btn" @tap="deleteLog">删除</button>
export default {
components: {},
data() {
return {
isEmpty: false, //无数据
isEdit: false, //是否编辑
isAllSel: false, //是否全选
selList: [], //选中列表
browseList: [],
loadStatus: 'loadmore', //loadmore-加载前的状态,loading-加载中的状态,nomore-没有更多的状态
currentPage: 1,
lastPage: 1
computed: {},
onLoad() {
methods: {
// 单选
checkboxGroupChange(e) {
this.selList = e;
this.isAllSel = this.browseList.every(item => item.checked);
// 编辑
onSet() {
this.isEdit = !this.isEdit;
// 全选
onAllSel(e) {
this.isAllSel = e.value;
this.selList = [];
this.browseList.forEach(item => {
e.value && this.selList.push(item.goods_id);
this.$set(item, 'checked', e.value);
// 历史记录
getbrowseList() {
let that = this;
let list = [];
that.loadStatus = 'loading';
that.$http('user.viewList', {
page: that.currentPage
}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
list = res.data.data;
list.map(item => {
that.$set(item, 'checked', false);
that.browseList = [...that.browseList, ...list];
that.isEmpty = !that.browseList.length;
that.lastPage = res.data.last_page;
that.loadStatus = that.currentPage < res.data.last_page ? 'loadmore' : 'nomore';
// 删除足迹
deleteLog() {
let that = this;
const { browseList, selList } = this;
goods_ids: selList
).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
if (that.isAllSel) {
that.browseList = [];
that.isEmpty = true;
} else {
that.browseList = browseList.filter(f => !selList.includes(f.goods_id));
// 加载更多
loadMore() {
if (this.currentPage < this.lastPage) {
this.currentPage += 1;
<style lang="scss">
.head_box {
height: 70rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
.count-box {
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #999;
.all-num {
color: #F45F77;
.edit-btn {
background: none;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #F45F77;
margin: 0;
// padding: 20rpx;
.collect-list {
padding: 30rpx 20rpx;
background: #fff;
// width: 750rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
border-radius: 20rpx;
.goods-radio {
transform: scale(0.7);
margin-right: 20rpx;
.tools-box {
height: 100rpx;
width: 750rpx;
padding: 0 20rpx;
background: #fff;
.check-all {
font-size: 26rpx;
.check-all-radio {
transform: scale(0.7);
.close-btn {
width: 200rpx;
line-height: 70rpx;
background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(233, 180, 97, 1), rgba(238, 204, 137, 1));
box-shadow: 0px 7rpx 6rpx 0px rgba(229, 138, 0, 0.22);
border-radius: 35rpx;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
color: rgba(#fff, 0.9);