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743 lines
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743 lines
18 KiB
2 years ago
<!-- 订单详情 -->
<view class="order-detail-wrap">
<!-- 订单状态 -->
<view class="detail-head" :style="orderDetail.consignee ? '' : 'height:120rpx'">
<view class="state-box u-flex">
<image class="state-img" :src="$IMG_URL + '/imgs/order/order_state1.png'" mode=""></image>
<text>{{ orderDetail.status_desc }}</text>
<!-- 收货地址 -->
<view class="address-wrap" v-if="orderDetail.consignee">
<view class="order-address-box">
<view class="u-flex">
<text class="address-username">{{ orderDetail.consignee }}</text>
<text class="address-phone">{{ }}</text>
<view class="address-detail">{{ orderDetail.province_name }}{{ orderDetail.city_name }}{{ orderDetail.area_name }}{{ orderDetail.address }}</view>
<view class="detail-goods">
<!-- 订单信息 -->
<view class="order-list" v-for="order in orderDetail.item" :key="">
<view class="order-card" @tap="jump('/pages/goods/detail', { id: order.goods_id })">
<shopro-mini-card :title="order.goods_title" :image="order.goods_image">
<template #describe>
<view class="order-sku u-ellipsis-1">
<text class="order-num">数量:{{ order.goods_num || 0 }};</text>
{{ order.goods_sku_text ? order.goods_sku_text : '' }}
<template #cardBottom>
<view class="card-price-box u-flex">
<text class="order-price font-OPPOSANS">¥{{ order.goods_price || 0 }}</text>
<button class="u-reset-button status-btn" v-if="order.status_name">{{ order.status_name }}</button>
<!-- 配送方式 -->
<view class="express-type-box u-flex u-row-between">
<view class="u-flex">
<view class="express-type--title">配送:</view>
<view class="express-type--content">{{ expressType[order.dispatch_type] }}</view>
<!-- 发货详情 -->
class="u-flex express-type--detail"
v-if="order.dispatch_type !== 'express'"
@tap="goDistribution(order.dispatch_type,,, order.dispatch_status)"
<text class="u-iconfont uicon-arrow-right" style="color: #666;"></text>
<view class="order-bottom u-flex">
<!-- 退款原因 -->
<view class="refund_msg" v-if="order.refund_msg">
<text class="refund-title">退款原因:</text>
{{ order.refund_msg }}
<view class="btn-box" v-for="(btn, index) in order.btns" :key="btn">
<button @tap.stop="onConfirm(," class="u-reset-button btn1" :class="{ btn2: index + 1 === order.btns.length }" v-if="btn === 'get'">
class="u-reset-button btn1"
:class="{ btn2: index + 1 === order.btns.length }"
v-if="btn === 'comment'"
@tap.stop="jump('/pages/goods/detail', { id: order.goods_id })"
class="u-reset-button btn1"
:class="{ btn2: index + 1 === order.btns.length }"
v-if="btn === 'buy_again'"
class="u-reset-button btn1"
:class="{ btn2: index + 1 === order.btns.length }"
v-if="btn === 'aftersale_info'"
class="u-reset-button btn1"
:class="{ btn2: index + 1 === order.btns.length }"
v-if="btn === 'aftersale'"
class="u-reset-button btn1"
:class="{ btn2: index + 1 === order.btns.length }"
v-if="btn === 're_aftersale'"
<!-- 订单信息 -->
<view class="notice-box" v-if="">
<view class="notice-box__content">
<view class="notice-item--center u-flex">
<text class="title">订单编号:</text>
<text class="detail">{{ orderDetail.order_sn }}</text>
<button class="u-reset-button copy-btn" @tap="onCopy(orderDetail.order_sn)">复制</button>
<view class="notice-item u-flex">
<text class="title">下单时间:</text>
<text class="detail">{{ orderDetail.createtime }}</text>
<view class="notice-item u-flex" v-if="orderDetail.status > 0">
<text class="title">支付方式:</text>
<text class="detail">{{ payType[orderDetail.pay_type] }}</text>
<view class="notice-item u-flex" v-if="orderDetail.status > 0">
<text class="title">支付时间:</text>
<text class="detail">{{ orderDetail.paytime }}</text>
<!-- 价格信息 -->
<view class="order-price-box u-m-b-20" v-if="">
<view class="notice-item u-flex u-row-between">
<text class="title">商品总额</text>
<text class="detail font-OPPOSANS">¥{{ orderDetail.goods_amount }}</text>
<view class="notice-item u-flex u-row-between">
<text class="title">运费</text>
<text class="detail font-OPPOSANS">¥{{ orderDetail.dispatch_amount }}</text>
<view class="notice-item u-flex u-row-between">
<text class="title">优惠金额</text>
<text class="detail font-OPPOSANS">-¥{{ orderDetail.discount_fee }}</text>
<view class="notice-item u-flex u-row-between" v-if="orderDetail.score_fee">
<text class="title">积分</text>
<text class="detail font-OPPOSANS">-{{ orderDetail.score_fee }}积分</text>
<view class="notice-item all-rpice-item u-flex" style="width: 100%;">
<text class="title">{{ orderDetail.status <= 0 ? '需付款' : '实付款' }}:</text>
<text class="detail all-price font-OPPOSANS">¥{{ orderDetail.total_fee }}</text>
<!-- 底部按钮 -->
<view class="foot-wrap safe-area-inset-bottom">
<view class="foot_box safe-area-inset-bottom">
<view class="money-box u-flex ">
<text class="money-title">共{{ allNum || '0' }}件商品 合计:</text>
<text class="all-price font-OPPOSANS">¥{{ orderDetail.total_fee || '0.00' }}</text>
<view class="btn-box u-flex">
<view class="" v-for="btn in orderDetail.btns" :key="btn">
<button v-if="btn === 'cancel'" @tap.stop="onCancel(" class="u-reset-button obtn1">取消订单</button>
<button v-if="btn === 'pay'" @tap.stop="onPay(" class="u-reset-button obtn2">付款</button>
<button v-if="btn === 'groupon'" @tap.stop="jump('/pages/activity/groupon/detail', { id: orderDetail.ext_arr.groupon_id })" class="u-reset-button obtn2">
<button v-if="btn === 'delete'" @tap.stop="onDelete(" class="u-reset-button delete-btn">删除</button>
<button v-if="btn === 'express'" @tap.stop="onExpress(" class="u-reset-button obtn1">查看物流</button>
export default {
components: {},
data() {
return {
time: 0,
orderDetail: {},
orderStatus: {
'-2': '已关闭',
'-1': '已取消',
'0': '未付款',
'1': '已付款',
'2': '已完成'
payType: {
wallet: '余额支付',
wechat: '微信支付',
alipay: '支付宝支付',
iospay: 'ApplePay'
expressType: {
express: '物流快递',
selfetch: '到店/自提',
store: '商家配送',
autosend: '自动发货'
onShow() {
onLoad() {},
computed: {
allNum() {
if (this.orderDetail.item) {
let items = this.orderDetail.item;
let allPrice = 0;
items.forEach(p => {
allPrice += p.goods_num;
return allPrice;
methods: {
jump(path, parmas) {
path: path,
query: parmas
// 详情发货信息
goDistribution(dispatchType, orderId, orderItemId) {
this.jump('/pages/order/express/distribution-detail', { expressType: dispatchType, orderId: orderId, orderItemId: orderItemId });
// 订单详情
getOrderDetail() {
let that = this;
that.$http('order.detail', {
id: that.$
}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
that.orderDetail =;
that.orderDetail.createtime = that.$u.timeFormat(, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM');
that.orderDetail.paytime = that.$u.timeFormat(, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM');
// 复制
onCopy(code) {
let that = this;
data: code,
success: function(data) {
// 确认收货
onConfirm(id, itemId) {
let that = this;
title: '提示',
confirmColor: '#f0c785',
content: '确定收到货了吗?',
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
id: id,
order_item_id: itemId
).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
// 申请售后
onAftersale(orderId, orderItemId) {
path: '/pages/order/after-sale/refund',
query: { orderId: orderId, orderItemId: orderItemId }
// 售后详情
onAftersaleDetail(id) {
this.jump('/pages/order/after-sale/detail', { aftersaleId: id });
// 取消订单
onCancel(id) {
let that = this;
id: id
).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
// 立即购买
onPay(id) {
url: `/pages/order/payment/method?orderId=${id}`
// 删除订单
onDelete(orderId) {
let that = this;
title: '删除订单',
content: '确定要删除这个订单么?',
cancelText: '取消',
confirmText: '删除',
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
that.$http('order.deleteOrder', {
id: orderId
}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
// 待评价
onComment(orderId, orderItemId) {
this.jump('/pages/goods/comment/add-comment', { orderId: orderId, orderItemId: orderItemId });
// 查看物流
onExpress(orderId, orderItemId) {
let that = this;
that.$http('order.expressList', {
order_id: orderId
}).then(res => {
if (res.code === 1) {
if ( == 1) {
this.jump('/pages/order/express/express-detail', { orderId: orderId, expressId:[0].id });
} else if ( > 1) {
this.jump('/pages/order/express/express-list', { orderId: orderId });
} else {
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color: rgba(#fff, 0.9);
.state-img {
width: 60rpx;
height: 60rpx;
// background: #ccc;
margin-right: 40rpx;
// 收货地址
.address-wrap {
position: relative;
background-color: #fff;
min-height: 160rpx;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
.order-address-box {
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.order-list {
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background-color: #fff;
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.order-card {
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font-weight: 400;
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width: 450rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
.order-num {
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.card-price-box {
.status-btn {
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font-weight: 400;
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margin-left: 20rpx;
background: rgba(233, 183, 102, 0.16);
.order-price {
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font-weight: 600;
color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
// 配送方式
.express-type-box {
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height: 90rpx;
background: rgba(247, 247, 247, 1);
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.refund_msg {
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// 拼团项目
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color: #784f06;
z-index: 2;
top: -10rpx;
.avatar {
width: 80rpx;
height: 80rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #ccc;
// 收货信息、订单信息。
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color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
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.notice-item--center {
align-items: center;
// 订单价格信息
.order-price-box {
background-color: #fff;
padding: 20rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
.notice-item {
height: 50rpx;
.title {
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #999;
.detail {
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #333;
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font-size: 26rpx;
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