You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

389 lines
10 KiB

<view style="background-color: #F2F3F4;min-height: calc(100vh - 52px);">
<!-- 导航条 -->
<view class="cu-custom" :style="{ height: $wanlshop.wanlsys().height + 'px' }">
class="cu-bar fixed bg-bgcolor"
height: $wanlshop.wanlsys().height + 'px',
paddingTop: $wanlshop.wanlsys().top + 'px',
backgroundColor: common.appStyle.cart_nav_color ? common.appStyle.cart_nav_color : '#f7f7f7',
backgroundImage: 'url(' + $wanlshop.oss( common.appStyle.cart_nav_image, 0, 50, 1, 'transparent', 'png' ) + ')',
color: common.appStyle.cart_font_color == 'light' ? '#ffffff' : '#333333'
<view class="action" @tap="operate()">
<text v-if="cart.operate">完成</text>
<text v-else>管理</text>
<view class="content" :style="{ top: $wanlshop.wanlsys().top + 'px' }">
<text class="text-sm">(共{{ cart.cartnum }}件宝贝)</text>
<block v-if="cart.list.length > 0">
class="wanl-cart-shop radius-bock margin-bj"
v-for="(item, index) in cart.list"
style="padding:25rpx 0;"
<view class="shop margin-bottom" @tap="onShop(item.shop_id)">
<!-- 店铺选择 -->
<view class="text-xxl margin-right-sm" @tap.stop="shopchoose(item)">
<text v-if="item.check" class="wlIcon-xuanze-danxuan wanl-orange"></text>
<text v-else class="wlIcon-xuanze wanl-gray-light"></text>
<view class="shopname">
<text class="wlIcon-dianpu1 margin-right-xs"></text>
<text class="text-30">{{ item.shop_name }}</text>
<view class="info"><text class="wlIcon-fanhui2 margin-left-xs"></text></view>
<view class="wanl-cart-goods" v-for="(goods, keys) in item.products" :key="keys">
<!-- 商品选择 -->
class="text-xxl margin-right-sm"
@tap="choose({ index: index, keys: keys })"
<text v-if="goods.checked" class="wlIcon-xuanze-danxuan wanl-orange"></text>
<text v-else class="wlIcon-xuanze wanl-gray-light"></text>
<view class="picture" @tap="onGoods(goods.goods_id)">
:src="$wanlshop.oss(goods.image, 100, 100, 1)"
<view class="content">
<view class="text-cut-2 wanl-gray-dark" @tap="onGoods(goods.goods_id)">
{{ goods.title }}
<view class="cu-tag wanl-gray opt">
规格:{{ goods.sku.difference.join(' ') }}
<view class="flex justify-between align-center">
<view class="text-price wanl-orange text-lg">
{{ goods.sku.price }}
<view class="wanl-numberBox solid">
<view @tap="bcsub(goods)">
<text class="wlIcon-jian round text-gray"></text>
<view>{{ goods.number }}</view>
<view @tap="bcadd(goods)">
<text class="wlIcon-tianjia round"></text>
<block class="margin-bj padding-bj" v-else>
<wanl-empty src="cart_default3x" text="哎呀,购物车空空如也!" />
<wanl-product :dataList="likeData" />
<uni-load-more :status="status" :content-text="contentText" />
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
<view style="height: 100rpx;"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="safeAreaBottom"></view>
<!-- 操作栏 -->
<view class="wanl-cart-foot fixedView solid-top edit" v-if="cart.operate">
<view class="flex align-center" @tap="toCartchoose()">
<view class="text-xxl">
<text v-if="cart.status" class="wlIcon-xuanze-danxuan wanl-orange"></text>
<text v-else class="wlIcon-xuanze wanl-gray-light"></text>
<view class="margin-left-sm">
<text>{{ cart.status ? '取消' : '全选' }}</text>
<view class="flex">
<button v-if="cart.allnum == 0" class="cu-btn round line-gray">移动关注</button>
<button v-else class="cu-btn round line-orange" @tap="move()">移动关注</button>
<button class="cu-btn round line-orange" @tap="toEmpty()">快速清理</button>
<button v-if="cart.allnum == 0" class="cu-btn round line-gray">删除</button>
<button v-else class="cu-btn round bg-gradual-orange" @tap="del()">删除</button>
<view class="wanl-cart-foot fixedView solid-top account" v-else>
<view class="flex align-center" @tap="toCartchoose()">
<view class="text-xxl">
<text v-if="cart.status" class="wlIcon-xuanze-danxuan wanl-orange"></text>
<text v-else class="wlIcon-xuanze wanl-gray-light"></text>
<view class="margin-left-sm">
<text>{{ cart.status ? '取消' : '全选' }}</text>
<view class="flex" style="align-items: center;">
<view class="text-sm text-right">
<text class="text-price wanl-orange text-lg">{{ cart.allsum }}</text>
<!-- <view>不含运费</view> -->
<button v-if="cart.allnum == 0" class="cu-btn round line-gray">立即购买</button>
<button v-else class="cu-btn round bg-gradual-orange" @tap="settlement()">
立即购买 ({{ cart.allnum }})
import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex';
export default {
data() {
return {
reload: true,
likeData: [],
current_page: 1, //当前页码
last_page: 1, //总页码
status: 'loading',
contentText: {
contentdown: '',
contentrefresh: '正在加载...',
contentnomore: ''
onReachBottom() {
if (this.current_page >= this.last_page) {
this.status = 'noMore';
} else {
this.reload = false;
this.current_page = this.current_page + 1; //页码+1
this.status = 'loading';
computed: {
...mapState(['cart', 'common'])
onShow() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.$store.state.common.appStyle.cart_font_color == 'light'
? '#ffffff'
: '#000000',
backgroundColor: this.$store.state.common.appStyle.cart_nav_color
}, 200);
onLoad() {
// 加载猜你喜欢
methods: {
operate: 'cart/operate', // 管理购物车
choose: 'cart/choose', // 选择商品
shopchoose: 'cart/shopchoose', // 选择店铺
bcadd: 'cart/bcadd', // 添加数量
bcsub: 'cart/bcsub', // 减少数量
move: 'cart/move', // 移动购物车
settlement: 'cart/settlement', // 结算购物车
del: 'cart/del' // 删除选中购物车
async loadlikeData() {
await uni.request({
url: '/wanlshop/product/likes?pages=cart',
data: {
page: this.current_page
success: res => {
this.likeData = this.reload ? : this.likeData.concat(; //评论数据 追加
this.current_page =; //当前页码
this.last_page =; //总页码
this.status = 'more';
// 禁止空购物车点击全选
toCartchoose() {
if (this.$store.state.cart.list.length == 0) {
content: '购物车没有任何宝贝,马上去选一个心仪的宝贝吧~',
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
} else {
toEmpty() {
content: '确定清空购物车?',
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
.wanl-gray-light {
color: #eee;
.wanl-cart-shop {
background-color: #ffffff;
/* #ifndef MP-ALIPAY */
.wanl-cart-shop radio::before,
.wanl-cart-shop checkbox::before {
margin-top: -7px;
right: 1px;
.wanl-cart-shop radio .wx-radio-input,
.wanl-cart-shop checkbox .wx-checkbox-input,
.wanl-cart-shop radio .uni-radio-input,
.wanl-cart-shop checkbox .uni-checkbox-input {
margin: 0;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
/* #endif */
.wanl-cart-shop checkbox-group {
margin-right: 25rpx;
.wanl-cart-shop .shop {
position: relative;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
border-bottom: 1px solid #EAEAEA;
padding: 25rpx;
.wanl-cart-shop .shop .shopname {
position: absolute;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
left: 90rpx;
.wanl-cart-shop .shop uni-checkbox .uni-checkbox-input {
border: 1px solid #cccccc;
/* 商品 */
.wanl-cart-goods {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 30rpx;
padding: 0 25rpx;
.wanl-cart-goods:last-child {
margin-bottom: 18rpx;
.wanl-cart-goods .picture {
width: 180rpx;
height: 180rpx;
.wanl-cart-goods .picture image {
width: 180rpx;
height: 180rpx;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 20rpx;
/* 1.0.6升级 */
.wanl-cart-goods .content {
padding-left: 25rpx;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
.wanl-cart-goods .content .opt {
font-size: 24rpx;
padding: 0;
color: #000000;
height: 32rpx;
background-color: #f6f6f6;
font-weight: 300;
margin-top: 10rpx;
margin-bottom: 25rpx;
border-radius: 4rpx;
.wanl-cart-goods .content .opt text {
padding-right: 6rpx;
padding-left: 10rpx;
/* 操作条 */
.wanl-cart-foot {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
z-index: 997;
min-height: 52px;
background-color: #ffffff;
padding: 0 25rpx;
.wanl-cart-foot.solid:after {
/* #ifndef MP-ALIPAY */
.wanl-cart-foot radio:before,
.wanl-cart-foot checkbox:before {
margin-top: -7px;
right: 1px;
.wanl-cart-foot radio .wx-radio-input,
.wanl-cart-foot checkbox .wx-checkbox-input,
.wanl-cart-foot radio .uni-radio-input,
.wanl-cart-foot checkbox .uni-checkbox-input {
margin: 0;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
/* #endif */
.wanl-cart-foot.account button {
margin-left: 25rpx;
.wanl-cart-foot.edit button {
margin-left: 20rpx;
.wanl-cart-foot.account .cu-btn {
padding: 0 25rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
height: 72rpx;
margin-top: 6rpx;
/* border-radius: 20rpx; */
.wanl-cart-foot.edit .cu-btn {
padding: 0 30rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
height: 56rpx;