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415 lines
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415 lines
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<view class="edgeInsetTop"></view>
<view class="wanl-refund">
<!-- 头部 -->
<view class="header">
<image :src="$wanlshop.appstc('/order/img_detail_bg.png')" class="img-bg"></image>
<view class="content">
<view class="status-text">{{getStateText(refundData.state)}}</view>
<view class="reason">
<text class="reason-text">{{refundData.statetime}}</text>
<view class="bg-white padding-bj" v-if="refundData.state != 4">
<!-- 退款状态:0=申请退款,1=卖家同意,2=卖家拒绝,3=申请平台介入,4=成功退款,5=退款已关闭,6=已提交退货,7=第三方退款中 -->
<view class="bg-white solid-top padding-bj current" v-if="refundData.state == 0">
<view class="wanl-gray text-sm">
<text class="wlIcon-dot margin-right-sm"></text>卖家同意或超时未处理,系统将自动确认
<view class="margin-top-xs">
<text class="wlIcon-dot margin-right-sm"></text>如果退款被拒绝,您可以修改申请重新发起
<view class="flex justify-end margin-top">
<button class="cu-btn line-black margin-lr-xs" @tap="closeRefund(">关闭退款</button>
<button class="cu-btn line-orange" @tap="editRefund(">修改申请</button>
<view v-if="refundData.state == 1">
<view class="bg-white solid-top padding-bj receipt">
<view class="icon">
<text class="wlIcon-guanzhu1"></text>
<view class="content">
<view class="flex justify-between">
<view class="margin-top-xs">
<view class="text-cut-2">
<view class="bg-white padding-bj solid-top">
<view class="wanl-gray text-sm">
<text class="wlIcon-dot margin-right-sm"></text>请勿使用平邮或到付,以免商家无法收到退货
<view class="margin-top-xs">
<text class="wlIcon-dot margin-right-sm"></text>请填写真实快递信息,如超时则关闭退款
<view class="cu-form-group margin-top-bj">
<view class="title">快递单号:</view>
<input placeholder="请填写快递单号" name="input" v-model="returnData.express_no"></input>
<view class="cu-form-group">
<view class="title">快递公司:</view>
<picker @change="kuaidiChange" :range="refundData.kuaidi" range-key="name">
<view class="picker">
<view class="bg-white padding-bj current">
<view class="flex justify-end">
<button class="cu-btn line-orange margin-lr-xs" @tap="toExpress(">确认退货</button>
<view class="bg-white current" v-if="refundData.state == 6">
<view class="bg-white solid-top padding-bj">
退货物流:<text class="wanl-gray">{{refundData.express_name}}({{refundData.express_no}})</text>
<view class="bg-white solid-top padding-bj current">
<view class="wanl-gray text-sm">
<text class="wlIcon-dot margin-right-sm"></text>如果退款被拒绝,您可以修改申请重新发起
<view class="margin-top-xs">
<text class="wlIcon-dot margin-right-sm"></text>卖家超时未处理,系统将自动确认
<view class="bg-white solid-top padding-bj current " v-if="refundData.state == 2">
<view class="text-sm">
拒绝理由:<text class="wanl-gray">{{refundData.refuse_content}}</text>
<view class="flex justify-end margin-top">
<button class="cu-btn line-black" @tap="arbitrationRefund(">平台介入</button>
<button class="cu-btn line-orange margin-left-xs" @tap="editRefund(">修改申请</button>
<view class="bg-white solid-top padding-bj current" v-if="refundData.state == 3">
<view class="wanl-gray text-sm">
<text class="wlIcon-dot margin-right-sm"></text>客服正在审核退款详情及退款历史记录
<view class="margin-top-xs">
<text class="wlIcon-dot margin-right-sm"></text>大概1-3个工作日做出答复,请耐心等待
<view class="bg-white padding-bj flex justify-between align-center" v-if="refundData.state == 4">
<text>退款总金额</text><text class="text-price wanl-orange">{{refundData.price}}</text>
<view class="bg-white padding-bj margin-top-bj flex justify-between align-center" @tap="refundLog(">
<text>退款历史</text><text class="wlIcon-fanhui2"></text>
<view class="bg-white padding-bj margin-top-bj">
<view class="padding-bj flex">
<view class="cu-avatar xl margin-right-bj" :style="{backgroundImage: 'url('+$wanlshop.oss(refundData.goods.image, 70, 70)+')'}"> </view>
<view class="text-sm" style="width: calc(100% - 128rpx);">
<view class="margin-bottom-xs">
<view class="text-cut-2">
<view v-if="refundData.order_type === 'groups'" class="cu-tag sm margin-right-xs bg-gradual-orange radius">
<view class="wanl-gray">
<view class="bg-white padding-bj text-sm">
<view class="item flex">
<text class="wanl-gray"> 退款类型: </text> <text> {{refundData.type_text}} </text>
<view class="item flex margin-top-bj">
<text class="wanl-gray"> 退款原因: </text> <text> {{refundData.reason_text}} </text>
<view class="item flex margin-top-bj">
<text class="wanl-gray"> 退款金额: </text> <text class="text-price"> {{refundData.price}} </text>
<view class="item flex margin-top-bj">
<text class="wanl-gray"> 物流状态: </text> <text> {{refundData.expressType_text}} </text>
<view class="item flex margin-top-bj">
<text class="wanl-gray"> 退款时间: </text> <text> {{refundData.createtime_text}} </text>
<view class="edgeInsetBottom"> </view>
export default {
data() {
return {
refundData: {
statetime: '',
id: 0,
express_no: '',
express_name: ''
kuaidiKey: -1
onLoad(option) {
onBackPress(options) {
// 1.1.6升级
if(this.$wanlshop.prePage().route == 'pages/user/refund/apply'){
return true;
methods: {
async loadData(data) {
await uni.request({
url: '/wanlshop/refund/getRefundInfo',
data: data,
success: res => {
this.refundData =;
| =;
// 时间差的毫秒数
if( == 0){
var diff = ( + * 86400) - Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000;
var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor(diff % 86400 / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor(diff % 86400 % 3600 / 60);
if (minutes > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +minutes+ '分';
if (hours > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +hours+ '天' +minutes+ '分';
if (days > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +days+ '天' +hours+ '小时' +minutes+ '分';
}else if( == 1){
var diff = ( + * 86400) - Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000;
var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor(diff % 86400 / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor(diff % 86400 % 3600 / 60);
if (minutes > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +minutes+ '分';
if (hours > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +hours+ '天' +minutes+ '分';
if (days > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +days+ '天' +hours+ '小时' +minutes+ '分';
}else if( == 2){
this.refundData.statetime =;
}else if( == 6){
var diff = ( + * 86400) - Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000;
var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor(diff % 86400 / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor(diff % 86400 % 3600 / 60);
if (minutes > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +minutes+ '分';
if (hours > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +hours+ '天' +minutes+ '分';
if (days > 0) {
this.refundData.statetime = '还剩' +days+ '天' +hours+ '小时' +minutes+ '分';
}else if( == 3){
this.refundData.statetime = '等待平台处理';
}else if( == 4){
this.refundData.statetime =;
}else if( == 5){
this.refundData.statetime =;
// 1.1.6升级
}else if( == 7){
this.refundData.statetime = '预计24小时内原路返还';
}else if( == 8){
this.refundData.statetime = '请联系平台客服处理';
return ["等待卖家同意", "等待买家退货", "卖家拒绝退款", "平台介入", "退款完成", "退款关闭", "等待卖家收取退货", "第三方支付退款中", "退款失败"][state];
return [
"退款完成", "您已关闭本次退款申请",
kuaidiChange(e) {
this.kuaidiKey = e.detail.value;
this.returnData.express_name = this.refundData.kuaidi[e.detail.value].code;
// 退款历史
// 平台介入
async arbitrationRefund(id){
await uni.request({
url: '/wanlshop/refund/arbitrationRefund',
data: {id:id},
success: res => {
// 关闭退款
async closeRefund(id){
await uni.request({
url: '/wanlshop/refund/closeRefund',
data: {id:id},
success: res => {
this.$store.commit('statistics/order', {
customer: this.$store.state.statistics.order.customer - 1
// 提交物流
async toExpress(){
if (!this.returnData.express_no) {
return false;
if (!this.returnData.express_name) {
return false;
await uni.request({
url: '/wanlshop/refund/toExpress',
method: 'POST',
data: this.returnData,
success: res => {
// 修改退款
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line-height: 24rpx;
color: rgba(254, 254, 254, 0.75);
padding-top: 15rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
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padding-right: 12rpx;
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width: 100rpx;
height: 100rpx;
display: block;
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width: 140rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
padding: 0 12rpx;
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display: flex;
align-items: center;
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margin-right: 25rpx;
font-weight: bold;
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flex: 1;
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height: 55rpx;
line-height: 55rpx;
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padding-right: 10rpx;