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4 months ago
<view class="edgeInsetTop"></view>
<view class="wanl-order">
<!-- 头部 -->
<view class="header">
<image :src="$wanlshop.appstc('/order/img_detail_bg.png')" class="img-bg"></image>
<view class="content">
<view class="status-text">{{getStatusText(orderData.state)}}</view>
<view class="reason"><text class="reason-text">{{orderData.statetime}}</text></view>
<image :src="$wanlshop.appstc('/order/'+getImg(orderData.state))" class="status-img" mode="widthFix"></image>
<!-- 详情 -->
<view class="address cu-list menu-avatar">
<!-- 物流状态 订单状态:1=待支付,2=待成团,3=待发货,4=待收货,5=待评论,6=已完成,7=已取消-->
<!-- 订单状态:1=待支付,2=待发货,3=待收货,4=待评论,5=售后订单(已弃用),6=已完成,7=已取消 -->
<view class="cu-item" @tap="onLogistics(" v-if="orderData.state != 7 && orderData.state != 1 && orderData.state != 2 && orderData.state != 3 && logisticsType">
<view class="cu-avatar round wanl-bg-blue"><text class="wlIcon-yunshuzhong"></text></view>
<view class="content">
<text class="text-cut-2 text-sm wanl-pip">{{orderData.logistics.status}} - {{orderData.logistics.context}}</text>
<view class="wanl-gray">
<text class="text-sm">{{orderData.logistics.time}}</text>
<view class="action">
<text class="wlIcon-fanhui2 wanl-gray"></text>
<!-- 地址 -->
<view class="cu-item">
<view class="cu-avatar round wanl-bg-orange"><text class="wlIcon-weizhi1"></text></view>
<view class="content">
<text class="wanl-pip margin-right-sm">{{}}</text>
<text class="wanl-gray text-sm">{{}}</text>
<view class="wanl-pip text-cut-2 text-sm">
{{orderData.address.address.replace(/\//g,' ')}}
<text class="margin-left-xs" v-if="orderData.address.address_name">{{orderData.address.address_name}}附近</text>
<view class="lists bg-white" v-if="orderData.order_no">
<view class="shopname text-sm padding-top-bj" @tap="onShop(orderData.shop_id)">
<text class="wlIcon-dianpu1 margin-right-sm"></text>
<text class="padding-right-xs wanl-black">{{}}</text>
<text class="wlIcon-fanhuigengduo"></text>
<view class="cu-list menu-avatar">
<block v-for="(item, index) in orderData.goods" :key="">
<view class="cu-item">
<view class="cu-avatar radius" :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + $wanlshop.oss(item.image, 77, 77) + ')' }" @tap="onGoods(item.goods_id)"></view>
<view class="content" @tap="toGoods(item.goods_id)">
<view class="text-cut-2">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="wanl_sku text-sm">
<text class="wanl-gray-dark">{{item.difference}}</text>
<view class="action text-sm">
<view class="wanl-gray text-price">{{item.group_price}}</view>
<view class="wanl-gray">x {{item.number}}</view>
<view class="text-orange">
<text> 实付</text>
<text class="text-price">{{item.actual_payment}}</text>
<view class="flex justify-end padding-lr-bj padding-bottom">
<button class="cu-btn line-black sm" @tap="onRefund(, item.refund_status, item.refund_id, index)" v-if="([2,3,4,5,6].indexOf(orderData.state)) !== -1"> {{getRefund(item.refund_status)}}</button>
<!-- 拼团详情 -->
v-if="orderData.state > 1 && orderData.state < 7 && item.group_type !== 'alone'"
class="cu-btn bg-gradual-orange sm margin-left-sm"
<!-- 价格信息 -->
<view class="price padding-lr-bj padding-bottom-bj text-sm">
<view> <text> 商品总价 </text> <text class="text-price"> {{}} </text> </view>
<view> <text> 运费 </text> <text class="text-price"> {{}} </text> </view>
<view> <text> 优惠</text> <text class="text-price"> {{}} </text> </view>
<view> <text> 总价 </text> <text class="text-price"> {{}} </text> </view>
<view class="text-sm" v-if=" != 0"> <text> 实付款 </text> <text class="text-price wanl-orange"> {{}} </text> </view>
<view class="order bg-white margin-top-bj padding-bj" v-if="orderData.order_no">
<view class="title" @tap="toMore">
<view class="text-sm">订单详情</view>
<text class="wlIcon-fanhui3" v-if="infoMore"></text>
<text class="wlIcon-fanhui4" v-else></text>
<view class="text-sm">
<view class="item">
<text class="wanl-gray" style="width: 160rpx">订单编号</text>
<text> {{orderData.order_no}} </text>
<view class="item">
<text class="wanl-gray" style="width: 160rpx">支付交易号</text>
<text> {{}} </text>
<view class="item">
<text class="wanl-gray" style="width: 160rpx">创建时间</text>
<text> {{orderData.createtime_text}} </text>
<block v-if="infoMore">
<view class="item" v-if="orderData.paymenttime">
<text class="wanl-gray-dark" style="width: 160rpx">付款时间</text>
<text> {{orderData.paymenttime_text}} </text>
<view class="item" v-if="orderData.delivertime">
<text class="wanl-gray-dark" style="width: 160rpx">发货时间</text>
<text> {{orderData.delivertime_text}} </text>
<view class="item" v-if="orderData.taketime">
<text class="wanl-gray-dark" style="width: 160rpx">收货时间</text>
<text> {{orderData.taketime_text}} </text>
<view class="foot solid-top" >
<view @tap="toChat(orderData.shop_id)">
<text class="wlIcon-xiaoxizhongxin text-sm"></text>联系卖家
<view class="edgeInsetBottom"> </view>
export default {
data() {
return {
orderData: {
order_no: '',
address: {
name: '加载中...',
mobile: '',
address: '',
address_name: ''
logistics: {
context: '',
status: '',
time: ''
statetime: ''
logisticsType: false,
infoMore: false
onLoad(option) {
methods: {
// 获取订单
async loadData(data) {
await uni.request({
url: '/wanlshop/groups/order/getOrderInfo',
data: data,
success: res => {
this.orderData =;
this.logisticsType = true;
// 订单状态:1=待支付,2=待成团,3=待发货,4=待收货,5=待评论,6=已完成,7=已取消
// 订单状态:1=待支付,2=待发货,3=待收货,4=待评论,5=售后订单(已弃用),6=已完成,7=已取消
if ( == 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '剩余时间0';
} else if ( == 1) {
var diff = ( + * 86400) - Date.parse(
new Date()) / 1000;
var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor(diff % 86400 / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor(diff % 86400 % 3600 / 60);
if (minutes > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + minutes + '分自动关闭订单';
if (hours > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + hours + '天' + minutes + '分自动关闭订单';
if (days > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + days + '天' + hours + '小时' + minutes +
} else if ( == 2) {
this.orderData.statetime = '等待分享成团';
} else if ( == 3) {
this.orderData.statetime = '等待卖家发货';
} else if ( == 4) {
var diff = ( + * 86400) - Date.parse(
new Date()) / 1000;
var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor(diff % 86400 / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor(diff % 86400 % 3600 / 60);
if (minutes > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + minutes + '分自动确认收货';
if (hours > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + hours + '天' + minutes + '分自动确认收货';
if (days > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + days + '天' + hours + '小时' + minutes +
} else if ( == 5) {
var diff = ( + * 86400) - Date.parse(
new Date()) / 1000;
var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor(diff % 86400 / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor(diff % 86400 % 3600 / 60);
if (minutes > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + minutes + '分自动评论';
if (hours > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + hours + '天' + minutes + '分自动评论';
if (days > 0) {
this.orderData.statetime = '还剩' + days + '天' + hours + '小时' + minutes +
} else if ( == 6) {
this.orderData.statetime =;
} else if ( == 7) {
this.orderData.statetime = '订单已取消';
getImg(status) {
return ["img_order_payment3x.png", "img_order_send3x.png", "img_order_received3x.png",
"img_order_signed3x.png", "img_order_closed3x.png", "img_order_signed3x.png",
][status - 1];
// 订单状态:1=待支付,2=待成团,3=待发货,4=待收货,5=待评论,6=已完成,7=已取消
getStatusText(status) {
return ["等待您付款", "拼团中", "待发货", "待收货", "待评论", "订单已完成", "交易关闭"][status - 1];
getRefund(status) {
return ["退款", "退款中", "待退货", "退款完成", "退款关闭", "退款被拒"][status];
// 拼团详情
* 进入退款
* @param {Object} order_id 订单ID
* @param {Object} status 售后状态:0=未退款,1=退款中,2=待退货,3=退款完成
onRefund(order_id, refund_status, refund_id, index) {
if (refund_status == 0) { //申请退款
goods: this.orderData.goods[index],
freight_type: this.orderData.freight_type,
goods_number: this.orderData.goods.length,
order_type: 'groups'
} else { // 查看详情
// 折叠项
toMore() {
this.infoMore = !this.infoMore;
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