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217 lines
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217 lines
4.0 KiB
7 months ago
<view class="agreement" :style="colorStyle">
<view class="top-msg" v-if="agreementData.avatar">
<view class="avatar">
<img :src="agreementData.avatar" alt="">
<view class="name">{{}}</view>
<view class="content" v-html="agreementData.content">
<view class="footer">
<view class="trip">
<view class="cancellation flex-aj-center" @click="isCancellation = true">
<view class="mark" v-show="isCancellation"></view>
<view class="tipaddress" v-show="isCancellation">
<view class="top"></view>
<view class="bottom">
<view class="font1">{{$t(`是否确认注销`)}}</view>
<view class="font2">{{$t(`注销后无法恢复,请谨慎操作`)}}</view>
<view class="btn">
<view class="cancellation-btn btn-sty flex-aj-center" @tap="cancelUser">{{$t(`注销`)}}</view>
<view class="cancel btn-sty flex-aj-center" @tap="isCancellation = false">
import colors from '@/mixins/color.js';
import {
} from '@/api/user.js'
const app = getApp();
export default {
mixins: [colors],
data() {
return {
isCancellation: false,
agreementData: ''
onLoad() {
methods: {
getAgreement() {
getUserAgreement(5).then(res => {
this.agreementData =
cancelUser() {
cancelUser().then(res => {
app.globalData.spid = '';
| = '';
url: '/pages/index/index'
}).catch(msg => {
return this.$util.Tips({
title: msg
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img {
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background-color: #fafafa;
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font-size: 24rpx;
margin: 24rpx 0;
.cancellation {
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color: #fff;
font-size: 32rpx;
background: #E93323;
border-radius: 23px;
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// margin-left: -283rpx;
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background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 10rpx;
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height: 270rpx;
border-top-left-radius: 10rpx;
border-top-right-radius: 10rpx;
background-image: url(../static/address.png);
background-repeat: round;
background-color: #E93323;
.tipsphoto {
display: inline-block;
width: 200rpx;
height: 200rpx;
margin-top: 73rpx;
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font-weight: 400;
.font1 {
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line-height: 82rpx;
padding: 24rpx 78rpx;
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background-color: #F5F5F5;
color: #333333;
.cancel {
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background: linear-gradient(90deg, #F67A38 0%, #F11B09 100%);
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