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189 lines
3.6 KiB
189 lines
3.6 KiB
8 months ago
<view class="list">
<view class="product-box">
<view class="product-list" v-for="(item, i1) in tmp_data" :key="i1" @click="goGoodsDetail(item)">
<view class="product-item">
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view class="info">
<view class="title line2">
<text class="tag" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '1' && $permission('seckill')">{{$t(`秒杀`)}}</text>
<text class="tag" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '2' && $permission('bargain')">{{$t(`砍价`)}}</text>
<text class="tag" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '3' && $permission('combination')">{{$t(`拼团`)}}</text>
<text class="tag" v-if="item.checkCoupon">{{$t(`券`)}}</text>
{{ item.store_name }}
<view class="price-box">
{{ item.price }}
<view class="sales">
{{$t(`已售`)}} {{item.sales}}
import {
} from '@/libs/order.js'
export default {
name: 'goodsWaterfall',
props: {
dataLists: {
default: []
data() {
return {
lists: [],
showLoad: false,
tmp_data: []
methods: {
goGoodsDetail(item) {
goPage().then(res => {
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${}`
mounted() {
const that = this
that.tmp_data = that.dataLists
// that.showLoadFlag()
watch: {
dataLists() {
this.loaded = []
this.loadErr = []
this.tmp_data = this.dataLists
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border-radius: 20upx;
background: #f4f4f4;
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padding: 10upx 20upx 20upx;
.flow_item_title {
position: relative;
font-size: 32upx;
font-weight: 700;
margin-bottom: 5upx;
.flow_item_des {
font-size: 24upx;
.pl10 {
padding-left: 10rpx;
.product-list {
display: flex;
width: calc(50% - 16rpx);
margin: 2rpx 8rpx;
.product-item {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 10rpx;
margin-bottom: 8rpx;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
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width: 100%;
height: 330rpx;
border-radius: 10rpx 10rpx 0 0;
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padding: 14rpx 16rpx;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
.title {
font-size: 28rpx;
height: 76rpx;
line-height: 38rpx;
.tag {
border-radius: 4rpx;
border: 1px solid var(--view-theme);
color: var(--view-theme);
font-size: 20rpx;
padding: 0rpx 4rpx;
margin: 10rpx 0;
margin-right: 10rpx;
width: max-content;
.price-box {
font-size: 34rpx;
font-weight: 700;
margin-top: 8px;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
// align-items: flex-end;
align-items: center;
text {
font-size: 28rpx;
.sales {
color: #999999;
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: 400;