@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ |
<view class='nav acea-row'> |
<view class='item'> |
<view>当前惠通宝/个</view> |
<view class='num'>{{userInfo.integral || 0}}</view> |
<view class='num'>{{huitong || 0}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class='item'> |
<view>冻结惠通宝/个</view> |
<view class='num'>{{userInfo.lockIntegral || 0}}</view> |
<view class='num'>{{huitong_frozen || 0}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class='item'> |
<!-- <view class='item'> |
<view>当前惠通宝市值/消费积分</view> |
<view class='num'>{{userInfo.lockIntegral || 0}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> --> |
<!-- <view class='item'> |
<view class='num'>{{userInfo.totalGainIntegral || 0}}</view> |
<view>累计积分</view> |
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ |
<view class='item acea-row row-center-wrapper' :class='current==index?"on":""' v-for="(item,index) in navList" :key='index' |
@click='nav(index)'><text class='iconfont' :class="item.icon"></text>{{item.name}}</view> |
</view> --> |
<view class="zhuanrang"> |
<text>惠通宝兑换消费积分</text> |
<view class="zhuanrangBtn" @click="show1 = true"> |
立即兑换 |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="zhuanrang"> |
<text>惠通宝转让</text> |
<view class="zhuanrangBtn" @click="show = true"> |
@ -55,11 +61,11 @@ |
</view> |
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper' v-for="(item,index) in integralList" :key="index"> |
<view> |
<view class='state'>{{item.mark}}</view> |
<view class='state'>{{item.type}}</view> |
<view>{{item.create_time}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class='num p-color' v-if="item.pm">+{{item.number}}</view> |
<view class='num' v-else>-{{item.number}}</view> |
<view class='num p-color' v-if="item.count.indexOf('-')==-1">{{item.count}}</view> |
<view class='num' v-if="item.count.indexOf('-')!=-1">{{item.count}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-if="integralList.length>0"> |
<text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>{{loadTitle}} |
@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ |
</view> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="instructions" v-if="showProtocol"> |
<!-- <view class="instructions" v-if="showProtocol"> |
<view class="setAgCount"> |
<i class="icon iconfont icon-cha" @click="showProtocol = false"></i> |
<div class="title">积分说明</div> |
@ -96,40 +102,83 @@ |
<jyf-parser :html="protocol" ref="article" :tag-style="tagStyle"></jyf-parser> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<u-popup :show="show"> |
</view> --> |
<u-popup :show="show1" @close="show1=false"> |
<view class="popContent"> |
<view class="popTitle" style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;"> |
<text>惠通宝:消费积分比值</text> |
<text>{{huitongToConsume}}:1</text> |
</view> |
<view class="popTitle" style="margin-top:29rpx;"> |
兑换消费积分 |
</view> |
<u--input |
placeholder="请输入兑换消费积分" |
border="surround" |
type="number" |
v-model="huitongToConsumeNum" |
></u--input> |
<view class="popTitle" style="margin-top: 15px;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;"> |
<text>需支付惠通宝</text> |
<text>{{huitongToConsumeNum?Math.ceil((huitongToConsumeNum*huitongToConsume)):0}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="submitBtn" @click="changeConsume"> |
立即兑换 |
</view> |
</view> |
</u-popup> |
<u-popup :show="show" @close="show=false"> |
<view class="popContent"> |
<view class="popTitle"> |
转让惠通宝数量 |
</view> |
<u--input |
placeholder="请输入转让数量" |
type="digit" |
border="surround" |
v-model="zhuanrang.count" |
></u--input> |
<view class="popTitle" style="margin-top:29rpx;"> |
收款人注册手机号 |
</view> |
<u--input |
placeholder="请输入内容" |
placeholder="请输入收款人注册手机号" |
border="surround" |
v-model="value" |
@change="change" |
type="number" |
v-model="zhuanrang.phoneTo" |
></u--input> |
<view class="popTitle" style="margin-top:29rpx;"> |
转让人手机验证码 |
</view> |
<view class="code"> |
<u--input |
placeholder="请输入内容" |
placeholder="请输入验证码" |
border="surround" |
v-model="value" |
@change="change" |
v-model="zhuanrang.smsCode" |
></u--input> |
<text>获取验证码</text> |
<!-- <text @click="getCode">获取验证码</text> --> |
<button v-debounce class="codeText" :disabled="disabled" :class="disabled === true ? 'on' : ''" @click="getCode"> |
{{ text }} |
</button> |
</view> |
<view class="submitBtn"> |
<view class="submitBtn" @click="submitHandle"> |
确定 |
</view> |
</view> |
<Verify @success="success" :captchaType="'blockPuzzle'" :imgSize="{ width: '330px', height: '155px' }" ref="verify"></Verify> |
</u-popup> |
<authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse"></authorize> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import sendVerifyCode from "@/mixins/SendVerifyCode"; |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ] |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@ -139,32 +188,36 @@ |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com> |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
import { getIntegralInfo, getIntegralList, getAgreementApi } from '@/api/user.js'; |
import { getIntegralInfo, getassetsLog, getAgreementApi,huitongToConsume,getUserInfo,registerVerify,changeHuitong,getConfig} from '@/api/user.js'; |
import { |
mapGetters |
} from "vuex"; |
import authorize from '@/components/Authorize'; |
import emptyPage from '@/components/emptyPage.vue'; |
import Verify from '@/components/verify/verify.vue'; |
import parser from "@/components/jyf-parser/jyf-parser"; |
const app = getApp(); |
export default { |
components: { |
authorize, |
emptyPage, |
Verify, |
"jyf-parser": parser, |
}, |
mixins: [sendVerifyCode], |
data() { |
return { |
show:false, |
navList: [{ |
'name': '分值明细', |
'icon': 'icon-mingxi' |
}, |
{ |
'name': '分值提升', |
'icon': 'icon-tishengfenzhi' |
} |
], |
show1:false, |
// navList: [{ |
// 'name': '分值明细', |
// 'icon': 'icon-mingxi' |
// }, |
// { |
// 'name': '分值提升', |
// 'icon': 'icon-tishengfenzhi' |
// } |
// ], |
current: 0, |
page: 1, |
limit: 10, |
@ -182,6 +235,16 @@ |
video: 'width:100%;' |
}, |
integral_status: true, |
huitong:0, |
huitong_frozen:0, |
zhuanrang:{ |
count:0, |
phoneTo:null, |
smsCode:null, |
type:'huitong', |
}, |
huitongToConsume:1, |
huitongToConsumeNum:0 |
}; |
}, |
computed: mapGetters(['isLogin','viewColor']), |
@ -193,6 +256,10 @@ |
this.isShowAuth = true |
} |
this.getAgreement(); |
getConfig().then(res=>{ |
this.huitongToConsume = res.data?res.data.huitongToConsume:1 |
}) |
}, |
/** |
@ -202,6 +269,137 @@ |
this.getIntegralList(); |
}, |
methods: { |
changeConsume(){ |
if(this.huitongToConsumeNum==0){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '兑换数量需大于0', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
if(Math.ceil((this.huitongToConsumeNum*this.huitongToConsume))>this.huitong){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '惠通宝不足', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
huitongToConsume({count:this.huitongToConsumeNum}).then(res=>{ |
if(res.status==200){ |
this.getUserInfo() |
this.show1 = false; |
} |
}).catch(res => { |
this.$util.Tips({ |
title: res |
}); |
}); |
}, |
submitHandle(){ |
if(this.zhuanrang.count==0){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '转让数量需大于0', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
if(this.zhuanrang.count>this.huitong){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '惠通宝不足', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
if(!this.zhuanrang.phoneTo){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入收款人注册手机号', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
const regex =/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9|6)\d{9}$/i; |
if(!regex.test(this.zhuanrang.phoneTo)){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入正确的手机号', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
if(!this.zhuanrang.smsCode){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入验证码', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
changeHuitong(this.zhuanrang).then(res=>{ |
if(res.status==200){ |
this.getUserInfo() |
this.show = false; |
} |
}).catch(res => { |
this.$util.Tips({ |
title: res |
}); |
}); |
}, |
success(data) { |
this.$refs.verify.hide(); |
this.code(data); |
}, |
async getCode(data) { |
let that = this; |
if(!this.zhuanrang.phoneTo){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入收款人注册手机号', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
const regex =/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9|6)\d{9}$/i; |
if(!regex.test(this.zhuanrang.phoneTo)){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入正确的手机号', |
icon:'none' |
}); |
return; |
} |
this.$refs.verify.show(); |
}, |
async code(data) { |
let that = this; |
// if (that.formItem == 2) that.type = "register"; |
await registerVerify({ |
phone: this.zhuanrang.phoneTo, |
type: 'huitong', |
key: "", |
// code: that.codeVal, |
toke:data.token, |
captchaType: 'blockPuzzle', |
captchaVerification: data.captchaVerification |
}) |
.then(res => { |
that.$util.Tips({ |
title: res.message |
}); |
that.sendCode(); |
}) |
.catch(res => { |
that.$util.Tips({ |
title: res |
}); |
}); |
}, |
/** |
* 授权回调 |
*/ |
@ -213,17 +411,23 @@ |
authColse: function(e) { |
this.isShowAuth = e |
}, |
getUserInfo: function() { |
getUserInfo() { |
let that = this; |
getIntegralInfo().then(function(res) { |
that.$set(that,'userInfo',res.data); |
that.getIntegralList() |
}).catch(res => { |
this.integral_status = false |
return that.$util.Tips({ |
title: res |
}); |
}); |
getUserInfo().then((res)=>{ |
this.huitong = res.data.assets.huitong |
this.huitong_frozen = res.data.assets.huitong_frozen; |
this.getIntegralList() |
// getIntegralInfo().then(function(res) { |
// that.$set(that,'userInfo',res.data); |
// that.getIntegralList() |
// }).catch(res => { |
// this.integral_status = false |
// return that.$util.Tips({ |
// title: res |
// }); |
// }); |
}) |
}, |
/*获取积分说明*/ |
getAgreement() { |
@ -241,9 +445,10 @@ |
if (that.loadend) return; |
that.loading = true; |
that.loadTitle = ''; |
getIntegralList({ |
getassetsLog({ |
page: that.page, |
limit: that.limit |
limit: that.limit, |
asset_type:4 |
}).then(function(res) { |
let list = res.data.list, |
loadend = list.length < that.limit; |
@ -583,7 +788,7 @@ |
.code{ |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
text{ |
.codeText{ |
font-family: Alibaba PuHuiTi; |
font-weight: 400; |