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161 lines
3.7 KiB
161 lines
3.7 KiB
11 months ago
<view class="hot-img" :style="'margin-top:' + mbConfig +'rpx;background-color:' + boxColor+';'" v-if="explosiveMoney.length">
<block v-if="tabConfig == 0">
<view class="item skeleton-rect" v-for="(item, index) in explosiveMoney" :key="index" @click="goDetail(item)">
<view class="title area-row">{{[0].value }}</view>
<view class="msg area-row line1">{{[1].value }}</view>
<view class="img">
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.img"></easy-loadimage>
<block v-if="tabConfig == 1">
<view class="bd">
<view class="item skeleton-rect" v-for="(item, index) in explosiveMoney" :key="index" @click="goDetail(item)">
<view class="left">
<view class="title area-row">{{[0].value }}</view>
<view class="msg area-row">{{[1].value }}</view>
<view class="img">
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.img"></easy-loadimage>
import {merPath} from "@/utils/index"
export default {
name: 'activeParty',
props: {
dataConfig: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
merId: {
type: String || Number,
default: ''
data() {
return {
explosiveMoney: this.dataConfig.menuConfig.list,
themeColor: this.dataConfig.themeColor.color[0].item,
bgColor: this.dataConfig.bgColor.color,
mbConfig: this.dataConfig.mbConfig.val*2,
boxColor: this.dataConfig.boxColor.color[0].item,
tabConfig: this.dataConfig.tabConfig.tabVal, //展示样式
created() {},
methods: {
let urls =[2].value
urls = merPath(urls, this.merId)
if(urls.indexOf("http") != -1){
// #ifdef H5
location.href = urls
// #endif
if(['/pages/goods_cate/goods_cate','/pages/order_addcart/order_addcart','/pages/user/index','/pages/plant_grass/index'].indexOf(urls) == -1){
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color: #d797b7;
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color: #c49bd1;
&:nth-child(4) .msg {
color: #a3bf95;
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