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482 lines
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482 lines
11 KiB
12 months ago
<view class=" writeBg ">
<view class="container_input marginTop_none">
<view class="container_input_item">
<view class="container_input_item_label"><span>是否推荐</span></view>
<view class="container_input_item_value"><switch :checked="addGoodsSecoundData.is_good == 1" color="#E93323" style="transform:scale(0.8)" @change="isGood" /></view>
<view class="container_input_item">
<view class="container_input_item_label"><span>是否开启礼包</span></view>
<view class="container_input_item_value"><switch :checked="addGoodsSecoundData.is_gift_bag == 1" color="#E93323" style="transform:scale(0.8)" @change="isGiftBag" /></view>
<view class="tip">
<span class="iconfont"></span>
<view class="container_input marginTop_none">
<view class="container_input_item">
<view class="container_input_item_label"><span>限购数量</span></view>
<view class="container_input_item_value">
<input v-model="addGoodsSecoundData.once_count" type="number" value="" placeholder="请输入限购数量" placeholder-class="inputPlaceHolder" />
<view class="container_input_item">
<view class="container_input_item_label"><span>商品排序</span></view>
<view class="container_input_item_value">
<input v-model="addGoodsSecoundData.sort" type="number" value="" placeholder="请输入商品排序" placeholder-class="inputPlaceHolder" />
<view class="content_list">
<view class="content_list_item" @click="inputGoodsDetils">
<view class="content_list_item_han">
<span v-if="disModel" style="color: #000000">去修改</span>
<span v-else>设置详情</span>
<span class="iconfont"></span>
<view class="content_list_video">
<view class="content_list_video_title">商品视频</view>
<view class="video_list">
<view class="video_list_item photo" v-if="addGoodsSecoundData.video_link">
<view class="jiao" @click="deleteImage()">
<video :src="addGoodsSecoundData.video_link"></video>
<image src="../static/images/close.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
<view class="photo" @click="uploadVideo" v-else>
<view><image src="../static/images/creamer.png" mode="widthFix"></image></view>
<view class="handle dobuButton">
<view class="handle_button margin_right" @click="lastStep">上一步</view>
<view class="handle_button" @click="submitCreatedGoods">提交</view>
import { TOKENNAME, HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app.js';
import store from 'store';
import { navigateTo, setStorage, getStorage, removeStorage, navigateBack, Toast,Loading, hideLoading, Modal } from '../../../libs/uniApi.js';
import { productCreate, productUpdate } from 'api/product.js';
export default {
components: {
merId: {
type: [String, Number],
default: ''
product_id: {
type: [String, Number],
default: ''
resetKey: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
disModel: false,
upload_max: 10,
uploadUrl: `${HTTP_REQUEST_URL}/api/upload/video`,
addGoodsSecoundData: {
is_good: 0, // 是否推荐
is_gift_bag: 0,
sort: '',
once_count: '', // 限购数量
video_link: ''
created() {
watch: {
addGoodsSecoundData: {
handler(val) {
setStorage(this.product_id ? 'editGoodsDetils' : 'addGoodsSecoundData', val)
deep: true
resetKey: {
handler(val) {
methods: {
initData() {
let editGoodsDetils = {};
if(getStorage('goodsDis')) {
this.disModel = true;
if (this.product_id) {
editGoodsDetils = getStorage('editGoodsDetils');
Object.keys(this.addGoodsSecoundData).forEach(item => {
this.addGoodsSecoundData[item] = editGoodsDetils[item];
if (editGoodsDetils.content) {
setStorage('goodsDis', {
store_name: editGoodsDetils.content.title,
imageList: editGoodsDetils.content.image
this.disModel = true;
setStorage('canChangeSecound', true);
if (getStorage('addGoodsSecoundData')) {
Object.keys(this.addGoodsSecoundData).forEach(item => {
if (getStorage('addGoodsSecoundData')[item] || getStorage('addGoodsSecoundData')[item] == 0) {
this.addGoodsSecoundData[item] = getStorage('addGoodsSecoundData')[item];
lastStep() {
// 创建商品
submitCreatedGoods() {
let waitDeleteData = ['addGoodsFormData', 'singleSpecification', 'attrValue', 'modifyPriceData', 'addGoodsSecoundData', 'goodsDis', 'editGoodsDetils', 'canChange', 'canChangeSecound'];
let attrValue = getStorage('addGoodsFormData').spec_type == 0 ? [getStorage('singleSpecification')] : getStorage('attrValue');
let postData = {
content: {
title: getStorage('goodsDis') ? getStorage('goodsDis').store_name : '',
image: getStorage('goodsDis') ? getStorage('goodsDis').imageList : []
video_link: this.addGoodsSecoundData.video_link
postData.attrValue = attrValue.filter(item => item != '');
if (getStorage('addGoodsFormData').spec_type == 0) {
// postData.attr = [getStorage('singleSpecification')];
if (this.product_id) {
productUpdate(this.merId, this.product_id, postData)
.then(res => {
waitDeleteData.forEach(item => {
if (getStorage(item)) {
Modal('提交成功', '点击确定,返回商品管理', {
showCancel: false
}).then(() => {
url:'/pages/product/goodsOnSale/index?mer_id=' + this.merId
.catch(rej => {
} else {
productCreate(this.merId, postData)
.then(res => {
waitDeleteData.forEach(item => {
if (getStorage(item)) {
Modal('提交成功', '点击确定,返回商品管理', {
showCancel: false,
}).then(() => {
url:'/pages/product/goodsOnSale/index?mer_id=' + this.merId
.catch(rej => {
// 是否推荐
isGood(e) {
this.addGoodsSecoundData.is_good = e.detail.value ? 1: 0;
// 是否开启礼包
isGiftBag(e) {
this.addGoodsSecoundData.is_gift_bag = e.detail.value ? 1: 0;
switchChange(value, item) {
this.addGoodsSecoundData[item.model] = value ? 1 : 0;
// 跳转商品详情
inputGoodsDetils() {
navigateTo(1, '/pages/product/addGoods/addGoodDetils', { mer_id: this.merId });
// 上传视频
uploadVideo() {
sourceType: ['camera', 'album'],
success: res => {
if (Math.ceil(res.size / 1024) < this.upload_max * 1024) {
url: this.uploadUrl, //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址
filePath: res.tempFilePath,
name: 'file',
formData: {
user: 'test'
header: {
// #ifdef MP
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
// #endif
[TOKENNAME]: 'Bearer ' +
success: uploadFileRes => {
let data = JSON.parse(;
this.addGoodsSecoundData.video_link = (;
complete: a => {
// console.log(a);
} else {
title: '提示',
content: `视频超出限制${this.upload_max}MB,已过滤`
fail: err => {
content: JSON.stringify(err)
deleteImage(index) {
this.addGoodsSecoundData.video_link = '';
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