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1 year ago
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<text class="two-omit">Apple 2020新款 MacBook Pro 13.3带触控栏十代i5 16G 512G 2.0GHz 深空灰 笔记本电脑 轻薄本 MWP42CHA</text>
<view class="introduce">
<text class="two-omit">奢华设计尽显高端品质真皮材质给你一种奢侈的享受独家匠心制作纯手工打造设计唯美大方出门有面子朋友羡慕</text>
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export default {
data() {
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url: '/static/img/banner_01.png'
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url: '/static/img/banner_01.png'
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url: '/pages/ArticleDetails/ArticleDetails'
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