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1 year ago
<view class="page">
<view class="box_1">
<view class="section_1">
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<view @click="goback" class="arr-right">&lt;&lt;&lt;</view>
<view class="arr-left">手机号测试</view>
<view class="section_3">
<view class="top">
<text lines="1" class="text_3">请输入手机号</text>
<view class="image_3"><phonenum @completeinput="completeinput" :phonenum="phonenum"></phonenum></view>
<view bindtap="onClick" class="button_1">
<view class="text-wrapper_2">
<text lines="1" decode="true" class="text_13">&nbsp;x&nbsp;{{info.yinyang.yang}}</text>
<text lines="1" decode="true" class="text_14">&nbsp;x&nbsp;{{info.yinyang.yin}}</text>
<img src="../../static/phonenum/phonenum1.png" class="image_4" />
<view class="wuxing">
<view class="bottom">
<view class="text-wrapper_3">
<view class="titline">
<img src="../../static/phonenum/phoneicon.png" class="icon_1" />
<text lines="1" decode="true" class="text_15">开始转运数</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_17">{{info.last_two.number}}</text>
<text lines="1" decode="true" class="text_18">{{info.last_two.last_two_jx}}</text>
<view class="paragraph_6" v-html="info.last_two.last_two_sy"></view>
<view class="text-wrapper_4">
<view class="titline">
<img src="../../static/phonenum/phoneicon.png" class="icon_1" />
<text lines="1" decode="true" class="text_15">长久旺运数</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_17">{{info.last_four.number}}</text>
<view v-if="!islock_last_four" class="lock_1"><img class="icon-lock" src="../../static/phonenum/lock.png" alt=""></view>
<view class="subtitle">>>> 号码分析</view>
<view lines="1" decode="true"
class="paragraph_9" v-if="!islock_last_four"><view class="lock_2"></view>
<view v-if="islock_last_four" class="paragraph_9" v-html="info.last_four.fx"></view>
<view class="subtitle">>>> 潜在影响</view>
<view v-if="!islock_last_four" decode="true"
class="paragraph_9"><view class="lock_3"></view>
<view v-if="islock_last_four" class="paragraph_9" v-html="info.last_four.number_effect"></view>
<view class="subtitle">>>> 卦象解释</view>
<view lines="1" decode="true" v-if="!islock_last_four"
class="paragraph_9"><view class="lock_3"></view>
<view v-if="islock_last_four" class="paragraph_9" v-html="info.last_four.jie_gua"></view>
<view class="text-wrapper_4">
<view class="titline">
<img src="../../static/phonenum/phoneicon.png" class="icon_1" />
<text lines="1" class="text_5">{{phonenum}}</text>
<text lines="1" class="paragraph_1">六爻计算结果</text>
<view v-if="!islock_sixyao" class="lock_4"><img class="icon-lock" src="../../static/phonenum/lock.png" alt=""></view>
<view lines="1" decode="true" class="text_6"><view v-if="!islock_sixyao" class="lock_5"></view>【天时】<view :class="info.sixyao.tianshi=='大吉'?'col_red':(info.sixyao.tianshi=='迟吉'?'clo_org':'clo_black')">{{info.sixyao.tianshi}}</view> /【人和】<view :class="info.sixyao.renhe=='大吉'?'col_red':(info.sixyao.renhe=='迟吉'?'clo_org':'clo_black')">{{info.sixyao.renhe}}</view> /【地利】<view lines="1" :class="info.sixyao.dili=='大吉'?'col_red':(info.sixyao.dili=='迟吉'?'clo_org':'clo_black')">{{info.sixyao.dili}}</view></view>
<view class="batch_phone" @click="batch_check">
<view><view>六爻批量验证</view><img v-if="false" class="icon-lock" src="../../static/phonenum/unlock.png" alt=""> </view>
import * as YYApi from '@/api/yingyong'
import phonenum from '@/components/phonenum'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
this.phonenum = options.phonenum;
methods: {
this.phonenum = phonenum;
.then(result => { =;
title: '温馨提示',
content: '当前用户等级不足,只展示部分结果,请提升会员等级~',
// showCancel: false,
confirmText: "去升级",
cancelText: "再逛会",
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
url: "/pages/yingyong/yingyong?showupgrade=1"
this.islock_last_four = false;
this.islock_last_four = true;
this.islock_sixyao = false;
this.islock_sixyao = true;
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