You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

337 lines
6.9 KiB

8 months ago
<!-- 轮播图 -->
<view v-if="type=='swiper'" class='column-box'
<swiper class="swiper-category" @change="handerChange"
<swiper-item class="swiper-category-item" v-for="(pitem,pindex) in formatList" :key="pindex">
<view v-for="(item,index) in pitem" :key="index" class="column-item"
:style="{width:100/colNum + '%',marginTop:index<colNum? '0' : '20rpx'}" @tap='change(item)'>
<image mode="aspectFill" class="column-img radius" :src="item.cover" v-if="item.cover"></image>
<view v-else class="column-no-img"
:style="{background:item.icon?primaryColor:colorList[index%4],borderRadius:'50%',margin:'0rpx auto'}">
<i class="iconfont" :class="item.icon" v-if="item.icon"></i>
<view v-else>{{getFirstText(item.title)}}</view>
<view class='column-text'>{{item.title}}</view>
<view class='dots' v-if="formatList.length>1">
<view class='dot' v-for="(item,index) in formatList.length" :key="index"
<!-- 滑动 -->
<view v-if="type=='scroll'" class='column-box'
<scroll-view scroll-x class='scroll-x' @scroll="handerScroll">
<view class='scroll-x-item' v-for="(pItem,pindex) in formatList" :key="pindex">
<view class='column-item' v-for="(item,index) in pItem" :key="index"
:style='{width:(750/colNum)+"rpx"}' @tap='change(item)'>
<image mode="aspectFill" class='column-img' :src='item.icon'></image>
<view class='column-text'>{{item.cate_name}}</view>
<view class='ink-bar-box' v-if="list.length>formatRowNum*colNum">
<view class="ui-tabs-ink-bar-wrapper">
<view class="ui-tabs-ink-bar" :style='{left:left+"rpx",background:indicatorActiveColor}'></view>
import {
} from "vuex"
export default {
name: 'column',
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default () {
return "swiper"
list: {
type: Array,
default () {
return []
colNum: {
type: Number,
default () {
return 4
rowNum: {
type: Number,
default () {
return 2
indicatorActiveColor: {
type: String,
default () {
return '#f6f5fa'
indicatorColor: {
type: String,
default () {
return '#f6f5fa'
wingBlank: {
type: Number,
default () {
return 0
whiteSpace: {
type: Number,
default () {
return 30
borderRadius: {
type: Number,
default () {
return 0
created() {
data() {
return {
activeIndex: 0,
newList: [],
left: 0,
current: 0,
colorList: ["#fc7f87", "#56b4fc", "#f8ae41", "#11dd9e"]
computed: {
primaryColor: state => state.config.configInfo.primaryColor,
subColor: state => state.config.configInfo.subColor,
formatRowNum() {
let {
} = this;
let length = list.length;
let newRowNum = length <= colNum ? 1 : rowNum;
return newRowNum
formatList() {
let {
} = this;
let index = 0;
let length = list.length;
let newList = [];
let count = formatRowNum * colNum
// let count = type == 'scroll' ? colNum : formatRowNum * colNum
while (index < length) {
newList.push(list.slice(index, index += count));
return newList
methods: {
handerScroll: function(e) {
let {
} = e.detail;
let windowWidth = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth;
let left = scrollLeft * 30 / (scrollWidth - windowWidth);
this.left = left
handerChange: function(e) {
this.current = e.detail.current;
change(item) {
this.$emit("change", item)
getFirstText(d) {
d = d || '名称'
return d.slice(0, 1)
<style lang="scss">
/* 轮播图 */
.column-box {
background: #fff;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #888;
.swiper-category {
width: 100%;
background: #fff;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #666;
border-radius: 10rpx;
.swiper-category-item {
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start;
flex-wrap: wrap;
background: #fff;
.column-item {
margin-top: 20rpx;
float: left;
.column-img {
width: 94rpx;
height: 94rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
.column-no-img {
width: 94rpx;
height: 94rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: 36rpx;
color: #fff;
.iconfont {
font-size: 58rpx;
.column-text {
margin-top: 10rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #484848;
width: 100%;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.scroll-x {
white-space: nowrap;
background: #fff;
padding: 20rpx 0;
.scroll-x-item {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: text-top;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.column-item {
margin-top: 20rpx;
float: left;
.column-img {
width: 94rpx;
height: 94rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
.column-text {
margin-top: 10rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #484848;
width: 100%;
padding: 0 10%;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.dots {
background: white;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 20rpx;
.dot {
height: 8rpx;
width: 8rpx;
background: #E5E5E5;
border-radius: 8rpx;
margin: 0 8rpx;
.ink-bar-box {
background: #fff;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
.ui-tabs-ink-bar-wrapper {
width: 60rpx;
background: #ddd;
position: relative;
left: 345rpx;
bottom: 0;
height: 8rpx;
transform-origin: 50% 50%;
transition: width 250ms ease-out, left 250ms ease-out;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 4rpx;
.ui-tabs-ink-bar {
position: absolute;
width: 30rpx;
background: #e74d45;
height: 8rpx;
border-radius: 4rpx;