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8 months ago
<view class="agent-index" v-if="isLoad">
<block v-if="options.agent">
<view class="mine-count-list c-base pd-lg radius-16" :style="{background:primaryColor}">
<view class="flex-between">
<view class="text flex-center f-caption">可提现()</view>
<view class="f-sm-title">{{}} </view>
<view @tap.stop="$util.goUrl({url:`/user/pages/cash-out?type=agent`})"
class="cash-out-btn fill-base flex-center f-desc text-bold radius"
:style="{color: primaryColor}">
<view class="count-data-list flex-x-center mt-lg pt-lg b-1px-t">
<view class="list-item flex-center flex-column">
<view class="f-sm-title">{{detail.total_cash}}</view>
<view class="text f-caption c-caption">总金额 ()</view>
<view class="list-item flex-center flex-column">
<view class="f-sm-title">{{detail.unrecorded_cash}}</view>
<view @tap.stop="$" class="text flex-center f-caption c-caption">未入账
()<i class="iconfont iconshuyi_shuoming ml-sm"></i></view>
<view @tap.stop="$util.goUrl({url:`/user/pages/distribution/bind-technician`})"
class="mine-menu-list share flex-center fill-base radius-16">
<view class="icon-info flex-center">
<i class="iconfont iconjishi1" :style="{color:primaryColor}"></i>
<view class="flex-1">
<view class="f-mini-title c-title text-bold">绑定{{$t('action.attendantName')}}</view>
<view class="f-desc c-caption mt-sm ellipsis">整合自己的{{$t('action.attendantName')}}资源,获取分润</view>
<view class="share-btn flex-center f-desc c-base text-bold" :style="{background:primaryColor}">邀请Ta
6 months ago
<!-- <view @tap.stop="$util.goUrl({url:`/agent/pages/poster/salesman`})"
8 months ago
class="mine-menu-list share flex-center fill-base radius-16" v-if="detail.salesman_auth">
<view class="icon-info flex-center">
<i class="iconfont iconbangdingyewuyuan" :style="{color:primaryColor}"></i>
<view class="flex-1">
<view class="f-mini-title c-title text-bold">绑定业务员</view>
<view class="f-desc c-caption mt-sm ellipsis">招揽人才,为自己拓宽渠道</view>
<view class="share-btn flex-center f-desc c-base text-bold" :style="{background:primaryColor}">邀请Ta
<view @tap.stop="$util.goUrl({url:`/agent/pages/poster/channel`})"
class="mine-menu-list share flex-center fill-base radius-16" v-if="detail.channel_auth">
<view class="icon-info flex-center">
<i class="iconfont iconbangdingqudaoshang" :style="{color:primaryColor}"></i>
<view class="flex-1">
<view class="f-mini-title c-title text-bold">绑定渠道商</view>
<view class="f-desc c-caption mt-sm ellipsis">直招渠道,获利更多</view>
<view class="share-btn flex-center f-desc c-base text-bold" :style="{background:primaryColor}">邀请Ta
6 months ago
</view> -->
8 months ago
6 months ago
8 months ago
<view class="mine-menu-list fill-base radius-16">
<view class="menu-title flex-between pl-lg pr-sm">
<view class="f-paragraph c-title text-bold">智能助手</view>
<view @tap.stop="goOrder(index)" class="notice-info flex-center pl-lg pr-md pb-lg"
v-for="(item,index) in detail.notice" :key="index">
<view class="title flex-center f-icontext c-base mr-md"
:style="{background:item.type==1?primaryColor: item.type==2?'#FFA229':'#E82F21'}">
<view class="flex-1 flex-between f-desc">
<view class="c-title">{{ ? noticeType[item.type].text : '暂无数据'}}</view>
<view class="flex-y-center c-caption" v-if="">点击查看<i class="iconfont icon-right"></i></view>
6 months ago
</view> -->
8 months ago
<view class="mine-menu-list box-shadow fill-base radius-16" v-if="detail.node.includes('shopOrder')">
<view class="menu-title flex-between pl-lg pr-sm">
<view class="f-paragraph c-title text-bold">订单管理</view>
<view class="flex-warp pb-lg">
<view @tap.stop="toJump('shopOrder', index)"
class="item-child flex-center flex-column f-caption c-title" v-for="(item, index) in shopOrder"
<view class="item-img rel flex-center radius">
<view class="abs dot-unread-number flex-center"
:style="{width: item.number>99 ? '44rpx': item.number > 9 ? '34rpx' :'',right: item.number>99 ? '-32rpx': item.number > 9 ? '-22rpx' :'-12rpx'}"
v-if="item.number > 0">
{{item.number < 100 ? item.number : '99+'}}
<view class="item-img radius abs" :style="{background:primaryColor}"></view>
<i class="iconfont c-title" :class="item.icon" :style="{color:primaryColor}"></i>
<view class="mt-sm">{{ item.text }}</view>
<view class="mine-menu-list box-shadow fill-base radius-16" v-if="detail.node.includes('shopBellOrder')">
<view class="menu-title flex-between pl-lg pr-sm">
<view class="f-paragraph c-title text-bold">加钟管理</view>
<view class="flex-warp pb-lg">
<view @tap.stop="toJump('shopBellOrder', index)"
class="item-child flex-center flex-column f-caption c-title" v-for="(item, index) in shopBellOrder"
<view class="item-img rel flex-center radius">
<view class="abs dot-unread-number flex-center"
:style="{width: item.number>99 ? '44rpx': item.number > 9 ? '34rpx' :'',right: item.number>99 ? '-32rpx': item.number > 9 ? '-22rpx' :'-12rpx'}"
v-if="item.number > 0">
{{item.number < 100 ? item.number : '99+'}}
<view class="item-img radius abs" :style="{background:primaryColor}"></view>
<image mode="heightFix" class="icon-img" :src="item.icon"></image>
<view class="mt-sm">{{ item.text }}</view>
<view class="mine-menu-list box-shadow fill-base radius-16" v-if="detail.node.includes('shopRefuseOrder')">
<view class="menu-title flex-between pl-lg pr-sm">
<view class="f-paragraph c-title text-bold">拒单管理</view>
<view class="flex-warp pb-lg">
<view @tap.stop="toJump('shopRefuseOrder', index)"
class="item-child flex-center flex-column f-caption c-title"
v-for="(item, index) in shopRefuseOrder" :key="index">
<view class="item-img rel flex-center radius">
<view class="abs dot-unread-number flex-center"
:style="{width: item.number>99 ? '44rpx': item.number > 9 ? '34rpx' :'',right: item.number>99 ? '-32rpx': item.number > 9 ? '-22rpx' :'-12rpx'}"
v-if="item.number > 0">
{{item.number < 100 ? item.number : '99+'}}
<view class="item-img radius abs" :style="{background:primaryColor}"></view>
<i class="iconfont c-title" :class="item.icon" :style="{color:primaryColor}"></i>
<view class="mt-sm">{{ item.text }}</view>
<view class="mine-menu-list box-shadow fill-base radius-16" v-if="detail.node.includes('shopRefund')">
<view class="menu-title flex-between pl-lg pr-sm">
<view class="f-paragraph c-title text-bold">服务退款</view>
<view class="flex-warp pb-lg">
<view @tap.stop="toJump('shopRefund', index)"
class="item-child flex-center flex-column f-caption c-title" v-for="(item, index) in shopRefund"
<view class="item-img rel flex-center radius">
<view class="abs dot-unread-number flex-center"
:style="{width: item.number>99 ? '44rpx': item.number > 9 ? '34rpx' :'',right: item.number>99 ? '-32rpx': item.number > 9 ? '-22rpx' :'-12rpx'}"
v-if="item.number > 0">
{{item.number < 100 ? item.number : '99+'}}
<view class="item-img radius abs" :style="{background:primaryColor}"></view>
<i class="iconfont c-title" :class="item.icon" :style="{color:primaryColor}"></i>
<view class="mt-sm">{{ item.text }}</view>
<view class="mine-menu-list box-shadow fill-base radius-16" v-if="detail.node.includes('shopBellRefund')">
<view class="menu-title flex-between pl-lg pr-sm">
<view class="f-paragraph c-title text-bold">加钟退款</view>
<view class="flex-warp pb-lg">
<view @tap.stop="toJump('shopBellRefund', index)"
class="item-child flex-center flex-column f-caption c-title" v-for="(item, index) in shopBellRefund"
<view class="item-img rel flex-center radius">
<view class="abs dot-unread-number flex-center"
:style="{width: item.number>99 ? '44rpx': item.number > 9 ? '34rpx' :'',right: item.number>99 ? '-32rpx': item.number > 9 ? '-22rpx' :'-12rpx'}"
v-if="item.number > 0">
{{item.number < 100 ? item.number : '99+'}}
<view class="item-img radius abs" :style="{background:primaryColor}"></view>
<image mode="heightFix" class="icon-img" :src="item.icon"></image>
<view class="mt-sm">{{ item.text }}</view>
6 months ago
</view> -->
8 months ago
<view class="mine-menu-list fill-base radius-16" v-if="options.agent">
<view class="menu-title flex-between pl-lg pr-sm">
<view class="f-paragraph c-title text-bold">其他功能</view>
<view class="flex-warp pb-sm">
<view @tap.stop="toJump('toolList', index)" class="item-child flex-center flex-column f-caption c-title"
style="width: 25%;margin:10rpx 0 20rpx 0" v-for="(item, index) in toolList" :key="index">
<i class="iconfont c-title" :class="item.icon" :style="{color:primaryColor}"></i>
<view class="mt-sm">{{ item.text }}</view>
<view class="space-footer"></view>
<uni-popup ref="show_rule_item" type="center" :maskClick="false">
<view class="common-popup-content fill-base pd-lg radius-34">
<view class="title">未入账</view>
<view class="f-desc c-title mt-lg">
<view class="button">
<view @tap.stop="$refs.show_rule_item.close()" class="item-child c-base"
:style="{background: primaryColor,color:'#fff'}">知道了</view>
import {
} from "vuex"
import tabbar from "@/components/tabbar.vue"
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
isLoad: false,
options: {},
detail: {},
noticeType: {
1: {
title: '订单通知',
text: '您有新的订单来啦!'
2: {
title: '退款通知',
text: '您有新的客户退款通知!'
3: {
title: '拒单通知',
text: '有' + this.$t('action.attendantName') + '拒单, 请尽快处理!'
shopOrder: [{
icon: 'icondaifuwu4',
text: '待服务',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?tab=1',
key: 2,
number: 0
}, {
icon: 'iconjishijiedan1',
text: this.$t('action.attendantName') + '接单',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?tab=2',
key: 3,
number: 0
}, {
icon: 'iconjishichufa1',
text: this.$t('action.attendantName') + '出发',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?tab=3',
key: 4,
number: 0
}, {
icon: 'iconjishidaoda1',
text: this.$t('action.attendantName') + '到达',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?tab=4',
key: 5,
number: 0
}, {
icon: 'iconanmo2',
text: '服务中',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?tab=5',
key: 6,
number: 0
}, {
icon: 'iconyiwancheng',
text: '已完成',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?tab=6'
shopBellOrder: [{
icon: '',
text: '待服务',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?bell=1&tab=1',
key: 2,
number: 0
}, {
icon: '',
text: this.$t('action.attendantName') + '接单',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?bell=1&tab=2',
key: 3,
number: 0
}, {
icon: '',
text: '服务中',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?bell=1&tab=3',
key: 6,
number: 0
}, {
icon: '',
text: '已完成',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?bell=1&tab=4',
shopRefuseOrder: [{
icon: 'icondaizhuandan',
text: '待转单',
url: '/agent/pages/order/list?tab=8',
key: 8,
number: 0
shopRefund: [{
icon: 'iconshenqingzhong',
text: '申请中',
url: '/agent/pages/refund/list?tab=1',
key: 1,
number: 0
}, {
icon: 'icontongyituikuan',
text: '同意退款',
url: '/agent/pages/refund/list?tab=2',
key: 2,
number: 0
}, {
icon: 'iconjujuetuikuan',
text: '拒绝退款',
url: '/agent/pages/refund/list?tab=3',
key: 3,
number: 0
shopBellRefund: [{
icon: '',
text: '申请中',
url: '/agent/pages/refund/list?bell=1&tab=1',
key: 1,
number: 0
}, {
icon: '',
text: '同意退款',
url: '/agent/pages/refund/list?bell=1&tab=2',
key: 2,
number: 0
}, {
icon: '',
text: '拒绝退款',
url: '/agent/pages/refund/list?bell=1&tab=3',
key: 3,
number: 0
6 months ago
toolList: [
// {
// icon: 'iconzhanghaoshezhi',
// text: '账号设置',
// url: '/agent/pages/account'
// },
8 months ago
icon: 'iconshenqingjishi3',
text: this.$t('action.attendantName') + '管理',
url: '/agent/pages/technician/list'
icon: 'iconyongjinxinxi1',
text: '佣金信息',
url: '/agent/pages/income/commission'
icon: 'icontixianshenqing1',
text: '提现申请',
url: '/user/pages/distribution/record?type=5'
computed: mapState({
primaryColor: state => state.config.configInfo.primaryColor,
subColor: state => state.config.configInfo.subColor,
configInfo: state => state.config.configInfo,
commonOptions: state => state.user.commonOptions,
userInfo: state => state.user.userInfo,
haveOperItem: state => state.technician.haveOperItem,
onLoad(options) {
let {
agent = 0
} = options
options.agent = agent * 1
this.options = options
title: agent == 1 ? '代理商端' : '管理员端'
onShow() {
if (!this.haveOperItem) return
onPullDownRefresh() {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
// #endif
methods: {
async initIndex(refresh = false) {
// #ifdef H5
if (!refresh && this.$jweixin.isWechat()) {
await this.$jweixin.initJssdk();
this.$jweixin.wxReady(() => {
// #endif
bg: this.primaryColor
key: 'haveOperItem',
val: false
let {
} = this.options
let methodKey = agent ? 'agent' : 'admin'
let data = await this.$api[methodKey].index()
if (agent) {
data.node = ['shopOrder', 'shopBellOrder', 'shopRefuseOrder', 'shopRefund', 'shopBellRefund']
let {
} = data
let {
} = notice
if (order_id && order_id.length == 0) {
order_id = {
type: 1
if (refund_id && refund_id.length == 0) {
refund_id = {
type: 2
if (refuse_id && refuse_id.length == 0) {
refuse_id = {
type: 3
let arr = []
if (data.node.includes('shopOrder') || data.node.includes('shopOrder')) {
if (data.node.includes('shopRefund') || data.node.includes('shopBellRefund')) {
if (data.node.includes('shopRefuseOrder')) {
data.notice = arr => {
if (item.key) {
item.number = data.order_count[item.key]
}) => {
if (item.key) {
item.number = data.add_count[item.key]
}) => {
if (item.key) {
item.number = data.refuse_order[item.key]
}) => {
if (item.key) {
item.number = data.refund_count[item.key]
}) => {
if (item.key) {
item.number = data.add_refund_count[item.key]
this.detail = data
this.isLoad = true
initRefresh() {
toJump(key, index) {
let {
} = this[key][index]
let {
} = this.options
let joinKey = url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?'
url += `${joinKey}agent=${agent}`
async goOrder(index) {
let {
id = 0,
order_id = 0,
} = this.detail.notice[index]
if (!order_id) return
let {
} = this.options
let methodKey = agent ? 'agent' : 'admin'
await this.$api[methodKey].noticeUpdate({
have_look: 1
let page = type == 2 ? 'refund' : 'order'
let url = `/agent/pages/${page}/detail?id=${order_id}&agent=${agent}`
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margin: 20rpx 20rpx 0 20rpx;
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color: #fff;
font-size: 18rpx;
border-radius: 24rpx;
background-color: #F1381F;
// 我的订单/其他
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