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510 lines
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6 months ago
<view class="report">
<view class="report-tab">
<u-tabs :list="list" height="110" font-size="32" active-color="#F34A40" inactive-color="#686868"
:is-scroll="false" v-model="tabIndex"></u-tabs>
<view class="report-bd" v-if="tabIndex == 0">
<view class="module1">
<view class="title">订单数据</view>
<view class="info" v-if=" orderData">
<view class="item">
订单金额<text>¥{{ orderData.orderMoney}}</text>
<view class="item">
订单数<text>{{ orderData.orderCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
订单人数<text>{{ orderData.orderPayUser}}</text>
<view class="item">
总成本金额<text>¥{{ orderData.orderCostMoney}}</text>
<view class="item">
预估利益<text>¥{{ orderData.orderInterest}}</text>
<view class="item">
付费会员数<text>{{ orderData.payMemberCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
付费分销数<text>{{ orderData.payDealerCount}}</text>
<view class="module2">
<view class="title">退款数据</view>
<view class="info" v-if=" refundData">
<view class="item">
退款单数<text>{{ refundData.refundCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
退款金额<text>¥{{ refundData.refundTotalMoney}}</text>
<view class="module3">
<view class="title">用户数据</view>
<view class="info" v-if=" userData">
<view class="item">
访客数<text>{{ userData.visitorCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
浏览量<text>{{ userData.viewCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
新增用户数<text>{{ userData.newUserCount}}</text>
<view class="export" v-if="tabIndex == 1">
<view class="a">
<view @click="activeTab(index)" class="item" :class="dateIndex==index?'itemActive':''"
v-for="(item,index) in dateList" :key="index">{{item}}
<view class="b">
<view class="start timer" @click="isShow=true">{{startTime?startTime:'开始时间'}}</view>
<view class="or">-</view>
<view class="end timer" @click="isShow=true">{{endTime?endTime:'结束时间'}}</view>
<view class="rest">
<view class="c" @click="quantityReset"
style="border:1rpx solid #E5E5E5;background: #fff;color:#3B3B3B ;">重置</view>
<view class="c" :style="{'opacity': (startTime||dateIndex>-1)?1:0.6 }" @click="quantityFilter">确认</view>
<u-calendar v-model="isShow" mode="range" @change="getTime" range-color='#FF6257' range-bg-color='#FFBDBA'
<view class="report-bd" v-if="tabIndex == 1">
<view class="module1">
<view class="title">订单数据</view>
<view class="info" v-if=" orderData">
<view class="item">
订单金额<text>¥{{ orderData.orderMoney}}</text>
<view class="item">
订单数<text>{{ orderData.orderCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
订单人数<text>{{ orderData.orderPayUser}}</text>
<view class="item">
总成本金额<text>¥{{ orderData.orderCostMoney}}</text>
<view class="item">
预估利益<text>¥{{ orderData.orderInterest}}</text>
<view class="item">
付费会员数<text>{{ orderData.payMemberCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
付费分销数<text>{{ orderData.payDealerCount}}</text>
<view class="module2">
<view class="title">退款数据</view>
<view class="info" v-if=" refundData">
<view class="item">
退款单数<text>{{ refundData.refundCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
退款金额<text>¥{{ refundData.refundTotalMoney}}</text>
<view class="module3">
<view class="title">用户数据</view>
<view class="info" v-if=" userData">
<view class="item">
访客数<text>{{ userData.visitorCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
浏览量<text>{{ userData.viewCount}}</text>
<view class="item">
新增用户数<text>{{ userData.newUserCount}}</text>
<view class="module4">
<view class="title">佣金数据</view>
<view class="info" v-if=" commissionData">
<view class="item">
累计佣金已结算金额<text>{{ commissionData.settleTotalMoney}}</text>
<view class="item">
累计佣金结算金额<text>{{ commissionData.noSettleTotalMoney}}</text>
<addShuiyin />
import * as newFunApi from '@/api/newFun'
export default {
data() {
return {
dateList: ['昨日', '近7日', '近15日', '近30日'],
dateIndex: -1,
list: [{
name: '今日数据'
}, {
name: '历史数据'
tabIndex: 0,
isShow: false,
startTime: '',
endTime: '',
recentDate: '',
orderData: {},
refundData: {},
userData: {},
commissionData: {}
onLoad() {
methods: {
activeTab(index) {
this.dateIndex = index;
let day = ''
if (this.dateIndex == 0) {
day = -1
if (this.dateIndex == 1) {
day = -7
if (this.dateIndex == 2) {
day = -15
if (this.dateIndex == 3) {
day = -30
this.startTime = this.getDay(day);
this.endTime = this.getDay(0)
quantityReset() {
this.startTime = '';
this.endTime = '';
this.dateIndex = -1
quantityFilter() {
getTime(e) {
this.startTime = e.startDate;
this.endTime = e.endDate;
tabItem(index) {
this.dateIndex = -1;
this.startTime = '';
this.endTime = '';
this.tabIndex = index
getNumberPages() {
const that = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
startDate: this.startTime,
endDate: this.endTime
.then(result => {
this.orderData =;
this.refundData =;
this.userData =;
this.commissionData =;
getDay(day) {
var today = new Date();
var targetday_milliseconds = today.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * day;
today.setTime(targetday_milliseconds); //注意,这行是关键代码
var tYear = today.getFullYear();
var tMonth = today.getMonth();
var tDate = today.getDate();
tMonth = this.doHandleMonth(tMonth + 1);
tDate = this.doHandleMonth(tDate);
return tYear + "-" + tMonth + "-" + tDate;
doHandleMonth(month) {
var m = month;
if (month.toString().length == 1) {
m = "0" + month;
return m;
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