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6 months ago
<view class="invoice">
<view class="invoice-goods" v-if="orderDetail">
<view class="b" v-if="orderDetail">
<view class="r">订单编号{{orderDetail.order_no}}<text @click="handleCopy(orderDetail.order_no)">复制</text>
<view class="r">开票金额{{orderDetail.pay_price}}</view>
<view class="invoice-info">
<view class="b">
<view class="item">
<view class="l">发票类型</view>
<view class="r">
<picker :value="arrayIndex" :range="array" @change="bindPickerChange">
<view class="lx" style="color: #888;" v-if="!arrayName">请选择发票类型</view>
<view class="lx" v-else>{{arrayName}}</view>
<view class="item">
<view class="l">发票类型</view>
<view class="r">
<view class="li" :class="tabIndex == 1?'li-on':''" @click="tabItem(1)">个人</view>
<view class="li" :class="tabIndex == 2?'li-on':''" @click="tabItem(2)">单位</view>
<view class="item">
<view class="l">发票抬头</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" disabled v-model="obj.header" placeholder="单位名称" />
<view class="tt" @click="bindPickerChange1" style="color: rgb(58, 134, 255;">选择发票抬头</view>
<view class="item" v-if="tabIndex == 2">
<view class="l">单位税号</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" v-model="obj.duty_no" disabled placeholder="纳税人识别号" />
<view class="invoice-company" v-if="tabIndex == 2">
<view class="a">选填内容开户银行银行账号等
<text :class="toggleIndex?'on':''" @click="toggleItem()">{{toggleIndex?"收起":"展开"}}</text>
<view class="b" v-if="toggleIndex">
<view class="item">
<view class="l">开户银行</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" disabled v-model="obj.bank_name" placeholder="开户银行名称" />
<view class="item">
<view class="l">银行账号</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="number" disabled v-model="obj.bank_no" placeholder="银行账号" />
<view class="item">
<view class="l">单位地址</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" disabled v-model="obj.address" placeholder="单位地址" />
<view class="item">
<view class="l">单位电话</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="number" disabled v-model="" placeholder="单位电话" />
<view class="invoice-fd" @click="toDetail()">
<u-modal v-model="show" :content="content" :show-cancel-button="true" :show-title="false"
<addShuiyin />
import * as InvoiceApi from '@/api/invoice'
export default {
data() {
return {
content: "确认您的发票信息无误后再提交",
show: true,
toggleIndex: true,
arrayIndex: 0,
arrayName: '',
array: ['普通增值税发票'],
tabIndex: 2,
orderDetail: '',
obj: {
header: '',
gongsi: '',
duty_no: '',
bank_name: '',
bank_no: '',
address: '',
phone: '',
type: '',
source: 2
onLoad(op) {
let app = this;
this.orderDetail = uni.getStorageSync("orderInfor");
if (op.source == 1) {
let detail = op.detail ? JSON.parse(op.detail) : '';
app.arrayIndex = detail.type - 1;
app.arrayName = app.array[app.arrayIndex]
app.tabIndex = detail.source == 0 ? 1 : 2
app.obj = detail
console.log(app.obj, this.orderDetail)
methods: {
// 获取当前订单信息
toDetail(canReset = false) {
const app = this
if (!app.arrayName) {
title: '请选择发票类型',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
if (!app.obj.header) {
title: '请选择发票抬头',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
app.isLoading = true;
let parames = {
order_id: app.orderDetail.order_id,
InvoiceApi.invoicingAdd(parames).then(result => {
if (result.status == 200) {
title: result.message,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
url: "/pages/invoice/indexset"
} else {
title: result.message,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
// 相应全局事件订阅: 刷新上级页面数据
canReset && uni.$emit('syncRefresh', true, true)
// 复制指定内容
handleCopy(value) {
const app = this
data: value,
success: () => app.$toast('复制成功'),
fail: ({
}) => app.$toast('复制失败 ' + errMsg)
tabItem(i) {
this.tabIndex = i;
toggleItem(i) {
this.toggleIndex = !this.toggleIndex;
this.pamres.invoiceUnit = this.toggleIndex
bindPickerChange(e) {
this.arrayIndex = e.detail.value;
this.arrayName = this.array[e.detail.value]
bindPickerChange1() {
url: "/pages/invoice/index"
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