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403 lines
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8 months ago
<view class="u-field" :class="{'u-border-top': borderTop, 'u-border-bottom': borderBottom }">
<view class="u-field-inner" :class="[type == 'textarea' ? 'u-textarea-inner' : '', 'u-label-postion-' + labelPosition]">
<view class="u-label" :class="[required ? 'u-required' : '']" :style="{
justifyContent: justifyContent,
flex: labelPosition == 'left' ? `0 0 ${labelWidth}rpx` : '1'
<view class="u-icon-wrap" v-if="icon">
<u-icon size="32" :custom-style="iconStyle" :name="icon" :color="iconColor" class="u-icon"></u-icon>
<slot name="icon"></slot>
<text class="u-label-text" :class="[$slots.icon || icon ? 'u-label-left-gap' : '']">{{ label }}</text>
<view class="fild-body">
<view class="u-flex-1 u-flex" :style="[inputWrapStyle]">
<textarea v-if="type == 'textarea'" class="u-flex-1 u-textarea-class" :style="[fieldStyle]" :value="valueCom"
:placeholder="placeholder" :placeholderStyle="placeholderStyle" :disabled="disabled" :maxlength="inputMaxlength"
:focus="focus" :autoHeight="autoHeight" :fixed="fixed" @input="onInput" @blur="onBlur" @focus="onFocus" @confirm="onConfirm"
@tap="fieldClick" />
class="u-flex-1 u-field__input-wrap"
:password="password || type === 'password'"
<u-icon :size="clearSize" v-if="clearable && valueCom != '' && focused" name="close-circle-fill" color="#c0c4cc" class="u-clear-icon" @click="onClear"/>
<view class="u-button-wrap"><slot name="right" /></view>
<u-icon v-if="rightIcon" @click="rightIconClick" :name="rightIcon" color="#c0c4cc" :style="[rightIconStyle]" size="26" class="u-arror-right" />
<view v-if="errorMessage !== false && errorMessage != ''" class="u-error-message" :style="{
paddingLeft: labelWidth + 'rpx'
}">{{ errorMessage }}</view>
* field 输入框
* @description 借助此组件,可以实现表单的输入, 有"text"和"textarea"类型的,此外,借助uView的picker和actionSheet组件可以快速实现上拉菜单,时间,地区选择等, 为表单解决方案的利器。
* @tutorial
* @property {String} type 输入框的类型(默认text)
* @property {String} icon label左边的图标,限uView的图标名称
* @property {Object} icon-style 左边图标的样式,对象形式
* @property {Boolean} right-icon 输入框右边的图标名称,限uView的图标名称(默认false)
* @property {Boolean} required 是否必填,左边您显示红色"*"号(默认false)
* @property {String} label 输入框左边的文字提示
* @property {Boolean} password 是否密码输入方式(用点替换文字),type为text时有效(默认false)
* @property {Boolean} clearable 是否显示右侧清空内容的图标控件(输入框有内容,且获得焦点时才显示),点击可清空输入框内容(默认true)
* @property {Number String} label-width label的宽度,单位rpx(默认130)
* @property {String} label-align label的文字对齐方式(默认left)
* @property {Object} field-style 自定义输入框的样式,对象形式
* @property {Number | String} clear-size 清除图标的大小,单位rpx(默认30)
* @property {String} input-align 输入框内容对齐方式(默认left)
* @property {Boolean} border-bottom 是否显示field的下边框(默认true)
* @property {Boolean} border-top 是否显示field的上边框(默认false)
* @property {String} icon-color 左边通过icon配置的图标的颜色(默认#606266)
* @property {Boolean} auto-height 是否自动增高输入区域,type为textarea时有效(默认true)
* @property {String Boolean} error-message 显示的错误提示内容,如果为空字符串或者false,则不显示错误信息
* @property {String} placeholder 输入框的提示文字
* @property {String} placeholder-style placeholder的样式(内联样式,字符串),如"color: #ddd"
* @property {Boolean} focus 是否自动获得焦点(默认false)
* @property {Boolean} fixed 如果type为textarea,且在一个"position:fixed"的区域,需要指明为true(默认false)
* @property {Boolean} disabled 是否不可输入(默认false)
* @property {Number String} maxlength 最大输入长度,设置为 -1 的时候不限制最大长度(默认140)
* @property {String} confirm-type 设置键盘右下角按钮的文字,仅在type="text"时生效(默认done)
* @event {Function} input 输入框内容发生变化时触发
* @event {Function} focus 输入框获得焦点时触发
* @event {Function} blur 输入框失去焦点时触发
* @event {Function} confirm 点击完成按钮时触发
* @event {Function} right-icon-click 通过right-icon生成的图标被点击时触发
* @event {Function} click 输入框被点击或者通过right-icon生成的图标被点击时触发,这样设计是考虑到传递右边的图标,一般都为需要弹出"picker"等操作时的场景,点击倒三角图标,理应发出此事件,见上方说明
* @example <u-field v-model="mobile" label="手机号" required :error-message="errorMessage"></u-field>
export default {
emits: ["update:modelValue", "input", "focus", "blur", "confirm", "right-icon-click", "click"],
props: {
value: [Number, String],
modelValue: [Number, String],
icon: String,
rightIcon: String,
arrowDirection: {
type: String,
default: 'right'
required: Boolean,
label: String,
password: Boolean,
clearable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 左边标题的宽度单位rpx
labelWidth: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 130
// 对齐方式,left|center|right
labelAlign: {
type: String,
default: 'left'
inputAlign: {
type: String,
default: 'left'
iconColor: {
type: String,
default: '#606266'
autoHeight: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
errorMessage: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: ''
placeholder: String,
placeholderStyle: String,
focus: Boolean,
fixed: Boolean,
type: {
type: String,
default: 'text'
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
maxlength: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 140
confirmType: {
type: String,
default: 'done'
// lable的位置,可选为 left-左边,top-上边
labelPosition: {
type: String,
default: 'left'
// 输入框的自定义样式
fieldStyle: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {}
// 清除按钮的大小
clearSize: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 30
// lable左边的图标样式,对象形式
iconStyle: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {}
// 是否显示上边框
borderTop: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 是否显示下边框
borderBottom: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 是否自动去除两端的空格
trim: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
data() {
return {
focused: false,
itemIndex: 0,
computed: {
valueCom() {
// #ifndef VUE3
return this.value;
// #endif
// #ifdef VUE3
return this.modelValue;
// #endif
inputWrapStyle() {
let style = {};
style.textAlign = this.inputAlign;
// 判断lable的位置,如果是left的话,让input左边两边有间隙
if(this.labelPosition == 'left') {
style.margin = `0 8rpx`;
} else {
// 如果lable是top的,input的左边就没必要有间隙了
style.marginRight = `8rpx`;
return style;
rightIconStyle() {
let style = {};
let arrowDirectionObj = {
"top": "-90deg",
"bottom": "90deg",
"left": "180deg",
"right": "0deg",
let deg = arrowDirectionObj[this.arrowDirection] || "0deg";
style.transform = 'rotate('+deg+')';
return style;
labelStyle() {
let style = {};
if(this.labelAlign == 'left') style.justifyContent = 'flext-start';
if(this.labelAlign == 'center') style.justifyContent = 'center';
if(this.labelAlign == 'right') style.justifyContent = 'flext-end';
return style;
// uni不支持在computed中写style.justifyContent = 'center'的形式,故用此方法
justifyContent() {
if(this.labelAlign == 'left') return 'flex-start';
if(this.labelAlign == 'center') return 'center';
if(this.labelAlign == 'right') return 'flex-end';
// 因为uniapp的input组件的maxlength组件必须要数值,这里转为数值,给用户可以传入字符串数值
inputMaxlength() {
return Number(this.maxlength)
// label的位置
fieldInnerStyle() {
let style = {};
if(this.labelPosition == 'left') {
style.flexDirection = 'row';
} else {
style.flexDirection = 'column';
return style;
methods: {
onInput(event) {
let value = event.detail.value;
// 判断是否去除空格
if(this.trim) value = this.$u.trim(value);
this.$emit('input', value);
this.$emit("update:modelValue", value);
onFocus(event) {
this.focused = true;
this.$emit('focus', event);
onBlur(event) {
// 最开始使用的是监听图标@touchstart事件,自从hx2.8.4后,此方法在微信小程序出错
// 这里改为监听点击事件,手点击清除图标时,同时也发生了@blur事件,导致图标消失而无法点击,这里做一个延时
setTimeout(() => {
this.focused = false;
}, 100)
this.$emit('blur', event);
onConfirm(e) {
this.$emit('confirm', e.detail.value);
onClear(event) {
this.$emit('input', '');
this.$emit("update:modelValue", '');
rightIconClick() {
fieldClick() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "../../libs/css/style.components.scss";
.u-field {
font-size: 28rpx;
padding: 20rpx 28rpx;
text-align: left;
position: relative;
color: $u-main-color;
.u-field-inner {
@include vue-flex;
align-items: center;
.u-textarea-inner {
align-items: flex-start;
.u-textarea-class {
min-height: 96rpx;
width: auto;
font-size: 28rpx;
.fild-body {
@include vue-flex;
flex: 1;
align-items: center;
.u-arror-right {
margin-left: 8rpx;
.u-label-text {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: inline-flex;
/* #endif */
.u-label-left-gap {
margin-left: 6rpx;
.u-label-postion-top {
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
.u-label {
width: 130rpx;
flex: 1 1 130rpx;
text-align: left;
position: relative;
@include vue-flex;
align-items: center;
.u-required::before {
content: '*';
position: absolute;
left: -16rpx;
font-size: 14px;
color: $u-type-error;
height: 9px;
line-height: 1;
.u-field__input-wrap {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 28rpx;
height: 48rpx;
flex: 1;
width: auto;
.u-clear-icon {
@include vue-flex;
align-items: center;
.u-error-message {
color: $u-type-error;
font-size: 26rpx;
text-align: left;
.placeholder-style {
color: rgb(150, 151, 153);
.u-input-class {
font-size: 28rpx;
.u-button-wrap {
margin-left: 8rpx;