<view :style="colorStyle">
<view class="w-full relative z-99 gradient-box" :style="{'padding-top': sysHeight + 'px'}">
<view class="w-full px-20 pl-20 h-80 flex-between-center">
<!-- <text class="iconfont icon-ic_leftarrow fs-40 text--w111-fff" @click="goPage(3)"></text>
<text class="fs-34 fw-500 text--w111-fff">提交订单</text>
<text></text> -->
<view @click="goPage(3)">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_leftarrow fs-40 text--w111-fff"></text>
<text class="colorfff fs-34">提交订单</text>
<view class="header" v-if="tableId">
<view class="top acea-row row-middle">
<!-- <view class="name">{{ codeData.storeName.storeName }}</view> -->
<view class="number"><text
class="light">{{ codeData.table_number }}号桌</text></view>
<!-- <view>{{ codeData.serial_number }}</view> -->
<view class="px-20 mt-30" v-if="!tableId">
<view class="allAddress bgfot pdtop39">
<!-- isDisplay 支持的配送方式数组 -->
<!-- store_self_mention 自提开关 -->
<view class="h-96 relative" v-if="isDisplay.length>1">
<!-- <view class="w-full abs-lb rd-t-24rpx flex bg--w111-fff fs-26 text--w111-666 fw-400">
<view class="flex-center w-50p h-76 rd-lt-24rpx z-2"
:class="deliveryType == 1 ? 'bg--w111-fff font-num fs-28 fw-500' : 'bg-primary-light bg-horn'"
<view class="flex-center w-50p h-76 z-2"
:class="[deliveryType == 2 ? 'bg--w111-fff font-num fs-28 fw-500' : 'bg-primary-light',styleType]"
<view class="flex-center w-50p h-76 rd-rt-24rpx z-2"
:class="deliveryType == 3 ? 'bg--w111-fff font-num fs-28 fw-500' : 'bg-primary-light bg-horn-r'"
<view v-if="isDisplay.length==2" class="w-50p rd-t-24rpx bg--w111-fff h-96"
:class="(deliveryType == 1 || (deliveryType == 2 && !isDisplay.includes('1'))) ? 'abs-lt' : 'abs-rt'">
<view class="w-full h-full relative active-card"></view>
<view v-if="isDisplay.length==3" class="w-33-33p rd-t-24rpx bg--w111-fff h-96"
:class="deliveryType == 1 ? 'abs-lt' : deliveryType == 2?'abs-ct':'abs-rt'">
<view class="w-full h-full relative active-card"></view>
</view> -->
<view class="dingdan">
<view class="" @tap="addressType(0,1)">
<view :class="deliveryType==1?'colorhuang':'colorfff'">商城配送</view>
<view v-if="deliveryType==1" class="hengxian"></view>
<view class="" @tap="addressType(1,2)">
<view :class="deliveryType==2?'colorhuang':'colorfff'">到店自提</view>
<view v-if="deliveryType==2" class="hengxian"></view>
<view class=""
<view v-else class="bg--w111-fff rd-t-24rpx text--w111-999 fs-24">
<!-- <view v-if="Array.isArray(isDisplay) && isDisplay.includes('1')" class="acea-row row-middle h-88 lh-88rpx ml-34 mr-34 border-b b--w111-f5f5f5 border-b-s">
<text class="iconfont icon-icon_truck font-num fs-36 mr-12"></text>
<text class="font-num fs-28 mr-12">商城配送</text>
<view v-else-if="Array.isArray(isDisplay) && isDisplay.includes('2')" class="acea-row row-middle h-88 lh-88rpx ml-34 mr-34 border-b b--w111-f5f5f5 border-b-s">
<text class="iconfont icon-a-icon_trailcar font-num fs-36 mr-12"></text>
<text class="font-num fs-28 mr-12">门店自提</text>
<view v-else class="acea-row row-middle h-88 lh-88rpx ml-34 mr-34 border-b b--w111-f5f5f5 border-b-s">
<text class="iconfont icon-icon_truck font-num fs-36 mr-12"></text>
<text class="font-num fs-28 mr-12">门店配送</text>
</view> -->
<view class="vipxinbox" v-if="huiyuanka==1">
<image class="vipxinboximg" src="https://bar.jiuhaosh.cn/static/vipxin1.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="vipwzbox">
<view class="title1">随身畅饮卡</view>
<view class="title2">享受折扣:{{huiyuanzhekou||0}}%</view>
<!-- <view class="title2">未领取</view> -->
<view class='address add1 flex-between-center'
:class="[1,2].includes(isDisplay) ? 'rd-24rpx' : 'rd-b-24rpx'"
@tap='onAddress(addressInfo.real_name)' v-if='deliveryType == 1'>
<view v-if="addressInfo.real_name">
<view class="fs-30 colorhui1 fw-500 acea-row row-middle">
<text>{{addressInfo.real_name}}</text> <text class='pl-20'>{{addressInfo.phone}}</text>
<!-- <text class='default font-num acea-row row-center-wrapper ml-8' v-if="addressInfo.is_default">默认</text> -->
<view class="fs-24 text--w111-666 mt-12">
<view class='fs-30 colorhui fw-500 lh-42rpx flex-y-center' v-else>
<image src="../static/location_order_icon.png" class="w-32 h-32"></image>
<text class="pl-8">设置收货地址{{deliveryType}}</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow fs-32 text--w111-666 ml-20"></text>
<view class='address add1 acea-row row-between-wrapper'
:class="[1,2].includes(isDisplay) ? 'rd-24rpx' : 'rd-b-24rpx'" v-else>
<block v-if="storeList.length>0">
<view class="w-full">
<view class="w-full flex-between-center">
<view @click="goStore">
<view class="fs-30 line1 fw-500 lh-42rpx acea-row row-middle">
<text class="line1 max-w-368 colorhui1 fs-30">{{system_store.name}}</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow ml-12"
v-if="!collage_id && !isStore"></text>
<view class="fs-24 w-410 line2 colorhui lh-30rpx mt-12">
<view class="_map relative"
class="store_distance flex-center bg--w111-fff rd-8rpx fs-20 fw-500 line1">
<view class="store-horn"></view>
<view class="store_logo bg--w111-fff rd-8rpx">
<image class="w-full h-full rd-8rpx relative z-2" :src="site_logo"></image>
<view class="store-spot"></view>
<block v-else>
<!-- <view class='line'>
<image src='/static/images/line.jpg'></image>
</view> -->
<view class="address flex-1 ml-20 mr-20 rd-16rpx mt-20 p-32 border-top" v-if="deliveryType == 2 && !tableId">
<view class="flex">
<view class="flex-1">
<view class="fs-24 colorhui1 lh-34rpx">我的姓名</view>
<view class="flex-y-center mt-6">
<input type="text" v-model="contacts" :focus="contactsFocus"
class="colorfff w-78 h-36 fs-26 fw-500 lh-36rpx" />
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_edit fs-28 text--w111-999 pl-16" @tap="clearInput(0)"></text>
<view class="pl-46 flex-1">
<view class="fs-24 colorhui1 lh-34rpx">我的电话</view>
<view class="flex-y-center mt-6">
<input type="number" v-model="contactsTel" :focus="telFocus"
class=" colorfff w-222 h-36 fs-30 fw-500 lh-30rpx SemiBold" />
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_edit fs-28 text--w111-999 pl-16" @tap="clearInput(1)"></text>
<view class='address add1 flex-between-center ml-20 mr-20 rd-16rpx mt-20'
@tap='onAddress(addressInfo.real_name)' v-if='deliveryType == 3 && !tableId'>
<view v-if="addressInfo.real_name">
<view class="fs-30 colorhui1 fw-500 acea-row row-middle">
<text>{{addressInfo.real_name}}</text> <text class='pl-20'>{{addressInfo.phone}}</text>
<text class='default font-num acea-row row-center-wrapper ml-8'
<view class="fs-24 text--w111-666 mt-12">
<view class='fs-30 colorhui1 fw-500 lh-42rpx flex-y-center' v-else>
<image src="../static/location_order_icon.png" class="w-32 h-32 colorhui1"></image>
<text class="pl-8">设置收货地址</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow fs-32 text--w111-666 ml-20"></text>
<view class='order-submission'>
<view class="px-20 mt-20">
<groupGoodsList :goodsList="goodsList" v-if="collage_id"></groupGoodsList>
<view class="bgfot rd-16rpx pt-32 pr-24 pl-24 pb-32" v-else>
<view class="flex order_goods" v-for="(item,index) in cartInfo" :key="index">
<view class="w-176 h-176 relative">
<image class="w-176 h-176 rd-16rpx" :src='item.productInfo.attrInfo.image'
<image class="w-176 h-176 rd-16rpx" :src='item.productInfo.image' v-else></image>
<view class="over flex-center fs-24 text--w111-fff" v-if="!item.is_valid">
{{shippingType == 1 ? '非自提' : '不送达'}}
<view class="flex-1 flex-col justify-between pl-20">
<view @click="goDetail(item.product_id)">
<view class="w-464 line1 fs-28 lh-40rpx"
:class="item.is_valid ? 'colorfff' : 'colorfff'">{{item.productInfo.store_name}}
<view class='w-322 fs-22 lh-30rpx line1 mt-12'
:class="item.is_valid ? 'text--w111-999' : 'text--w111-ccc'"
<view class="flex items-end flex-wrap mt-12 w-full">
<BaseTag :text="label.label_name" :color="label.color" :background="label.bg_color"
:borderColor="label.border_color" :circle="label.border_color ? true : false"
:imgSrc="label.icon" v-for="(label, idx) in item.productInfo.store_label"
<view class="flex-between-center">
:money="item.productInfo.attrInfo ? item.productInfo.attrInfo.price : item.productInfo.price"
symbolSize="20" integerSize="36" decimalSize="20" color="#D64D22" weight>
<view class="flex-y-center" v-if="[0,6].includes(goodsType) && item.is_valid&&huiyuanka!=1">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_Reduce fs-24 bg-btn-hui colorfff pad9"
<input type="number" maxlength="3"
class="w-72 h-36 rd-4rpx bg-btn-hui flex-center text-center fs-24 colorfff mx-6"
@input="setValue($event,item)" v-model="item.cart_num" />
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_increase fs-24 bg-btn-hui colorfff pad9"
<view v-if="![0,6].includes(goodsType)">
<text class="fs-28 text--w111-666">️x{{item.cart_num}}</text>
<view class="cell flex justify-between mt-32" v-if="giftCount > 0">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">赠品</text>
<view class="w-460 flex-y-center justify-end" @tap="showGiftDrawer = true">
<view class="flex flex-1" style="min-width: 0;overflow: hidden;">
<view class="w-64 h-64 mr-8" style="flex-shrink: 0;"
v-for="(item, index) in giveCartInfo" :key="index">
<image class="h-full w-full rd-8rpx" :src="item.productInfo.attrInfo.image"
<image class="h-full w-full rd-8rpx" :src="item.productInfo.image" v-else></image>
<view class="w-64 h-64 rd-8rpx bg--w111-f5f5f5 flex-center mr-8"
<text class="gold iconfont icon-a-ic_discount1"></text>
<view class="w-64 h-64 rd-8rpx bg--w111-f5f5f5 flex-center mr-8"
<text class="gold iconfont icon-ic_badge11"></text>
<view class="fs-26 text--w111-666">共{{giftCount}}件 <text
class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow"></text> </view>
<view class="cell flex justify-between flex-y-center mt-32" v-if="textareaStatus&&huiyuanka!=1">
<text class="colorhui1 fs-28">留言</text>
<textarea class="w-450 fs-28 text-right h-auto colorfff" :auto-height="true" wrap-style="wrap"
max-height="100px" placeholder-class='placeholder' placeholder="给卖家留言(50字以内)~"
:always-embed="true" :adjust-position="true" cursor-spacing="30" v-if="!coupon.coupon"
@input='bindHideKeyboard' :value="mark" :maxlength="150" name="mark">
<view class="mt-20 bgfot rd-16rpx pt-32 pr-24 pl-24 pb-32" v-if="huiyuanka!=1">
<view class="cell flex-between-center">
<text class="colorhui fs-28">商品总价</text>
<text class="colorzong fs-28">¥{{priceGroup.sumPrice}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center"
v-if="[0, 6, 10].includes(type) && !noCoupon && goodsType != 7 && priceGroup.firstOrderPrice==0"
<text class="colorhui fs-28">优惠券</text>
<text class="colorhui1 fs-28">{{couponTitle}}</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow fs-24 text--w111-999 pl-8"></text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center">
<text class="colorhui fs-28">运费</text>
class="colorhui1 fs-28">¥{{(parseFloat(priceGroup.storePostage)+parseFloat(priceGroup.storePostageDiscount)).toFixed(2)}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center"
v-if="[0, 6, 10].includes(type) && integral_ratio_status == 1">
<text class="colorhui fs-28">积分抵扣</text>
<view class="flex-y-center colorhui1">
<view> {{useIntegral ? "剩余积分":"当前积分"}}
<text class='Regular font-num fs-36 pl-8 pr-12 colorhui1'>{{integral || 0}}</text>
<checkbox-group @change="ChangeIntegral">
<checkbox :disabled="integral<=0 && !useIntegral"
:checked='useIntegral ? true : false' />
<view class="cell flex-between-center">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28"></text>
<text class="colorhui1 fs-28">合计:<text class="colorzong fs-28">¥{{totalPrice}}</text></text>
<!-- <view class="cell flex-between-center"
v-if="(invoice_func || special_invoice) && !tableId" @tap='goInvoice'>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">开具发票</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">{{invTitle}}</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow fs-24 text--w111-999 pl-8"></text>
</view> -->
<view class="mt-20 bg--w111-fff rd-16rpx pt-32 pr-24 pl-24 pb-32" v-if="type == 4">
<view class="cell flex-between-center">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">可用积分</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">抵扣积分</text>
<view class="mt-20 bg--w111-fff rd-16rpx pt-32 pr-24 pl-24 pb-32" v-if="confirm.length">
<view class="cell flex justify-between" v-for="(item,index) in confirm" :key="index">
<text class="relative text--w111-333 fs-28" :class="item.titleShow.val ? 'pl-16' : ''">
<text class="asterisk" v-if="item.titleShow.val">*</text>
{{ item.titleConfig.value }}
<!-- radio -->
<view v-if="item.name=='radios'" class="discount">
<radio-group @change="radioChange(e, index, item)" class="acea-row row-middle row-right">
<label class="radio" v-for="(j,jindex) in item.wordsConfig.list" :key="jindex">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<!-- #ifndef MP -->
<radio :value="jindex.toString()" :checked='j.show' />
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<radio :value="jindex" :checked='j.show' />
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- checkbox -->
<view v-if="item.name=='checkboxs'" class="discount">
<checkbox-group @change="checkboxChange($event, index, item)"
class="acea-row row-middle row-right">
<label class="radio" v-for="(j,jindex) in item.wordsConfig.list" :key="jindex">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<!-- #ifndef MP -->
<checkbox :value="jindex.toString()" :checked="j.show"
style="transform:scale(0.9)" />
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<checkbox :value="jindex" :checked="j.show" style="transform:scale(0.9)" />
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- text -->
<view v-if="item.name=='texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 0" class="discount">
<input type="text" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
v-model="item.value" />
<!-- number -->
<view v-if="item.name=='texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 4" class="discount">
<input type="number" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
v-model="item.value" />
<!-- email -->
<view v-if="item.name=='texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 3" class="discount">
<input type="text" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
v-model="item.value" />
<!-- data -->
<view v-if="item.name=='dates'" class="discount">
<picker mode="date" :value="item.value" @change="bindDateChange($event,index)">
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view v-if="item.value == ''">{{item.tipConfig.value}}</view>
<view v-else>{{item.value}}</view>
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<!-- dateranges -->
<view v-if="item.name=='dateranges'" class="discount">
<uni-datetime-picker v-model="item.value" type="daterange" @maskClick="maskClick">
{{item.value.length?item.value[0]+' - '+item.value[1]:item.tipConfig.value}}
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<!-- time -->
<view v-if="item.name=='times'" class="discount">
<picker mode="time" :value="item.value" @change="bindTimeChange($event,index)"
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view v-if="item.value == ''">{{item.tipConfig.value}}</view>
<view v-else>{{item.value}}</view>
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<!-- timeranges -->
<view v-if="item.name=='timeranges'" class="discount acea-row row-between-wrapper"
<view v-if="item.value">{{item.value}}</view>
<view v-else>{{item.tipConfig.value}}</view>
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<!-- select -->
<view v-if="item.name=='selects'" class="discount">
<picker :value="item.value" :range="item.wordsConfig.list"
@change="bindSelectChange($event,index,item)" range-key="val">
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view v-if="item.value == ''">请选择</view>
<view v-else>{{item.value}}</view>
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<!-- city -->
<view v-if="item.name=='citys'" class="discount" @click="changeRegion(index)">
<view class="acea-row row-middle row-right">
<view class="city" v-if="item.value == ''">{{item.tipConfig.value}}</view>
<view class="city" v-else>{{item.value}}</view>
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<!-- id -->
<view v-if="item.name=='texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 2" class="discount">
<input type="idcard" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
v-model="item.value" />
<!-- phone -->
<view v-if="item.name=='texts' && item.valConfig.tabVal == 1" class="discount">
<input type="number" :placeholder="item.tipConfig.value" placeholder-class="placeholder"
v-model="item.value" />
<!-- img -->
<view v-if="item.name=='uploadPicture'" class="flex-1">
<view class="flex justify-end" v-if="item.value.length < 3">
<view class="relative" v-for="(items,indexs) in item.value" :key="indexs">
<image class="w-128 h-128 rd-12rpx ml-16" :src="items"></image>
class="abs-rt w-32 h-32 bg--w111-bbb clear-btn flex-center fs-24 text--w111-fff"
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_close"></text>
<view class="w-128 h-128 rd-12rpx bg--w111-f5f5f5 flex-col flex-center ml-16"
v-if="item.value.length < item.numConfig.val" @tap="uploadpic(index)">
<text class='iconfont icon-ic_camera fs-40'></text>
<view class="fs-20 text--w111-333">上传图片</view>
<view class="flex justify-end" v-else>
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" scroll-with-animation
class="white-nowrap vertical-middle w-508" show-scrollbar="false">
<view class="w-full h-full flex">
<view class="inline-block h-128 mr-12">
class="w-128 h-128 rd-12rpx bg--w111-f5f5f5 ml-16 flex-col flex-center"
v-if="item.value.length < item.numConfig.val" @tap="uploadpic(index)">
<text class='iconfont icon-ic_camera fs-40'></text>
<view class="fs-20 text--w111-333">上传图片</view>
<view class="inline-block mr-12 relative" v-for="(items,indexs) in item.value"
<image class="w-128 h-128 rd-12rpx" :src="items"></image>
class="abs-rt w-32 h-32 bg--w111-bbb rd-rt-12rpx flex-center fs-24 text--w111-fff"
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_close"></text>
<!-- <view class="mt-20 bg--w111-fff rd-16rpx pt-32 pr-24 pl-24 pb-32">
<view class="cell flex-between-center">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">商品总价</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-36 Regular">¥{{priceGroup.sumPrice}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center" v-if="priceGroup.firstOrderPrice>0">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">新人首单优惠</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-36 Regular font-num"> -¥{{priceGroup.firstOrderPrice}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center" v-if="priceGroup.storePostage > 0">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">配送运费</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-36 Regular font-num">¥{{(parseFloat(priceGroup.storePostage)+parseFloat(priceGroup.storePostageDiscount)).toFixed(2)}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center"
v-if="priceGroup.vipPrice > 0 && userInfo.vip && [0, 6, 9].includes(type)">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">用户等级优惠</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-36 Regular font-num">-¥{{parseFloat(priceGroup.vipPrice).toFixed(2)}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center" v-if="priceGroup.storePostageDiscount > 0">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">会员运费优惠</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-36 Regular font-num">-¥{{parseFloat(priceGroup.storePostageDiscount).toFixed(2)}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center" v-if="coupon_price > 0">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">优惠券抵扣</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-36 Regular font-num">-¥{{parseFloat(coupon_price).toFixed(2)}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center" v-if="integral_price > 0">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">积分抵扣</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-36 Regular font-num">-¥{{parseFloat(integral_price).toFixed(2)}}</text>
<view class="cell flex-between-center" v-for="(item,index) in promotions_detail" :key="index" v-show="parseFloat(item.promotions_price)">
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-28">{{item.title}}</text>
<text class="text--w111-333 fs-36 Regular font-num">-¥{{parseFloat(item.promotions_price).toFixed(2)}}</text>
</view> -->
<view class="height-add"></view>
<view class='fixed-lb w-full bgfot pb-safe'>
<!-- <view class="h-80 bg--w111-FFF0D1 flex-between-center px-20" v-if="!svip_status && svip_price > 0">
<view class="flex-y-center">
<image src="@/static/img/vip_leval.png" class="w-36 h-36"></image>
<view class="pl-8">
<text class="fs-24 text--w111-7E4B06">开通 SVIP会员 预计省</text>
<text class="font-color fs-28">¥{{svip_price}}</text>
<text class="fs-24 text--w111-7E4B06">元</text>
<view class="fs-24 text--w111-7E4B06" @click="goPage(1,'/pages/annex/vip_paid/index')">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow fs-24"></text>
</view> -->
<view class="pl-32 pr-20 h-96 flex-between-center">
<view class="flex items-baseline">
<text class="fs-24 fw-500 colorhui1">合计</text>
<baseMoney v-if="huiyuanka!=1" :money="totalPrice || 0" symbolSize="26" integerSize="44" decimalSize="26" weight
<baseMoney v-else :money="huiyuankajiage || 0" symbolSize="26" integerSize="44" decimalSize="26" weight
<text class="pl-12" v-if="type == 4 && totalIntegral > 0">+{{totalIntegral}}积分</text>
<view class="w-168 h-72 rd-36rpx flex-center colorhei fs-26 bg-color-huang z-10" @tap.stop="goPay"
v-if="(((valid_count>0&&!discount_id) || (valid_count==cartInfo.length&&discount_id)) && shippingType) || (!shippingType && addressId) || product_type != 0 ||addressId==0">
<view class="w-168 h-72 rd-36rpx flex-center bg-color-huang fs-26 colorhei" v-else>提交订单</view>
<view class="alipaysubmit" v-html="formContent"></view>
<tuiModal :show="isAddress" title="更新地址" content="当前地址功能已更新,请重新修改" @click="handleClick" @cancel="hideModal">
<!-- 赠品抽屉 -->
<giftDrawer :visible="showGiftDrawer" :giveCartInfo="giveCartInfo" :giveData="giveData"
<couponListWindow :coupon='coupon' @ChangCouponsClone="ChangCouponsClone" :openType='openType' :cartId='cartId'
@ChangCoupons="ChangCoupons" @ruleToggle="ruleToggle"></couponListWindow>
<addressWindow ref="addressWindow" @changeTextareaStatus="changeTextareaStatus" :news='news' :address='address'
:pagesUrl="pagesUrl" @OnChangeAddress="OnChangeAddress" @changeClose="changeClose"></addressWindow>
<invoice-picker :inv-show="invShow" :inv-list="invList" :inv-checked="invChecked" :is-special="special_invoice"
:url-query="urlQuery" @inv-close="invClose" @inv-change="invChange" @inv-cancel="invCancel">
<timeranges :isShow='isShow' :time='timeranges' @confrim="confrim" @cancel="cancels"></timeranges>
<areaWindow ref="areaWindow" :display="display" :address='addressInfoArea' :cityShow='cityShow'
@submit="OnAreaAddress" @changeClose="changeAddressClose"></areaWindow>
const CACHE_CITY = {};
let sysHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight;
import dayjs from '@/plugin/dayjs/dayjs.min.js';
import {
} from '@/api/order.js';
import {
} from '@/api/user.js';
import {
} from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
import {
} from '@/api/store.js';
import {
} from '@/config/cache.js';
import couponListWindow from '@/components/couponListWindow';
import addressWindow from '@/components/addressWindow';
import invoicePicker from '../components/invoicePicker';
import timeranges from '@/components/timeranges';
import areaWindow from '@/components/areaWindow';
import giftDrawer from '../components/giftDrawer/index.vue'
import tuiModal from "@/components/tui-modal/index.vue"
import groupGoodsList from "@/components/groupGoodsList/index.vue"
import {
} from '@/libs/login.js';
import {
} from "vuex";
import colors from "@/mixins/color";
import {
} from '@/config/app';
import {
} from '@/utils/validate.js'
export default {
components: {
mixins: [colors],
data() {
return {
sysHeight: sysHeight,
addressInfoArea: [],
cityShow: 2,
display: false,
timeranges: [],
isShow: false,
giveData: {
give_integral: 0,
give_coupon: []
giveCartInfo: [],
confirm: [], //自定义留言
id: 0,
isAddress: false,
textareaStatus: true,
formContent: '',
payType: 'weixin', //支付方式
openType: 1, //优惠券打开方式 1=使用
active: 0, //支付方式切换
coupon: {
coupon: false,
list: [],
statusTile: '立即使用'
}, //优惠券组件
address: {
address: false
}, //地址组件
addressInfo: {}, //地址信息
pinkId: 0, //拼团id
addressId: 0, //地址id
couponId: 0, //优惠券id
cartId: '', //购物车id
type: 0, //活动类型
activityId: 0, //活动ID
BargainId: 0,
combinationId: 0,
seckillId: 0,
discountId: 0,
userInfo: {}, //用户信息
mark: '', //备注信息
couponTitle: '请选择', //优惠券
coupon_price: 0, //优惠券抵扣金额
promotions_detail: [], //优惠活动金额明细
useIntegral: false, //是否使用积分
integral_price: 0, //积分抵扣金额
integral: 0,
ChangePrice: 0, //使用积分抵扣变动后的金额
formIds: [], //收集formid
status: 0,
is_address: false,
shippingType: 0,
system_store: {},
storePostage: 0,
contacts: '',
contactsTel: '',
mydata: {},
storeList: [],
store_self_mention: 0,
cartInfo: [],
priceGroup: {},
animated: false,
totalPrice: 0,
totalIntegral: 0,
integralRatio: "0",
pagesUrl: "",
orderKey: "",
// usableCoupon: {},
offlinePostage: "",
isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
from: '',
news: 1,
invTitle: '不开发票',
special_invoice: false,
invoice_func: false,
integral_ratio_status: 1,
header_type: '',
invShow: false,
invList: [],
invChecked: '',
urlQuery: '',
pay_close: false,
noCoupon: 0,
valid_count: 0,
discount_id: 0,
storeId: 0,
product_type: 1,
newImg: [],
isDisplay: 0,
goodsType: 0,
timerangesIndex: 0,
isFocus: false,
latitude: '',
longitude: '',
site_logo: '',
range: '',
showGiftDrawer: false,
svip_status: false,
svip_price: 0,
contactsFocus: false,
telFocus: false,
deliveryType: 1,
product_id: 0,
collage_id: 0,
tableId: 0,
codeData: {},
goodsList: [],
isStore: 0,
computed: {
giftCount() {
let count = 0;
if (this.giveCartInfo.length) {
count = this.giveCartInfo.length
if (this.giveData.give_coupon.length) {
count = count + this.giveData.give_coupon.length
if (this.giveData.give_integral > 0) {
count = count + 1
return count
styleType() {
let obj = this.isDisplay.includes('2') && this.isDisplay.length == 2 && this.deliveryType != 2 ? (this
.isDisplay.includes('1') ? 'bg-horn-r' : 'bg-horn') : '';
return obj
onLoad: function(options) {
data: [{
console.log('111options', options);
// this.getLocation();
// #ifdef H5
this.from = this.$wechat.isWeixin() ? 'weixin' : 'weixinh5'
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
this.from = 'routine'
// 桌码
this.tableId = options.tableId || 0;
if (this.tableId) {
// #endif
console.log('购买的商品', options.cartId);
if (!options.cartId) return this.$util.Tips({
title: '请选择要购买的商品'
}, {
tab: 3,
url: 1
this.deliveryType = options.delivery_type || 1;
console.log('deliveryType', this.deliveryType);
this.isStore = options.is_store ? parseInt(options.is_store) : 0;
this.storeId = parseInt(options.store_id) || 0;
if (this.deliveryType == 1 || this.deliveryType == 3) {
console.log('2deliveryType', this.deliveryType);
this.addressId = options.addressId || 0;
this.system_store.name = options.store_name;
if (this.deliveryType == 2 || this.deliveryType == 3) {
this.storeId = parseInt(options.store_id) || 0;
this.system_store.id = parseInt(options.store_id) || 0;
console.log('3deliveryType', this.deliveryType);
this.couponId = options.couponId || 0;
this.noCoupon = parseInt(options.noCoupon) || 0;
this.product_id = options.product_id || 0;
this.pinkId = options.pinkId ? parseInt(options.pinkId) : 0;
this.addressId = options.addressId || 0;
this.cartId = options.cartId;
this.is_address = options.is_address ? true : false;
console.log('2deliveryType', this.is_address);
this.news = !options.new || options.new === '0' ? 0 : 1;
this.invChecked = options.invoice_id || '';
this.header_type = options.header_type || '1';
this.couponTitle = options.couponTitle || '请选择'
this.luckRecordId = options.luckRecordId || ''
switch (options.invoice_type) {
case '1':
this.invTitle = '增值税电子普通发票';
case '2':
this.invTitle = '增值税电子专用发票';
if (options.invoice_name) {
this.invTitle = options.invoice_name;
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.textareaStatus = true;
// #endif
if (this.isLogin) {
} else {
// #ifdef H5 || MP
// 拼单
this.collage_id = options.collage_id || 0;
if (this.collage_id) {
// #endif
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow: function() {
let _this = this
uni.$on("activeFn", res => {
if (res) {
_this.system_store = res
_this.storeId = _this.system_store.id
_this.range = _this.system_store.range
_this.site_logo = _this.system_store.image
// _this.cartId = res.cartId
// _this.news = res.new
// _this.pinkId = Number(res.pinkId)
// _this.couponId = res.couponId
// 清除监听
let current = (dayjs(new Date(Number(new Date().getTime()))).format('HH:mm')).split(':');
let currentArray = current;
let arrayNew = [];
[...currentArray, ...current].forEach(item => {
this.timeranges = arrayNew;
// this.getConfirm('', 1);
methods: {
goStore() {
if (!this.collage_id && !this.isStore) {
url: '/pages/store/list/index?type=1&isCollage=1&storeId=' + this.system_store.id
// 是否显示快递配送
getCheckShipping() {
let data = {
cartId: this.cartId,
new: this.news
checkShipping(data).then(res => {
// 1:快递配送,2:到店自提,3:门店配送
res.data.type.sort((x, y) => x - y) //正序
let isDisplay = res.data.type;
if (this.luckRecordId > 0) {
this.deliveryType = isDisplay[0];
if (this.collage_id) {
isDisplay = [this.deliveryType];
this.isDisplay = isDisplay;
if (!this.isDisplay.includes(this.deliveryType)) {
this.deliveryType = this.isDisplay[0] || '1';
if (this.deliveryType == '2') {
this.shippingType = 1;
} else {
this.shippingType = 0;
if (isDisplay.indexOf('2') != -1 || isDisplay.indexOf('3') != -1) {
this.getConfirm('', 1);
if (isDisplay.indexOf('1') != -1 || isDisplay.indexOf('3') != -1) {
if (isDisplay.indexOf('1') != -1 && isDisplay.length == 1) {
this.$nextTick(function() {
}).catch(err => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
OnAreaAddress(address) {
let addr = '';
if (address.length == 4) {
addr = address[0].label + '/' + address[1].label + '/' + address[2].label + '/' + address[3].label;
} else if (address.length == 3) {
addr = address[0].label + '/' + address[1].label + '/' + address[2].label;
} else if (address.length == 2) {
addr = address[0].label + '/' + address[1].label;
} else {
addr = address[0].label;
this.confirm[this.timerangesIndex].value = addr;
CACHE_CITY[this.timerangesIndex] = address;
changeRegion(index) {
if (!this.confirm[index].value) {
this.addressInfoArea = [];
this.timerangesIndex = index;
this.cityShow = Number(this.confirm[index].valConfig.tabVal) + 1;
this.display = true;
if (CACHE_CITY[index]) {
this.addressInfoArea = CACHE_CITY[index];
// 关闭地址弹窗;
changeAddressClose: function() {
this.display = false;
maskClick(e) {
// 授权关闭
authColse: function(e) {
this.isShowAuth = e
* 删除图片
DelPic: function(index, indexs) {
let that = this,
pic = this.confirm[index].value;
that.confirm[index].value.splice(indexs, 1);
that.$set(that.confirm[index], 'value', that.confirm[index].value);
* 上传文件
uploadpic: function(index) {
let that = this;
this.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) {
that.$set(that.confirm[index], 'value', that.newImg);
// 不开发票
invCancel() {
this.invChecked = '';
this.invTitle = '不开发票';
this.invShow = false;
// 选择发票
invChange(id) {
this.invChecked = id;
this.invShow = false;
const result = this.invList.find(item => item.id === id);
let name = '';
name += result.header_type === 1 ? '个人' : '企业';
name += result.type === 1 ? '普通' : '专用';
name += '发票';
this.invTitle = name;
// 关闭发票
invClose() {
this.invShow = false;
getInvoiceList() {
title: '正在加载…'
invoiceList().then(res => {
this.invList = res.data.map(item => {
item.id = item.id.toString();
return item;
const result = this.invList.find(item => item.id == this.invChecked);
if (result) {
let name = '';
name += result.header_type === 1 ? '个人' : '企业';
name += result.type === 1 ? '普通' : '专用';
name += '发票';
this.invTitle = name;
}).catch(err => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
* 开发票
goInvoice: function() {
this.invShow = true;
this.urlQuery =
goPay() {
var data={
from: "routine",
libao_id: libaoid,
member_type: this.member_type,
money: this.vipmoney,
pay_type: "weixin",
price: this.vipprice,
type: "1"
url: `/pages/goods/cashier/index?order_id=${res.data.order_id}&from_type=vip`
* 获取门店列表数据
getList: function() {
let longitude = uni.getStorageSync("user_longitude"); //经度
let latitude = uni.getStorageSync("user_latitude"); //纬度
let data = {
page: 1,
limit: 100,
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude,
is_store: this.deliveryType, //判断是否为到店自提
product_id: this.product_id, //判断商品是否适用这个门店
type: this.seckillId > 0 ? 1 : 0, //商品类型:1是秒杀(有自己单独的适用门店)0是普通
storeListApi(data).then(res => {
let list = res.data.list.list || [];
this.$set(this, 'storeList', list);
this.$set(this, 'storeId', this.storeId != 0 ? this.storeId : list[0].id);
list.forEach(item => {
if (this.storeId == item.id) {
this.$set(this, 'system_store', item);
this.range = item.range;
this.site_logo = item.image;
}).catch(err => {})
// 关闭地址弹窗;
changeClose: function() {
this.$set(this.address, 'address', false);
computedPrice: function() {
let shippingType = this.shippingType;
postOrderComputed(this.orderKey, {
addressId: this.addressId,
useIntegral: this.useIntegral ? 1 : 0,
couponId: this.priceGroup.couponPrice == 0 ? 0 : this.couponId,
shipping_type: parseInt(shippingType) + 1,
payType: this.payType
}).then(res => {
let result = res.data.result;
if (result) {
this.totalPrice = result.pay_price;
this.totalIntegral = result.pay_integral;
this.integral_price = result.deduction_price;
this.coupon_price = result.coupon_price;
this.promotions_detail = result.promotions_detail;
this.integral = this.useIntegral ? result.SurplusIntegral : this.userInfo.integral;
this.$set(this.priceGroup, 'storePostage', shippingType == 1 ? 0 : result.pay_postage);
this.$set(this.priceGroup, 'storePostageDiscount', result.storePostageDiscount);
}).catch(err => {
return this.$util.Tips({
title: err
addressType: function(e, num) {
//e:0:商城和门店配送 1:门店自提
this.shippingType = parseInt(e);
this.deliveryType = num;
bindPickerChange: function(e) {
let value = e.detail.value;
this.shippingType = value;
ChangCouponsClone: function() {
this.$set(this.coupon, 'coupon', false);
changeTextareaStatus: function() {
for (let i = 0, len = this.coupon.list.length; i < len; i++) {
this.coupon.list[i].use_title = '';
this.coupon.list[i].is_use = 0;
this.textareaStatus = true;
this.status = 0;
this.$set(this.coupon, 'list', this.coupon.list);
* 处理点击优惠券后的事件
ChangCoupons: function(index) {
let list = this.coupon.list;
if (list[index].is_use) {
list[index].use_title = '';
list[index].is_use = 0;
this.couponTitle = '请选择';
this.couponId = 0;
} else {
list[index].use_title = '不使用';
list[index].is_use = 1;
this.couponTitle = list[index].title;
this.couponId = list[index].id;
this.$set(this.coupon, 'coupon', false);
this.$set(this.coupon, 'list', list);
ruleToggle(index) {
this.coupon.list[index].ruleshow = !this.coupon.list[index].ruleshow;
* 使用积分抵扣
ChangeIntegral: function() {
this.useIntegral = !this.useIntegral;
* 选择地址后改变事件
* @param object e
OnChangeAddress: function(e) {
this.textareaStatus = true;
this.addressId = e;
this.address.address = false;
bindHideKeyboard: function(e) {
this.mark = e.detail.value;
// 对象转数组
objToArr(data) {
let obj = Object.keys(data);
let m = obj.map(key => data[key]);
return m;
* 获取当前订单详细信息
getConfirm: function(numType, num) {
let that = this;
let shippingType = parseInt(this.shippingType) + 1;
let addressId = 0,
if (this.deliveryType == 1) {
addressId = that.addressId
storeid = 0
} else if (this.deliveryType == 2) {
storeid = that.storeId
addressId = ''
} else {
storeid = that.storeId
addressId = that.addressId
let store_id = uni.getStorageSync('mendianstore_id')
orderConfirm(that.cartId, that.news, addressId, shippingType, store_id, that.couponId, that
.luckRecordId).then(res => {
if (res.data.upgrade_addr == 1) {
that.id = res.data.addressInfo.id
this.isAddress = true
if (numType != 1) {
let confirm = this.objToArr(res.data.custom_form);
confirm.forEach((item, index, arr) => {
CACHE_CITY[index] = ''; //清空省市区
if (item.name == 'texts') {
if (item.defaultValConfig.value) {
item.value = item.defaultValConfig.value
} else {
item.value = ''
} else if (item.name == 'radios') {
item.value = item.wordsConfig.list[0].val
} else if (item.name == 'uploadPicture') {
item.value = [];
} else if (item.name == 'dateranges') {
if (item.valConfig.tabVal == 0) {
if (item.valConfig.tabData == 0) {
let obj = dayjs(new Date(Number(new Date().getTime()))).format(
item.value = [obj, obj]
} else {
let data1 = dayjs(new Date(Number(new Date(item.valConfig
let data2 = dayjs(new Date(Number(new Date(item.valConfig
item.value = [data1, data2];
} else {
item.value = [];
} else {
if (['times', 'dates', 'timeranges'].indexOf(item.name) != -1) {
if (item.valConfig.tabVal == 0) {
if (item.valConfig.tabData == 0) {
if (item.name == 'times') {
item.value = dayjs(new Date(Number(new Date()
} else if (item.name == 'dates') {
item.value = dayjs(new Date(Number(new Date()
} else {
let current = dayjs(new Date(Number(new Date()
item.value = current + ' - ' + current;
} else {
if (item.name == 'times' || item.name == 'dates') {
item.value = item.valConfig.specifyDate;
} else {
item.value = item.valConfig.specifyDate[0] + ' - ' +
} else {
item.value = '';
} else {
item.value = '';
function sortNumber(a, b) {
return a.timestamp - b.timestamp;
that.$set(that, 'confirm', confirm);
that.$set(that, 'goodsType', res.data.type);
that.$set(that, 'userInfo', res.data.userInfo);
that.$set(that, 'integral', res.data.userInfo.integral);
that.$set(that, 'integralRatio', res.data.integralRatio);
that.$set(that, 'offlinePostage', res.data.offlinePostage);
that.$set(that, 'orderKey', res.data.orderKey);
that.$set(that, 'valid_count', res.data.valid_count);
that.$set(that, 'discount_id', res.data.discount_id)
that.$set(that, 'priceGroup', res.data.priceGroup);
that.$set(that, 'type', parseInt(res.data.type));
that.$set(that, 'activityId', parseInt(res.data.activityId));
that.$set(that, 'seckillId', parseInt(res.data.seckill_id));
that.$set(that, 'BargainId', parseInt(res.data.bargain_id));
that.$set(that, 'combinationId', parseInt(res.data.combination_id));
that.$set(that, 'discountId', parseInt(res.data.discount_id));
that.$set(that, 'invoice_func', res.data.invoice_func);
that.$set(that, 'integral_ratio_status', res.data.integral_ratio_status);
that.$set(that, 'special_invoice', res.data.special_invoice);
that.$set(that, 'store_self_mention', res.data.store_self_mention);
that.$set(that, 'svip_status', res.data.svip_status);
that.$set(that, 'svip_price', res.data.svip_price);
that.$set(that, 'contacts', res.data.userInfo.real_name);
that.$set(that, 'contactsTel', res.data.userInfo.record_pone);
that.giveData.give_integral = res.data.give_integral;
that.giveData.give_coupon = res.data.give_coupon;
let cartInfo = res.data.cartInfo;
let cartObj = [],
giftObj = [];
cartInfo.forEach(item => {
if (item.is_gift == 1) {
} else {
that.$set(that, 'cartInfo', cartObj);
that.$set(that, 'giveCartInfo', giftObj);
let giveType = -1;
giftObj.forEach(item => {
if (item.product_type == 0) {
return giveType = 0
that.$set(that, 'product_type', (res.data.product_type == 0 || giveType == 0 || res.data
.product_type == 4) ? 0 : 1);
that.$set(that, 'ChangePrice', that.totalPrice);
if (this.addressId || this.couponId) {
// this.computedPrice();
} else {
that.$set(that, 'totalPrice', that.$util.$h.Add(parseFloat(res.data.priceGroup
if (num) {
}).catch(err => {
return this.$util.Tips({
title: err
* 获取当前金额可用优惠券
getCouponList: function() {
let that = this;
let data = {
cartId: this.cartId,
'new': this.news,
shipping_type: that.$util.$h.Add(that.shippingType, 1),
store_id: (that.system_store && this.deliveryType != 1) ? that.system_store.id : 0
getCouponsOrderPrice(this.totalPrice, data).then(res => {
res.data.map(item => {
this.$set(item, 'ruleshow', false);
that.$set(that.coupon, 'list', res.data);
that.openType = 1;
* 获取默认收货地址或者获取某条地址信息
getaddressInfo: function() {
let that = this;
if (that.addressId) {
getAddressDetail(that.addressId).then(res => {
res.data.is_default = parseInt(res.data.is_default);
that.addressInfo = res.data || {};
that.addressId = res.data.id || 0;
that.address.addressId = res.data.id || 0;
} else {
getAddressDefault().then(res => {
res.data.is_default = parseInt(res.data.is_default);
that.addressInfo = res.data || {};
that.addressId = res.data.id || 0;
that.address.addressId = res.data.id || 0;
showMaoLocation(e) {
let self = this;
// #ifdef H5
if (self.$wechat.isWeixin()) {
latitude: Number(e.latitude),
longitude: Number(e.longitude),
name: e.name,
scale: 13,
address: `${e.address}-${e.detailed_address}`,
}).then(res => {})
} else {
// #endif
latitude: Number(e.latitude),
longitude: Number(e.longitude),
name: e.name,
address: `${e.address}-${e.detailed_address}`,
success: function() {
// #ifdef H5
// #endif
couponTap: function() {
this.coupon.coupon = true;
this.coupon.list.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item.id == this.couponId) {
item.is_use = 1
} else {
item.is_use = 0
this.$set(this.coupon, 'list', this.coupon.list);
car: function() {
let that = this;
that.animated = false;
onAddress: function(name) {
let that = this;
if (name) {
that.textareaStatus = false;
that.address.address = true;
that.pagesUrl = '/pages/users/user_address_list/index?news=' + this.news + '&cartId=' + this
.cartId +
'&pinkId=' +
this.pinkId +
'&couponId=' +
this.couponId +
'&store_id=' +
'&huiyuanka=' +
this.huiyuanka +
'&huiyuankajiage=' +
'&huiyuanzhekou=' +
'&vipmoney=' +
'&vipprice=' +
'&member_type=' +
// this.huiyuanka=options.huiyuanka
// this.huiyuankajiage=options.huiyuankajiage
// this.huiyuanzhekou=options.huiyuanzhekou
// this.vipmoney=options.vipmoney
// this.vipprice=options.vipprice
} else {
url: '/pages/users/user_address/index?new=' + this.news + '&cartId=' + this.cartId +
'&pinkId=' +
this.pinkId + '&couponId=' + this.couponId + '&store_id=' + this.storeId+'&huiyuanka=' +
this.huiyuanka +
'&huiyuankajiage=' +
'&huiyuanzhekou=' +
'&vipmoney=' +
'&vipprice=' +
'&member_type=' +
payment: function(data) {
let that = this;
orderCreate(that.orderKey, data).then(res => {
url: `/pages/goods/cashier/index?order_id=${res.data.result.order_id}&from_type=order`
var libaoid = res.data.result.order_id;
}).catch(err => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
clickTextArea() {
bindDateChange: function(e, index) {
this.confirm[index].value = e.target.value
bindTimeChange: function(e, index) {
this.confirm[index].value = e.target.value
bindSelectChange: function(e, index, item) {
this.confirm[index].value = item.wordsConfig.list[e.detail.value].val
getTimeranges(index) {
this.isShow = true
this.timerangesIndex = index
confrim(e) {
this.isShow = false;
this.confirm[this.timerangesIndex].value = e.time;
let arrayNew = [];
e.val.forEach(item => {
this.timeranges = arrayNew;
cancels() {
this.isShow = false;
// 单选
radioChange(e, index, item) {
this.confirm[index].value = item.wordsConfig.list[e.detail.value].val
// 多选
checkboxChange(e, index, item) {
let obj = e.detail.value;
let val = '';
item.wordsConfig.list.forEach((j, jindex) => {
obj.forEach(x => {
if (jindex == x) {
val = val + (val ? ',' : '') + j.val;
this.confirm[index].value = val
formVerify() {
let that = this;
if (that.tableId) {
return this.SubOrder();
if (!that.addressId && !that.shippingType && !that.product_type) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请选择收货地址'
if (that.shippingType == 1) {
if (that.contacts == "" || that.contactsTel == "") {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写联系人或联系人电话'
if (!/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9|6)\d{9}$/.test(that.contactsTel)) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写正确的手机号'
if (!/^[\u4e00-\u9fa5\w]{2,16}$/.test(that.contacts)) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写您的真实姓名'
if (that.storeList.length == 0) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '暂无门店,请选择其他方式'
for (var i = 0; i < that.confirm.length; i++) {
let data = that.confirm[i]
if (['radios'].indexOf(data.name) == -1 && (data.titleShow.val || (['uploadPicture', 'dateranges']
.indexOf(data.name) == -1 && data.value && data.value.trim()))) {
if ((data.name === 'texts' && data.valConfig.tabVal == 0) || ['dates', 'times', 'selects', 'citys',
].indexOf(data.name) != -1) {
if (!data.value || (data.value && !data.value.trim())) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: `请填写${data.titleConfig.value}`
if (data.name === 'timeranges') {
if (!data.value) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: `请选择${data.titleConfig.value}`
if (data.name === 'dateranges') {
if (!data.value.length) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: `请选择${data.titleConfig.value}`
if (data.name === 'texts' && data.valConfig.tabVal == 4) {
if (data.value <= 0) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: `请填写大于0的${data.titleConfig.value}`
if (data.name === 'texts' && data.valConfig.tabVal == 3) {
if (!/^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/.test(data.value)) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: `请填写正确的${data.titleConfig.value}`
if (data.name === 'texts' && data.valConfig.tabVal == 1) {
if (!/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9|6)\d{9}$/i.test(data.value)) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: `请填写正确的${data.titleConfig.value}`
if (data.name === 'texts' && data.valConfig.tabVal == 2) {
if (!
.test(data.value)) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: `请填写正确的${data.titleConfig.value}`
if (data.name === 'uploadPicture') {
if (!data.value.length) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: `请上传${data.titleConfig.value}`
if (this.type == 4 && this.totalIntegral > this.userInfo.integral) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '您的积分不足以抵扣本单积分金额'
SubOrder: function(e) {
let that = this,
data = {};
data = {
collate_code_id: that.collage_id || that.tableId,
custom_form: that.confirm,
real_name: that.contacts,
phone: that.contactsTel,
addressId: that.addressId,
formId: '',
couponId: that.priceGroup.couponPrice == 0 ? 0 : that.couponId,
payType: that.payType,
useIntegral: that.useIntegral,
bargainId: that.BargainId,
combinationId: that.combinationId,
discountId: that.discountId,
pinkId: that.pinkId,
seckill_id: that.seckillId,
mark: that.mark,
store_id: that.deliveryType == 1 ? 0 : that.system_store.id || 0,
'from': that.from,
shipping_type: that.tableId ? 4 : that.$util.$h.Add(that.shippingType, 1), // 桌码订单为:4
'new': that.news,
'invoice_id': that.invChecked,
// #ifdef H5
quitUrl: location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname +
'/pages/goods/order_pay_status/index?' +
'&type=3' + '&totalPrice=' + this.totalPrice
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
quitUrl: '/pages/goods/order_details/index'
// #endif
title: '订单支付中'
// #ifdef MP
openPaySubscribe().then(() => {
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
// #endif
// 去详情页
goDetail(id) {
url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${id}`
addCart(type, item) {
if (type == 1) {
if (item.productInfo.stock == item.cart_num) return this.$util.Tips({
title: '该产品没有更多库存了!'
} else {
if (item.cart_num == 1) return
let data = {
cartNum: item.cart_num,
new: this.news,
uniqueId: item.product_attr_unique,
productId: item.productInfo.id,
key: this.news ? item.id : '',
is_set: 1
postCartAdd(data).then(res => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
}).catch(err => {
return this.$util.Tips({
title: err
setValue: Debounce(function(e, item) {
let num = e.detail.value;
if (item.productInfo.limit_num > 0 && num > item.productInfo.limit_num) {
item.cart_num = item.productInfo.limit_num;
return this.$util.Tips({
title: '购物车数量不能大于限购数量'
let data = {
cartNum: num,
new: this.news,
uniqueId: item.product_attr_unique,
productId: item.productInfo.id,
key: this.news ? this.cartId : '',
is_set: 1
postCartAdd(data).then(res => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
}).catch(err => {
return this.$util.Tips({
title: err
goPage(type, url) {
if (type == 1) {
} else if (type == 2) {
} else if (type == 3) {
closeDrawer() {
this.showGiftDrawer = false;
hideModal() {
this.isAddress = false;
handleClick(e) {
let index = e.index;
if (index == 1) {
url: '/pages/users/user_address/index?id=' + this.id + '&new=' + this.news + '&cartId=' +
this.cartId + '&pinkId=' + this.pinkId + '&couponId=' + this.couponId
this.isAddress = false;
clearInput(type) {
if (type == 0) {
this.contacts = '';
this.contactsFocus = true;
} else {
this.contactsTel = '';
this.telFocus = true;
getCodeData() {
tableId: this.tableId
}).then(res => {
this.codeData = res.data;
getCollagePartake() {
collage_id: this.collage_id
}).then(res => {
this.goodsList = res.data;
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