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298 lines
6.6 KiB
298 lines
6.6 KiB
6 months ago
export default {
inject: ['intoPage', 'tapQrCode', 'goMenuPage', 'goEdit', 'bindPhone'],
props: {
userInfo: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
property: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
// perShowType 0 手机号 1 ID
perShowType: {
type: Number,
default: 0
<view class="">
<view class="acea-row row-middle user-wrapper">
<!-- 头像 -->
<image class="avatar" :src="userInfo.avatar" @click="goEdit"></image>
<view class="name-wrap">
<view class="name">{{ userInfo.nickname }}</view>
<view class="bind-phone" v-if="!" @tap="bindPhone">绑定手机号</view>
<view class="phone" v-else>{{ perShowType ? 'ID:' + userInfo.uid : }}</view>
<text class="iconfont icon-a-ic_QRcode fs-40" @click="tapQrCode"><text class="tips">会员码</text></text>
<text class="iconfont icon-a-ic_setup1 fs-40 mx-34" @click="intoPage('/pages/users/user_set/index')"></text>
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_message3 fs-40" @click="intoPage('/pages/users/message_center/index')">
<uni-badge v-if="userInfo.service_num" absolute="rightTop" :custom-style="{background: 'var(--view-theme)',top:'-56rpx'}" :text="userInfo.service_num"></uni-badge>
<view class="acea-row row-between promotion-wrapper">
<view class="acea-row row-middle" v-for="(item, index) in property" @click="goMenuPage(item.url)" :key="index">
<text>{{ item.label }}</text>
<text class="value num-fa-semi">{{ item.value }}</text>
<!-- 会员 -->
<view class="member-wrapper" v-if="" @click="intoPage(userInfo.level_status == 1 ? '/pages/users/user_vip/index' : '/pages/annex/vip_grade_active/index')">
<view class="card">
<view class="acea-row row-middle top">
<view class="name-wrap">
<view class="name">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_crown fs-31"></text>
{{ userInfo.vip_name }}
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<text class="number num-fa-semi">{{ userInfo.vip_discount }}</text>
<view class="icon-wrap">
<view class="icon">
<text class="iconfont icon-a-ic_discount1 fs-20"></text>
<view class="icon-wrap">
<view class="icon">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_badge fs-20"></text>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow fs-24 ml-20"></text>
<view class="acea-row row-middle row-between bottom">
<view class="acea-row">
<view class="icon-list">
<image class="img" src="@/static/images/vip-icon-row.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="text">掌握更多快速升级技巧</view>
<view class="button">去获取</view>
<!-- 公告模块 -->
<!-- <view class="acea-row row-middle grow">
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_horn1 fs-28"></view>
<view class="text">查看会员成长值,获得更优惠购物折扣~</view>
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow fs-24"></view>
</view> -->
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